Celebrating The Practice of Unity In Motion
Following is a series of Zoom Meetings dedicated to the practice of the First Section of the Unity In Motion Movements.
The Practice of Unity In Motion
Our Natural Connection to the Fountain of Life
(The Coronal Plane)
The Form and Shape that the Movements describe in space is our natural expression of the Matrix of Balance and our constant experience of unity existing within the whole field of energy that is The Fountain of Life.
We are unveiling many subtleties within the Path of Balance that connects all Connections into one fluid continual movement.
If you have time, spend a few minutes checking the 10 Waves and their names and also The Ten Principles that bring us to more and more clearly understanding of the Divine Nature of each of the Ten Dimensions.
Remember that in our last Zoom we started to clarify "The Coronal Plane" which is the Shape and Form that the movements describe in space .
We have The Connections, we have The Path of Balance that ( AS WAVES ) connect all Connections, and we have the Form that the movements describe in space - That which we call The Coronal Plane.
In order not to become confused remember that — Within the Anatomical Planes — the Coronal Plane assists us to connect in relation to what is front and and back. The Medial Plane assists us to connect the right and left sides of the body as they are constantly centralized in The Heart. And the Mid-Line helps us to connect to what is above and what is below.
Together — these six directions of space allow us to experience The Center of Space - The Center of three dimensions and the Center of the Sphere of Life as these three terms are one and the same.
It is important that we recognize that The Coronal Plane - in its unity with the six directions of Space — is ALSO WHAT WE CALL — the shape and form that the movements describe in space. We decided to call the Form and Shape of the Movements "The Coronal Plane” because this plane unites ( synchronizes) us with Foundation/Paradise and Crown.
It is important to realize that, as we become more and more clear and accurate with The Path of Balance made of WAVES describing the shape and form of the movement in space there is a moment within our Practice that each of us realize that Crown - and the Form of the Corona Plane becomes experienced as being the instant frame of Whole Renewal that is The Fountain of Life.
Once this is personally discovered - there is great rejoicing - because we then clearly understand why we decided to call the form and shape of The Path of Balance "The Coronal Plane”. The Coronal Plane, as it unites the six directions of space at once, also represents CROWN — the moment of renewal that is UNIVERSAL CREATION and the PHYSICAL moment of ETERNAL BECOMING that is our communion with Life. — that which we Call Unity in Motion.
In the Zoom Meeting of March 14, 2022 We clarified the Connection of Horizon and the Path of Balance - Above the Crown— that takes us to the Sphere of Heaven.
We also talked about what we will call “ The Three References” within the practice of the Movements.
1. THE CONNECTIONS …..which are three-dimensional definitions of balance actualized at a specific center within the seven centers.
2. THE PATH OF BALANCE that in the form of WAVES unites all connections into one fluid continual motion — Unity In Motion.
3. THE FORM AND SHAPE that the movements describe in space - THE CORONAL PLANE.
We said that the Coronal Plane is one of the planes existing within the Anatomical Planes expressing the balance polarities existing within the three-dimensional centering of the whole body.
Remember that within The Anatomical Planes we talk about —The Coronal Plane — expressing the Balance of Front and Back
The Median Plane expressing the Balance of Right and Left and the natural symmetry within the body. The Mid Line expressing the balance between Above and Below.
The Mid Line is the center of the physical formation of the body - The center of Three Dimensions made of the Seven Centers - the central formation of The Tree of Life.
Remember that the unity between all of these three planes, Above and Below, Right and Left and Front and Back expresses our synchronized unity of Expansion in all directions of Space.
Remember that ….in clarifying our experience of being centralized in three-dimensional space ...is our union with the Sphere of Life and our direct experience of The Fountain of Life.
Please remember that within the whole formation of The Tree of Life — which is the center of The Matrix of Balance — there are also The Three Horizontals, The Diagonals, and The Reciprocals.
Notice that the union between The Reciprocals is the balance relationship between — the three segments of the arms …..hands, lower arms and upper arms centralized at the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints — with the relationship to the three segments of the legs ….feet, lower legs and upper legs centralized at the ankle, knee and hip joints .
Notice that this balanced relationship between “ The Reciprocals “ and The Diagonals expresses the union between Symmetry and Asymmetry within the three-dimensional formation of the body.
In our last Zoom, we talked about how the Connections and The Path of Balance - made up of Waves uniting all Connections into one fluid expression of movement becomes completed through the form and shape that the movement describe in three-dimensional space - The Coronal Plane.
We said that we decided to call the form and shape of the Movements - The Coronal Plane — because ( as a term ) it was descriptive of the continual existence of CROWN in the
Formation of all of the Movements within the Practice. Remember that CROWN (as the reality of our constant communion with The Sphere of Life ) is the Celebration of The Fountain of Life.
The Fountain of Life is the miracle that expresses The WHOLE FIELD of energy that is constantly showering us with Light. This is The Light of The World illuminating and actualizing the whole of Creation as Universal Balance by the Natural Moment of Life.
As The Unity In Motion that is Universal Balance the natural moment of Life is The Eternal Moment — blessing us with The Eternal Becoming of Life.
Remember that we talked about how….. The Coronal Plane — even though it is one of the planes existing within the six directions of space — is also THE PLANE that is constantly unifying …..through out all of the movements…... all of the six directions at once. Therefore, EVERY FRAME within the form that the movements describe in space is the unity of these six directions and it is the unity of these six directions that is our communion with the Sphere of Life.
Remember that our communion with The Sphere of Life is our understanding and experience of the Tenth Principle of Unity In Motion - GRAVITATIONAL EXPANSION.
The Sphere of Life is the Physical phenomenon that is Three Dimensions - the Unity of three spheres reunited as One.
1. The Sphere that is the Center of Gravity embracing and centralizing us towards the center of our Mother Planet - The planet Earth.
2. The Sphere that — utilizing the converging center within the Field of Gravity — allows us to expand in all directions of Space. And ……..
3. the sphere that is our SELF - our actual personal HUMAN OCCUPATION of the MOMENT OF LIFE - engaging us with the whole movement that is The Fountain of Life.
Remember that….. as we unify through the practice …..all of the six directions of space that centralizes us with the Sphere of Life we are Unifying our natural sense of Unity between our three senses of Self.
1. The sense that is the physical balance of weight within our body - The definition of each of The Connections of Unity in Motion.2. The sense that is THE ENERGY and FEELING ….that are The Waves ……. unites all Connections into one fluid Path of Balance.3. And the mental, expansional relationship with all directions of space - THE CORONAL PLANE - expressing our communion with three-dimensions - The Sphere of Life —
and our natural engagement with The Fountain of Life.
The Unity of these three senses is the natural integration of our HUMAN SELF becoming embraced actualized and directed by the Fountain of Life.
Zoom meeting of April 4, 2022:In this meeting we clarified the center of The Solar Plexus which is THE CENTER within the whole of the Spinal Column.We realized that the natural elongation of the whole spine …..as it is expressed by our definition of 0 Point Balance ….. allows us to realize the natural elongation of all of Vertebrae as they are naturally extended through out their three main curvatures.
The lumbar vertebrae of the lower back, the thoracic vertebrae extending through the second curvature expanding the chest as it is centralized by THE HEART and the cervical vertebrae extending through the neck revealing the center of the throat and liberating the natural vertical extension of Crown.
We clarified how the angles in which the arms move in space…. become through the practice …..synchronized with the moving release of each and all of the vertebrae within the spinal column.
This state of synchronicity occurring within the angles of the arms and the vertebrae of the spine occurs throughout all of the Movements.
This state of Unity In Motion occurs….. for example in the Inner Outer-Mandala …. in which we unfold from the Connection of Foundation through all of THE SEVEN CENTERS until we get through the Path of Infinity’s Gate to the Connection of Infinity….from which we descend through the Outer Mandala through the Path of Riding the Wave to The Connection of Expansion …
The Connection of Expansion where Navigation takes us to the Connection of Mandala Crown where the Path of Encircling Earth takes us to the INSTANT that is the definition of the Sphere of Earth. were the Inflowing Wave takes us to the Moving Connection of Suspended Wave connecting us to the Descending Ascending wave that takes us to Foundation where (if we complete the Movement ) Foundation takes us through the Outflowing Wave to Crown.
I am writing the narration of this movement within the practice to encourage you to see that The Path of Balance ….that unites all Connections into one ONE constant fluid movement is the natural state of synchronicity that comes into being as the angles in which the arms are moving in space corresponds with each of moving vertebra
within the whole of the spinal column. AND……..
The natural state of synchronicity that comes into being as the angles in which the arms are moving in space expresses the release activation of each of the vertebra is a direct reflection of the unity of the SEVEN CENTERS.
Through the narration of this movement …Inner/Outer Mandala ...we ascend from Foundation through the SEVEN CENTERS to the Connection of Infinity ( completing the Inner Mandala) ... and we descend through THE SEVEN CENTERS bringing the Outer mandala to completion in Mandala Crown ….where we Encircle Earth and define THE SPHERE of Earth that takes us to the Inflowing Wave to our vertical extension of Suspended Wave that connects us — through the Descending/Ascending Wave — to the Connection of Foundation were we usually complete the movement in the vertical extension of Crown.
In the completion of this movement …..Inner /Outer Mandala, as The Path of Balance of the arms takes us — in four counts — from Foundation to Crown we also ascend through the SEVEN CENTERS to the Vertical Definition of CROWN.
Through the Practice of all of the Movements of Unity In Motion we are learning to co-ordinate the angles in which the arms and legs move in space with the corresponding vertebrae traveling through the united relationship of the SEVEN CENTERS…. and ….we are always either ……ASCENDING or DESCENDING …..through out all THE SEVEN CENTERS in all of the Movements.
Because through the coordination of arms and legs with the vertebrae of the Spinal Column we are always moving through the SEVEN CENTERS. as THE SEVEN CENTERS allow us to understand, feel and experience the relationship of the three main curvatures existing within the three-dimensional extension of the whole spinal column.
That is …even though the descending and ascending movement of the Inner Outer Mandala ACTIVATES a specific center within the SEVEN CENTERS …ALL OF THE SEVEN CENTERS are always OPEN and united as ONE whole SYSTEM OF UNITY expressing THE CENTER OF TREE-DIMENSIONAL SPACE.
Therefore, in the initiation of the Inner Mandala for example we are activating Foundation ( pelvis and pelvic floor ) ….The Delicate Heart --which is the Solar Plexus – and the point of connection of the arms in space that allows us to ascend through the thoracic vertebrae through the path of Infinity’s Gate all the way to the Outer Arc of Infinity.
REMEMBER that INFINITY defines - by the relationship of the whole body IN SPACE — the full activation of The Solar Plexus.
1…... by the synchronicity of arms and spine activating the unity of the SEVEN CENTERS in a constant fluid state of UNITY. Or…...
2. ,,,,,by the constant, natural integration of the SEVEN CENTERS activating the natural release of each curve and vertebrae within the whole of the spine always taking us to the highest extension of Crown through the Outer Arc …..or to the lower definition of Foundation through the Inner Arc.
Because the constant unified relationship that is the opening of the SEVEN CENTERS expresses the unification of our Mental, Emotional and Physical experience of Balance.
That is….. The Mind is always PRESENT in its experience of three dimensions which is our centralized relationship to THREE-DIMENSIONAL SPACE.
The Energy or feeling ….that is our sense of SELF…. is always connected WITH the natural fluidity that we call LIFE…. And
The Physical Nature of the Body experiences the pleasurable release that is our natural engagement with the Ecstasy of Life.
QUESTION…... What is it that keeps the SEVEN CENTERS always centralized by the Sphere of Life – Three Dimensions ?
ANSWER …...what keeps THE SEVEN CENTERS always OPEN — centralized by The Sphere of Life….. either in the Vertical Extension, in the Outer Arc or in the Inner Arc is the whole relationship of forces and directions that we call THE MATRIX OF BALANCE. ..AND…..
Notice that THE MATRIX OF BALANCE and the SEVEN CENTERS are inseparable as THE MATRIX OF BALANCE and its center….. THE TREE DF LIFE …..centralized as THE SEVEN CENTERS is our natural relationship to THREE-DIMENSIONAL SPACE.
THE SEVEN CENTERS within The MATRIX OF BALANCE - existing within THE TREE OF LIFE is the natural centralization that interconnects us to THE SPHERE OF LIFE and engages us with the DIVINE GIFT that is THE FOUNTAIN OF LIFE.
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Zoom Meeting of April 25, 2022:
This session began with a statement that is SIMPLE in its bio-mechanical expression of the balance of the body but also FANTASTIC, as its understanding can apply to all aspects of consciousness within the experience of our human lives.
“The way that we place ourselves in space determines our experience of how we feel. This is the physical phenomenon that is Three Dimensions."
1. Our union of The Field of Gravity.
2. The Expansional Nature of Life which is our communion with Infinite Space and
3. The Natural Moment that is Physical Reality from which we all experience …. The Magical Nature of Life.
We defined……..
Gravity as being LOVE
Expansion as being LIFE and
The Moment as being THE PHYSICAL REALITY in which we all are THE LIVING EXPERIENCE of our human lives.
In our last Zoom we spent time clarifying the nature of RELEASE…..The nature of PLACEMENT ……our communion with “ THE FIELD " and the nature
and meaning of THE CENTER OF SPACE.
We also spent time in the understanding of the six directions of space as they come into being through the actual placement of the physical formation of our human bodies defining the 19 Connections of Unity in Motion and The Path of Balance that unites all Connections into ONE seamless Motion......
ONE SEAMLESS MOTION constantly centralized by the six directions of space expressing our communion with The Sphere of Life and our natural engagement with The Fountain of Life.Graphics for Zoom Meeting of Monday, April 25, 2022:
The Connection of Crown
The Centralization of the Seven Centers
The Centralization of the Head
The Connection of Expansion
Centralized at the Heart
The Connection of Suspended Diamond
The Centralization of the Throat
The Connection of Central Heart
The Centralization of Self and the Center of Space
Zoom Meeting of May 16, 2022:
Refining the First Section
Zoom Meeting July 11, 2022:
Continued Refinement of The Fountain of Life and Zero Point.
Taking away all sense of holding -
revealing the complete naturalness of 0 Point and
true three-dimensional movement.
Zoom Meeting of September 12, 2022:
The Shell Theory of Physics
The Fountain of Life
The Three Releases