MICHAEL CRISTIAM NEBADON – [email protected]t
CAROL SIPPER – [email protected]
(For information about Cristiam and Carol see the Introduction to our Geometry of Balance book listed under Published Books in the Navigation Bar).
ELLEN RENNELL - 310-890-0534 - [email protected]
I have a background in Dance and Healing modalities, and have been studying and teaching Unity in Motion for 35 years. The idea of Freedom of Movement captured my soul and I continue to this day to learn and teach, growing all the time with a new expansion of understanding of what is possible. Unity in Motion is so valuable for redefining how to move without holding, and how to expand Consciousness so we can function as Whole Persons, connecting the Body, Heart and Mind as one. It is the true exploration and connection to the Cosmic Self.
We Are the Light of the World
We Are Fields of Energy, Light and Love. Modern physics says every being on this planet is an Energy Field. We are made up of atomic particles that communicate between each other through this energetic field, and at the very core of the essence of this field is Light. To say we are Light Beings is not a cliche it is who we actually are!
Unity in Motion explores and connects each being to this essence of Light.
We have an idea of the Three Senses of Self being the Whole Mind - Consciousness, Boundless Feeling or Love, and our Physical Reality our beautiful Physical Form!
Unity in Motion allows us to experience and explore these connections. To release old patterns of movement and thinking, that may have caused pain or confusion, and to bring the Whole Person into Balance with this Light that we Are!
We are indeed The Light of the World!
I teach an person class - Tuesdays 9:30 - 10:30am and Saturdays 10:00 - 11:00am - in West LA/Mar Vista area please contact me for location.
This is an All Level Class focusing on guidance for New and Advancing Student in Basic Form and Consciousness Connection through Unity in Motion Movements.
I also teach Private or Semi-Private classes in person, or on Zoom. Contact me for details.
Please also check out my website -
NANCY MCGOWAN [email protected] - 412-431-4740
When Unity in Motion came into my life all of the unanswered puzzles of life came together gradually into greater and greater fulfillment. I knew that I had come home! Early in the practice I began to feel and be a lot better. I have found a strength of Self and purpose with happiness and love and the experience that fulfillment can be a constant way of life. It seems as though the human race is searching for this constancy in their lives and Unity in Motion answers this.
For over 15 years I have taught the Movements and the Principles of Balance, the reality of Unity that releases old patterns of pain and separation and frees us to live in the creative energy of the moment. I conduct movement in classes and private sessions, have conducted seminars in Lillydale, N.Y and in Pittsburgh. I love being a teacher of Unity In Motion.
MARY PAT MENGATO [email protected] - 412-731-3480
When I first heard Cristiam speak in 1993, I recognized that Unity in Motion offered a new paradigm for moving in and embodying a universal design of wholeness. A clear Yes! from my body started me on what I consider to be a lifetime study and practice. After about 10 years I began teaching classes and continued incorporating the principles in my private practice doing body/energy work with clients. My former background in dance, movement, and healing arts has been enriched, clarified, and expanded by the information and practice of the form.
I am still fascinated with and excited about the infinite levels of awareness, refinement, and joy that Unity in Motion brings to my work with others and to my whole life.
Currently, I teach Unity in Motion classes and private lessons in the Pittsburgh area, and am open to being a traveling teacher.
JANET SELTMAN [email protected] Website:
I embrace movement and change as essential joys of living. In my private practice of over 30 years, I teach expansion and empowerment through many modalities, including Unity In Motion, flower essences, Alexander Technique, meditation and energy work. I believe that Unity In Motion is one of the most transformative studies available to us, since it engages and supports wholeness--physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, and moves us into a co-creative relationship with Nature. I produce a line of flower essences, The New Consciousness Essences, which enhance the transformations that Unity in Motion teaches.