"The Celebration of the Form of Life expressing
Physical Reality as the Ecstasy of Life"
Without light, there will be no sight.
Without form we will not see light.
We see only the reflection of light
upon the form and movement of life.
These last Three Dimensions have been divided into three separate posts - this current one -
The Eighth Dimension - Whole Nature
followed by
Zoom Talk 17:
Infinite Regeneration and
Zoom Talk 18:
Our Human Mother
Our Universal Mother
The Mother of all Form
The Flower of Life
Today I am very exited because we are detailing the last of the Three Dimensions – Whole Nature, Infinite Re-generation and Foundation/Paradise.
The unity of these last Three Dimensions is of extraordinary importance because most of the time we have been talking about them linearly and sequentially. As I have said before, even though they are individual in their essence, they are also holistic in their relationship to each other.
This is so because, everyone of the Dimensions self-contains within their individual presence the whole meaning existing within the other nine. That is, the entire understanding of each Dimension comes from the totality of the Ten – as it is the totality of The Ten – that reveals the whole individual function, meaning and depth of each Dimension.
Now we get to go deeply within each of these last three Dimensions which in their synergy expressing Physical Reality – The Ecstasy of Life – and in their individuality and triune essence allowing us to see and understand their existence and function inside the Ten Dimensions expressing the depth of the New Field of Consciousness that is the Unity of Life.
And this is what this New Field of Consciousness that we are all coming into presence with is about – allowing us to appreciate it – as we become more and more cognitive of its blessing opening within our senses a new, and extraordinary field of awareness – a Divine Paradigm – through which we see, understand, and experience, a completely New World becoming present in front of our very eyes.
This New World brings a whole new fountain of information unfolding within our human minds revealing many new forms of perceptions, ideas, feelings, understandings, and knowledge, that gives us the recognition of being once again in the presence of the Garden.
Remember that I have said to you that through the ancient memory of the Garden of Eden existing within the very core of our human lives we understood, felt, and experienced, everything that was the essence of the Garden even though we did not have a mind yet.
And, the entire voyage that we entered as we left the Garden was based in our necessity to develop – through the fruit of our labor – a mind that was to take us through thousands and thousands of years of development inside of what we had called our Human Evolutionary Consciousness, in order for us to “return in time ” to the fulfillment of that essential memory of the Garden forever existing – forever safe-guarded within our human souls.
And we use the word Fulfillment because, as we return to the Garden and to the original imprint of wholeness existing within our human hearts, we recognize that the Garden is the same and yet different.
It is different because now, through the development of our human mind, we can consciously understand, feel, and experience, all the attributes, all the gifts, and all the divine sensations, existing within our very essence that have become present now as The New Consciousness of Life expressing as Physical Reality – the reality of the Garden celebrating our return home.
So we are now finally in the full comprehension of the Garden, but also present with the full comprehension of ourselves inside of the Garden. We have completed The Circle of Life.
This is what is so important about the unity of the last Three Dimensions existing within the Ten Dimensions of Life, because they represent – in their triune unity ( inside of the whole scenario of consciousness ) the physical nature of our world returning us to our human sense of fulfillment as we are celebrating our return to the Garden.
Remember that, within the fulfillment of our Three Senses of Self, existing within the Ten Dimensions of Life, the first sense is – Whole Awareness – The Whole Mind of Life – encompassing the Dimensions of Crown, Consciousness and Unity. These express the nature of Three Dimensions, where the mind exists inside of the realms of Unity.
The second sense within our Sense of Self is Love – the energy – that is the Boundless Feeling of Life. Love, which throughout our evolutionary voyage of time has been considered to be the most precious commodity in the entire world – as “Love is all there is“ – and Love being the thing that we always yearned for.
So Love has been the emotional content and context through which our human Sense of Self searched through our evolutionary voyage in order to fulfill the original imprint of wholeness forever existing within the original memory of the Garden of Life.
And now, our conscious return to the Garden of Life, is the natural fulfillment of our Third Sense of Self – Physical Reality – The Ecstasy of Life – reuniting the two preceding trinities – Whole Awareness and Love into our natural communion with Three Dimensions centralized within the natural moment of our human lives.
Therefore, through this Third Sense of Self – Physical Reality – reuniting the three trinities and all of The Ten Dimension as One, our return to The Garden is our return to the Natural Moment of Life
The Natural Moment of Life that not only interconnects us with the whole of Physical Reality, but also with the whole movement of Wholeness Within Wholeness that is Universal Life.
This is the reason that these last Three Dimensions, reuniting the Ten Dimensions as the Unity of One is called Physical Reality or The Ecstasy of Life because, through out our engagement with the Field of Wholeness Within Wholeness – expressing The New Consciousness of Life – we have re-connected with the moment that encompasses The Universe expressing the union of Whole Nature, Infinite Regeneration, and Foundation/Paradise.
Through this triune expression of unity, our humanity, engaged now through Physical Reality with The Ecstasy of Life, experiences ecstasy as being our natural physical, emotional, and mental integration within our sense of Self engaged in the whole movement; that is The Universe.
And, through this – our communion with the whole movement that is The Universe actualized within the natural moment of life - Ecstasy - is now our natural human sensation of Life, as we are partaking of the Whole Field of Movement that is Universal Balance renewing Creation as The New Consciousness of Life.
Through the New Consciousness – as we are consciously returning to The Garden – our minds are gradually transforming into a new way of seeing, feeling, and experiencing The New World, whose foundation is - The Divine Paradigm.
And as we became more and more present with this new world, as we see it, as we feel it, and as we are experiencing it, we also recognize that we are creating it. That is, we are creating our human experience, and the world that we are living in, at the same time that we are partaking of the Field of Wholeness within Wholeness that is Creation itself.
So we are in Creation! We are creating the New World, and we are receiving ourselves anew.
Receiving ourselves anew may not be the right words to express this fantastic occurrence because it is more like we are experiencing ourselves anew, because our essential nature is now simultaneous with the natural moment of Creation that is The New World!
The New World celebrates Physical Reality – the last of The Three Dimensions within The Ten Dimensions of Life – Whole Nature, Infinite Regeneration, and Foundation Paradise, as these three – in their oneness – brought our human nature to experience Synchronicity, this being our physical communion with Life itself.
And through our physical communion with Life itself, we are in the presence that is “the all together now” that we call Whole Nature, blessing us with the experience of our natural state of being.
Remember that when we delved deeply in our zoom session into the Seventh Dimension – The Dimension of Self – I said to you that The Self within each of us is now experiencing – for the first time – our Natural State of Being.
So what is this Natural State of Being within our sense of Self, the essential nature within each of us – from which we experience our Natural State of Being?
Our Natural State of Being is our human experience of being one with nature.
So today, as we celebrate Physical Reality, let’s go gently and gradually into the meaning of our Natural State of Being – our being one with nature.
When we are One with our natural state we are One with Nature, and when we are One with Nature we are One with our Natural State. This is the natural completion of The Circle of Life through the word nature and the word self, are united by the natural moment within our human lives.
So as we now delve deeply into the last Three Dimensions, it is important to keep reminding you that even though Whole Nature is one of these Three Dimensions along with Infinite Regeneration and Foundation/Paradise, the three are inseparable as they – as One – are the celebration of the Physical Form of Life, expressing Physical Reality as The Ecstasy of Life.
These last Three Dimensions are the celebration of the Form of Life because the physical formation that is our human body and the whole nature that surrounds us is made up of form, and form expresses Physical Reality as Physical Reality really is, and always has been, the Natural Oneness that we call “Physical Reality.”
Throughout the history of our evolutionary consciousness, unfolding within the realms of duality, we innocently created a partition between what we considered to be physical – as made up of matter or form. What we considered to be emotional – as made up of feeling. And what we considered to be mental – meaning, existing within the intellectual, conceptual field of consciousness.
And, inside of these three partitions what we considered to be physical reality was thought to be distressful, because it involved the extraordinary voyage that has been our human evolutionary search for meaning in a world that was centralized in a constant survivalist mode of experience. In order to alleviate this – our constant experience of stress existing with what we called our physical world – we brought into existence the many, forms of spiritual, religious, and philosophical interpretations that helped us to cope with stress and uncertainty - through the idea of Hope.
Hope, a form of optimism, that then developed into faith, and culminating in a form of inner knowing, that said that eventually everything will be okay and our human spirit will eventually bring us home.
This is the hope, the longing, and the faith in the human spirit, that brought us to the instant of our evolutionary transposition of consciousness in which we merged in communion with the New Field of Awareness that transformed our evolutionary interpretation of Physical Reality into the actual Infinite Re-generation that is our natural engagement with The Whole Nature of Life.
Physical Reality, the inseparable unity existing within the last Three Dimensions of Life – Whole Nature, Infinite Re-generation and Foundation Paradise – is the reality that always has been, and always will be, because it represents the totality that is The Universe forever unfolding as Creation as it expands into infinity.
This is the field of Wholeness Within Wholeness that became present within our evolutionary experience as we humans – for the first time – became present with Creation through the natural physical moment of our human lives.
Again, we use the word “natural” because for the first time our human experience – forever searching to understand the meaning of life – merged with the totality of its nature – revealing our Natural State of Being to be our natural communion with the Wholeness of Life.
Therefore, Physical Reality, which in our evolutionary past was the mystery of our three-dimensional formation as humans beings – living in a three-dimensional world – became for the first time known to be ……..
A Whole Field of Consciousness uniting our humanity, The Universe and the natural formation that is The Whole Nature of Life into ONE – the natural physical moment of Life.
The oneness expressed by the union between these Three Dimensions as Physical Reality revealing Three-dimensions to be….. the fulfillment of the Whole Nature of Life as the celebrations of Four Mothers.
Our Physical Reality, The Form of The Whole Nature that encompasses all things as one…. are four different formations/expressions of Mother.
- Our Human Mother – the divine mother that brought each of us to life.
- Our celestial Mother, our planet Earth – housing our immediate Garden of Life.
- Our Universal Mother – the Essence that houses the intelligence that is the Universe. And ……..
- The Mother of all Form – The Flower of Life.
The Celebration of these four forms of Mother is The Mother Principle of Life and the celebration of Physical Reality –The Physical Reality that encompasses all things and is now our human experience of The Ecstasy of Life.
Remember that I said to you that …Ecstasy – The Ecstasy of Life – has three forms of experience within our Three Senses of Self. It is the ecstasy of the mind that is being renewed by The New Consciousness of Life as it now comprehends everything, because – being centralized within The Realms of Unity – experiences the whole reflection that is also its whole perfection.
It is the Ecstasy that is the emotional feeling of Life – Love – from which we humans experience now our natural essence through the natural act of living engaged within the natural momentum – through which the Universe is expanding into infinity.
And it is the Ecstasy of the bio-mechanical relationship of wholeness –
Three Dimensions – existing within the Physical Reality, that is the whole movement of The Universe gracing us with the natural equilibrated experience of our human bodies.
These three forms of Ecstasy – in their unity – express also the natural unification of our Three Senses of Self through which our united Sense of Self experiences the mental, emotional, and physical senses within our being to be, The Ecstasy of Life celebrating Love as being the Natural Feeling of Life.
Remember that I said to you in our zoom talks that – through our evolutionary unfolding – we did not know that the natural feeling of Life was Love and, therefore we did not know that Life had an actual “physical feeling” within our Sense of Self.
So Love, the natural feeling of Life, is now…..the natural experience or our mind existing within the realms of Unity.
The natural expression of our emoting Self experiencing the actual reality of Love and …
The natural reality of the physical world in which we all live the Physical Form of Life.
This is the reason why – within these last Three Dimensions – Whole Nature, Infinite Regeneration, and Foundation/Paradise, we live in the physical world in the state of Ecstasy because the planet Earth – our celestial mother – lives in the state of Ecstasy.
The planet lives in a natural physical state of Ecstasy, as it partakes of the whole system of motion, called The Solar System. A system of whole motion that balances the planet by it relationship to all other planets and the Moon as it is gravitationally suspended in its axis rotating at an extraordinary speed around the Sun.
It is this Ecstasy – coming into being – through the balanced relationship between all celestial motions within our Solar System that allows the planet to feel supported and suspended as 0 weight in the heavens.
And it is this constant suspension of Unity in Motion within the planet that allows us human beings to feel as if “the moment” expressing the natural fluidity and continuity of the movement of life does not have any jarring effect within our sense of self.
The Moment of suspended motion within the planet expresses the continuity and fluidity of the whole movement of the Solar System. This whole movement is measured by our human minds as the 365 days that takes the planet to rotate around the Sun, as the twelve months of the year, as the 30 days within the month, as the four weeks within the month, as 24 hours within the day, as 60 minutes within the hour as 60 seconds within the minute.
If we keep measuring the nature of the fracture of time we get to the nature of “the moment” that actualizes the frame of movement of life as the natural actualization of all physical form as it becomes infinitely transformed and renewed by the the whole movement of life.
This whole movement of Life made up of three-dimensional frames expressing the Natural Moment of Life exists within the “cosmic dance” that is the Solar System expressing the natural state of ecstasy within our planet and the whole field of movement that –as the ecstasy of Life – gives us humans our natural equilibrated experience of Life.
What I am desiring to convey to you today is that the natural ecstasy existing within the planet – coming into being through the planet’s whole engagement with the Solar System – is a whole field of movement expressing the continuity and fluidity of unresisted motion that is the actual nature of physics suspending us all in our natural communion with The Whole Movement of Life. And, it is this natural communion with the Whole Movement of Life actualized within the natural moment of our human lives that is Physical Reality – The Ecstasy of Life.
This is the reason that we say that …….
The physics of the physical world in which we all live is Ecstasy.
The physics of our natural state of being is Love – which is the natural ecstasy of life. And…
The physics that is the mental comprehension, understanding and experience of our consciousness living the nature of wholeness of Life is Ecstasy as well.
Therefore – in further clarification – the ecstasy that is the natural movement of Life is – Universal Balance – the Unity of all celestial motions reunited as One. And….
This natural state of Oneness, as it relates to our human experience of life, is the natural state of ecstasy that is the Unity of our three senses of self engaged with the natural movement of Life.
Please notice that we have used the word “natural “ four times within the preceding phrase.
- We used it when we described ecstasy as “the natural movement of Life. “
- We used it when we described ecstasy to be the natural state of oneness that unites all celestial motions as One – Universal Balance.
- We used it when we described ecstasy to be the natural state of unity within our Three Senses of Self. And …
- We used it when we described ecstasy to be our natural self-engagement with the naturalmovement of Life.
The reason is that, the word natural, as it corresponds to the Eighth Dimension, The Whole Nature of Life – is Ecstasy, the natural Whole Field of Consciousness that is Physical Reality – reuniting as One - The Ten Dimensions of Life.
This is the reason that I keep reminding you, as you became more and more cognitive of the natural state of ecstasy – surfacing in your consciousness within your daily life – to become conscious of this experience as it is happening.
The more you became conscious of this experience that is now totally available for all of us within The New Consciousness of Life, the more you will recognize ecstasy to be your natural state of Being.
And if you feel that ecstasy does not surface within your cognitive field of awareness, ask your mind to bring it to your immediate experience. And, as you do this, you will be extraordinarily surprised to see how quickly your mind will allow you to perceive it – to become aware of this beautiful experience as it is happening within your cognitive field of awareness.
So then, as you recognize that ecstasy is becoming more and more a natural experience within your natural state of awareness – you will also see how your mind loves ecstasy because there is nothing more perfect and pleasurable to the mind that ecstasy.
Remember that - throughout our evolutionary unfolding of consciousness, what we used to call “our constant desire and search for pleasure”, where all forms of trying to feel, comprehend, and capture the illusive state of ecstasy that in truth always existed within the essential reality that is our natural state of being. This is the reason that I am constantly encouraging you …..first to recognize this state when it surfaces within your field of awareness and second to request to your mind to bring it forward – because as you do this – you will see how your mind will take you constantly to it ……because the nature of your mind is ecstasy as well.
Remember, the nature of our human mind – which is the field of whole awareness within our consciousness – is ecstatic.
The field of energy that Is – the emotional feeling of Love – existing within our sense of self is ecstatic. And, the physical world through which we live the moment-to-moment experience of our human lives is ecstatic because it expresses naturally our human nature, living the nature of its physics.
As we continue with our celebratory expression the last Three Dimensions, and before we delve deeply into the Four Mothers let’s go briefly through the four statements posted at the beginning of today’s zoom that I would very much like you to contemplate.
Without Light there would be no sight. Remember that, throughout our Zooms, as we have talked about physics, we especially spent time with the first lesson from…. “physics.com” ….telling us that …….without the reflection of light we would not see anything.
What we see is the reflection of light upon the form and movement of life. Our mind then creates the information, in the form of awareness, that allows us to be cognitive of that which “we think we see”.
Remember, that what we see is first registered by our mind up side down, and then our brain reverses the image and projects our seeing in front of ourselves, allowing us to think that what we see is instantaneous with our experience of seeing.
In Truth, everything that we see is filtered through our consciousness expressing – as awareness – what our mind deciphers within us.
Therefore, what we see is twofold. It is the reflection of Light upon the form and movement of Life …as there is no sight without light, and the reflection is the light that we think we see…..because our consciousness …..via our mind …determines the informative awareness of that which we think we see.
I keep using the term “the light which we think we see “ because our consciousness uses the reflected light in order to inform us, as to the conceptual, emotional, and physical meaning existing within our human act of seeing.
For this statement to be clearly understood it is important to remember that within our evolutionary unfolding – inside of the realms of duality – our consciousness was evolving inside of a specific paradigm through which we were constantly interpreting everything inside of the constant interchanging reality of conflicting premises. That is, the dualistic interpretation of our consciousness was utilizing the moment of life to constantly search for meaning inside of – countless interpretations of consciousness – divided within the very formation of the linear, sequential mind.
Inside of this “system of thought” we humans were constantly being thought by the collective consciousness, without us consciously knowing that most of the reflexes from which we individually based our daily reality were not necessarily really ours. This constant field of mental, emotional and physical action ( or reaction ) from which we were constantly learning and at the same time constantly re-creating ourselves and everything inside of a self-enclosed system called “evolution” was centralized in the form in which our mind interpreted “The Light” from which we saw everything in our lives.
It is very important to realize that the form ( or paradigm of consciousness ) through which we interpreted our physical reality was not based in a conspiracy theory designed to keep us constantly bound within the realms of duality.
This was the “innocent” – or necessary system – which through experiential learning, we were to bring – through our evolutionary unfolding of consciousness – the whole scenario that, at a specific moment of time, was to transpose the linear, sequential nature of our human consciousness into the holistic, holographic system brought into being by The Harmonic Convergence.
Remember that, as we were wondering – within our Zooms – what would have been the last stages of our evolutionary unfolding that brought our human consciousness to its essential renewal, we said that very possibly it was the discovery of Quantum Physics. Quantum Physics brought to our attention the differences between Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Entanglement.
In the first, Quantum Mechanics, the study and function of nature, was deduced through the linear, sequential mode existing within evolutionary interpretation of space, time and location. In the other, Quantum Entanglement, the linear interpretation inside of space, time, and location, did not apply, as everything in the universe exists inside of an absolute state of unity in which everything is related – in a synchronized state of correspondences as ONE.
This discovery by our human mind, studying the nature of Physics, proved this theory by testing how different events within the universe, activated at the same time but at great distances from one another, were simultaneous with each other, inside of an Immanent Reality that existed in its atomic unity as an all-related system that they (science) called Quantum Entanglement.
It is important to remember that within the history of our human evolutionary unfolding it was predicted that the fulfillment of our human consciousness will come into being through the divine marriage of Spirit and Science in which what was projected as being an ideal ( in this case Unity ) will be eventually taken from the realms of hope and belief and become realistic in the sense that it will be proven by science.
According to science we live in a Universe that is simultaneous in its existence, in which all things are synchronized into one common reality. A common reality in which Quantum Physics, embracing Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Entanglement brings a new three-dimensional understanding of the physical world in which we all live.
We do not know if it was this new discovery of physics that became the instant of union that brought about our evolutionary expression of consciousness into the all-permeating reality that is The New Consciousness but, what we know is that The New Paradigm brought within itself a – new
understanding and vision of the nature of Light – that was to forever transform the experience of our human lives.
This New Light expressed a field of Unity, that permeated all things…… by which the linear and sequential form of our evolutionary human mind developed inside of the realms of duality, became one with the non-linear – all inclusive - mind that is the synchronicity or Quantum Entanglement that we call The Universe.
This New Mind – Expressing a New Field of Consciousness of Life – exists now within The Light – the reflection of light upon the form and movement of Life from which we see all things.
This seeing of light is not just confined to the physical act of seeing, like observing an object in front of ourselves, but it is also the new form in which our mind interprets and informs us so that each of us understands, feels, and experiences, the very nature of our human Self, and also The Whole Nature that is the whole world that surrounds us.
The New Light that is The New Consciousness of Life is a blessing because it brings within itself a new sense of whole perspective that allows us to understand …
- Not only our linear sequential mind, self-containing within itself, all of the past experiences existing within our human conscious development within our planet Earth, but also ….
- A Whole Universal Mind that unites the linear and the holistic interpretations of consciousness within the natural moment of our human lives.
A whole Universal Mind that unites the linear nature of Quantum Mechanics and the holistic nature of Quantum Entanglement with the natural moment of our human lives. This is the New Field of Consciousness that is now – Physical Reality – The Ecstasy of Life.
Inside of this new field of consciousness we can now understand the simplicity and profound nature of the first lesson of Physics.com …….Reflection and the Ray Model of Light - Lesson 1 - Reflection and its Importance…….
The Role of Light to Sight The bottom line is: without light, there would be no sight. The visual ability of humans and other animals is the result of the complex interaction of light, eyes and brain. We are able to see because light from an object can move through space and reach our eyes. Once light reaches our eyes, signals are sent to our brain, and our brain deciphers the information in order to detect the appearance, location and movement of the objects we are sighting at. The whole process, as complex as it is, would not be possible if it were not for the presence of light. Without light, there would be no sight…. - Physics.com
I am just reminding you of the first part of the first lesson, but remember that the lesson in its entirety, gives a clear comprehension of how without light there will be no sight.
When I first came to this information I realized that if it is true that without light there will be no sight, then it must be also true that without sight (the act of seeing expressed by our human presence) there will be no light because within our human experience, light and sight are totally interdependent with each other.
Therefore, light, sight and form ( the actual physical formation of nature that includes the physical form of our human bodies ) are the three essential components through which we have access to the ‘natural consciousness” that allows us to experience everything in life.
These three essential components are the foundation of Consciousness through which – the creative movement of life – is constantly informing us as to the meaning, feeling and physical sensation of that which we see.
The inseparable unity of these three essential components transport us to the new form of seeing through which we interpret the Light that we see as being the Presence of The New Consciousness of Life allowing us to comprehend the nature of physics as being – the very nature – of our human lives.
It is through this nature – our Whole Nature – that we can now honor and fulfill the ancient statement that said that we, humans are The Light of The World.
We are the Light of the World because this statement expresses our natural expression of physics as it is synchronized as ONE with the whole of Physical Reality as the universal formation and reflection of light.
We are The Light of The World because, as The Image and the Likeness of Light, we are reunited through our consciousness with the whole understanding of being The Image and the Likeness reunited with the source of its light.
We are The Light of The World because we are the Love that we feel because light is Love as well, and because we are present with the whole field of awareness that is “The Light” – the intelligence – existing within the informational grid from which we experience ourselves as whole.
So the statement – we are the light of the world – has many connotations and meanings within our human consciousness even though some of us interpret this exclamation as being singularly related in terms of religion – when in reality it is not.
This exclamation – as a religious interpretation – can be acknowledged and honored by recognizing that being the Light of the World means that one gets to be the fulfillment of the world that we see. Therefore one gets to be in the presence of God, which would be the same as saying that one gets to be in the natural presence of oneself.
Remember that the Seventh Dimension – The Dimension of Self – expressing the fulfillment that is the Unity of The Three Senses of Self is now – through The New Consciousness – The Light of the World reunited to the source of its Light.
This statement of circular unity expressed in a linear, sequential form can be described as…..
e are becoming more and more present within our natural state of being. We are becoming more and more cognitive of how light cannot exist without the natural physical form of our being, and therefore, we are the light itself expressing the intelligent brilliancy of consciousness as Love.
Love, the boundless feeling that is – The Energy of Life – is also our natural engagement with Physical Reality existing now within the realms of Unity.
As we understand and embody the nature of Light, we see how each of us is indispensable, because each of us is the vehicle of knowledge, the conscious, individual point of reference, existing within The New Consciousness of Life and therefore, each of us is absolutely necessary… in order for consciousness to exist ….it must first be perceived.
So when we said that each of us is becoming more and more present within our natural state of being, we mean that we are becoming increasingly free from the evolutionary idea that “thought” of ourselves as being just a little point of awareness in relation to the whole world, or just a little drop within an infinite sea.
These interpretations, within our evolutionary consciousness innocently created a lot of confusion – a confusion that did not let us know that each of us is essentially indispensable - The Light of The Word – the individual, centralized existence of the Whole Field of Consciousness that embraces all things as One.
As we continue with our expression of the Eighth Dimension – Whole Nature - I would like for all of us to further understand and celebrate our Natural State of Being as it is self-contained within The four different expressions of Mother.
The Four Mothers – in their related wholeness – are One - and in their oneness they are…………
- The Mother that is our human mother – the Mother that brought each of us into Life.
- Our Mother that is our Mother Planet – the Earth – the garden in which we are all presently living.
- The Mother that is our Universal Mother – the actual, physical form of The Universe forever unfolding in the celebration of God – forever expanding into infinity as Love. And …….
- The Mother of all Form – The Form of Life – The Flower of Life.
Let’s start with ……
First, our human Mother - our beautiful mother that gave birth to each of us – bringing into life our individual, human expression of Life.
Our Mother – within the totality of the new consciousness that we are all now coming into correspondence with – is The Mother Principle of Life that gave birth to all the children in the world.
The Mother Principle that encompasses our personal human mother – as the spiritual embodiment of the feminine form of God – is in its actuality The Garden of Eden.
What we call the actual Garden of Eden is The Mother. The Mother that is not just the being that brought each of us to life, but also the Mother - the exquisite fountain of love that brought the world into its existence! The one who brought all nations that have flourished as the fantastic creation that we call the entire history of our human form into existence.
The Mother, that birthing all the children of life brought everything into existence as the celebration of the form of God, and the keeper of an “all involving essence” centralized in the essential remembrance of Love.
This is what Mother means. It means The Essence, which is The Essential Mother of all Life – the Mother that is also within me as well ( even though I am male ) because I carry within myself – as a human being – the entire essence that is my mother.
What I mean by this is that – there is within me – as I carry within my nature the entire genetic essence that is my mother – a form of protection, caring and loving that mothers feel and bring into existence. It is the love that has no condition. It is 100 % natural as it is The Nature of Mother - to naturally Love.
So it is important for us to remember that when you worship your mother, when you love your mother, when you are with your mother, you know that you are with all the mothers in the world.
And when you are with all the Mothers in the world, you are thankful for the feminine principle within The Garden itself that has brought you into life as the embodiment expression of The Garden Itself – in order for you – a human being - to be present in your own body made of physical form and for you to experience the beauty and celebration existing within this conscious knowing.
We honor our Mothers!
Sometimes, as we live in a physical world that at times bombards us with conflicts and stress, it is important to remember that your Mother is an essence and if circumstances come into being in which your relationship with your mother that takes the form of a conflict you can – willfully and consciously -dissolve it in order for you to be with your Mother’s essence.
Remember that “the moment” the natural moment of life is an essence as well, and by you coming to the presence of the moment you can assist your Mother so that, by being mirrored by you – through your own knowing – she can have a clear reflection that can instantaneously return her to the natural essence that she is.
Look to this rendition, painted by the artist Gustaf Klimt, of the essence that is this mother, sleeping with her child in her arms. Look to the blissful feeling of the child completely protected by the mother, sleeping inside of the mother’s space. Beautiful.
The Mother’s face, completely restful inside of the knowing that her child is perfect and that everything is secure.
Mother is a divine Essence. My mother – personally – was a divine being.
My mother would never go to bed if I or any of my brothers (her five children) where not in the house because she would worry and be concerned that something may be wrong with any of us, and she needed to constantly know that we where safe and perfect.
That is the only thing that she thought about, our wellbeing – never about her wellbeing. And this constant concern of my mother for our wellbeing created a lot of conflict within myself, because as a young man, I wanted my mother to really be free from any form of concern and worry and have the freedom to fully experience herself.
I wanted my mother to experience parts of herself that I thought she could, but she did not have that desire because her experience of herself was completely centralized in me and my brothers’ safety and well being.
Then, I became somehow upset with my mother because she was so good to us that when my brothers begin to become of age to search for romance and meet the women to eventually marry, it was very difficult for them to find a life partner like my mother. This was because they could not expect that their woman will be there all the time constantly involved in the constant fulfillment of their needs.
So temporarily I blamed my mother for being so good that, in some ways confused us – as each of us searched for our own mate.
But then, with time, I understood that that was the way our mother loved us –
She was a Divine expression of motherhood, she was the natural expression of who she was – my mother.
And now my other Mother, my planet……
The planet Earth is the most beautiful celestial body that exists within our Solar System – exclusively for us – because it houses our human lives, it houses the nature that surrounds us, it houses everything that we call our immediate physical world.
The Planet is The Mother, because it houses all the children of the world, the entire population that we call the human race – all the species, all of the magical attributes of nature, everything.
And The Mother – innocently – through the history of our evolution has become a bit confused because we, in some degree, have not been fully cognitive of the mother’s needs.
So in The New World – celebrating our Whole Nature and our return to our natural state – we are now interconnecting with our mother in a different way because the planet – being a celestial Planet – allows us to remember that we are all partaking of the greater body that is the universe.
Therefore, now, as we are all empowered by The New Consciousness of Life, we are consciously returning our mother planet to her original, natural state of wellbeing.
Because the planet wants to come back to her original pristine state, because you know, mothers always want their house in perfect order, mothers always want to be surrounded by comfort and beauty, so the planet as well wants to exist inside of her natural pristine reality.
The Mother wants to live inside of an ecological system that houses, protects and nourishes all of the different forms of her all-encompassing nature.
Remember that we live in a green house. It is, as a matter of fact, the entire makeup of the solar system, composed of planets, moon and sun facilitating our mother planet with the possibility of living inside of the most beautiful greenhouse effect. A perfect environment that safeguards our well being, that allows all of the plants to grow, all the species to multiply and to produce the continual recycling and flow of the miracle that we call water, which is the very essence of our human bodies.
The ecological system that houses our human life is an exquisite design and now, in this particular moment in which The New Consciousness of Life is
illuminating our human experience and ushering us into The New World, we are beginning to consciously comprehend that we must take care of The Mother.
This call to awakening is called Global Worming. So that the symptoms of distress within the Whole Nature that is the planet is impelling us to become conscious of the ecological, natural attributes that exist within the natural health of the planet. The natural health of the planet that allows us all – humans – to enjoy our natural state of heath and well-being.
As we understand this, as our minds become free from all of the endless dualistic discussions of politics, conflicting ideas based in power and economical survival and as we recognize the truth of it – the actual physiological truth that reveals to us that …..when we are taking care of the Mother – our Mother Planet – we are taking care of our human mother, we are taking care of all the children of the world, we are taking care of all of its nature, and we are taking care of the natural formation that is our physical-human body and we are returning to our Natural State of Being.
Our physical body is The Mother, because the form of The Mother Planet and the form of our physical bodies is the form through which we experience Life.
So what the mother is experiencing as “the planet” we are experiencing in our physical body as well, as we are now beginning to consciously comprehend that our health and well being is nothing other that the ecological, natural state of the world that surrounds us - whose physical foundation is the celestial – natural garden – that we call The Planet Earth suspended in its balance within the whole movement that is the Solar System.
Inside of the New World everything is ecological as we are seeing everything anew – from The New Light – that sees everything from the perspective of our Natural State of Being.
Remember that we are The New World – reinstating the wellbeing of The Mother as we honor and thank her for the wellbeing that she is bestowing upon us.
It is important to realize that – for our Mother Planet – it has taken thousands and thousands and thousands of years to form the ideal environment for us humans to begin to form as a conscious expression of life on the planet.
From the perspective of the evolutionary unfolding of the species, just think about the time that it has taken – for our Mother Nature to continually recycle – endlessly transforming herself – in order to create the oil that we now use to produce electricity for us to be able to see and empower the technological world in which we all presently live in.
Just think about it, millions and millions of years in preparation and then (what happens within our human experience) we go to get oil to power our car and we are so involved in our daily experience that our minds bypasses the realization of how this oil came into being.
The oil comes from the recycling of natural elements and …..it has taken thousands and thousands and thousands of years for it to actually transform and store within the depth of the planet. Then, the oil becomes extracted and goes to a refinery, then to a station were we buy it and use it for our daily transportation as we, again innocently – without thinking – create toxins that permeate the ecological system that is the natural health of The Mother – the natural health of our bodies.
We must remember that all of these actions that we consider to be essential for our life on the planet – are “innocent” because we do not consciously comprehend the extraordinary depth that exists within the natural state of Whole Nature – the Eighth Dimension within The Ten Dimensions of Life.
Remember that Whole Nature – as a Dimension – is fully comprehended in its individual meaning by the other nine dimensions. That is, within the design of Wholeness Within Wholeness that is The New Consciousness of Life, each dimension is essential in its individuality and yet whole, as the meaning of this Eighth Dimension – Whole Nature – for example exists within the whole scenario of consciousness that is The Ten Dimensions of Life.
As we continue with the celebration of The Four Mothers expressing The Whole Nature of Life we will increasingly see that our human Mother and our Mother Planet – the celestial body that is our Planet Earth – encompasses the natural state of being within our sense of Self and the natural health of our human bodies.
This, takes us to the third celebration of Mother existing within the essential feminine Principle of life our Universal Mother.
The Universal Mother is an essence that encompasses ….the whole feeling of Mother, Our human mother, our celestial mother – the planet earth – and The Universal Mother, that is The Universe.
The Universal Mother is the celebration of the form of God, as the universe is made up of all form, the physical form of the universe, the stars, the planets, and an infinite amount of constellations.
Everything within the universe is like fireworks – remember that we invented fireworks to give us the exhilarating experience of light expanding in all directions of space. This feast of light, allows us to imagine The Universe as a continual traveling system – forever transforming – forever becoming the celebration of the form of God.
The Universe, made of infinite worlds that eventually, we – humans – will be able to experience, comprehend and understand - worlds that right now, within The New Consciousness, are just beginning to become present within our human field of awareness.
Remember I told you that – through out our evolutionary unfolding of consciousness – the farthest we could have gone to experience The Mother that is The Universe was clouded by our distrustful fear of the unknown thinking that “The Alien” – if the universe were to appear in that form – would inflict upon us something dangerous and pernicious to our wellbeing.
Perhaps, this was an innocent interpretation expressing the dualistic, nature of the consciousness through which we evolved.
We can see this through the imaginary plots of movies – like star wars for example – in which we get to be emotionally involved in a plot that is always centralized in the battle between good and evil. A constant and endless battle between light and dark forces in which good and goodness will ultimately prevail, but not before leaving open the possibility of a sequel in which the dark forces will engage us once again – but this time through better cinematic special effects and great acting – promising a more adventuresome, dangerous and menacing plot.
So in reality, throughout our evolutionary unfolding, we have not opened ourselves – until now – to recognize that The Universe is a benign existence, as it is actually the form of God.
And, now, for the first time we are constantly connecting to the actual intelligence that is The Universe in the present moment in which we live our human lives.
Remember I said that…. the present moment within our human lives houses now a whole new paradigm of consciousness that is ever-present within the physical reality engaging us with the Ecstasy of Life?
This realization is for us a bit complex because within the dualistic field of consciousness through which we have evolved ……the moment just housed the moment.
If you were to say to somebody that “ The Moment” houses the entire universe and all knowledge that encompasses all past and all future within the natural moment of our human life…… the person that you are telling this would probably look at you and say …well …but….
We know that the linear, sequential nature of our human, ancient mind, is now becoming more and more present within The New Consciousness, and is allowing us to see that The Moment is an open field of whole awareness transposing us into the natural, creative reality that is The New World.
The Moment – in its all-encompassing presence – is like a computer chip that houses the entire field of information that is The Universe containing within itself A Whole New Mind designed to uplift our human consciousness into the realms of The Divine.
Remember that what we call “The Divine” is the brilliant spiritual intelligence that is now assisting us all to go through the gradual transformation that allows us – in a seamless manner – to become individually present within The New Field of Consciousness.
Remember that I said to you that – if all of the sudden we were to be inside of the whole field of knowledge that is The New Consciousness of Life – our minds will implode, because our nervous system – developed inside of the linear, sequential mode of consciousness – could not withstand such a voltage of informative energy.
Therefore, The Divine – The Whole Universal Intelligence that is the Presence of the Universal Mother celebrating The Universe as The Form of God –provides as all with the safe passage that – gradually – through the gentle power of Love opens our human minds to The Universe and to the essential knowing, feeling and experience of that which is our Natural State of Being.
The Universal Intelligence is essential because it is the intelligence of all the different worlds that we – have not yet seen – within the imagination of our human minds and yet, we are now just beginning to be in contact with, even though they are fully ever-present – within The field of Whole Awareness that is The New Consciousness of Life.
It is The Universal Intelligence, The Universal Mother – taking the form of The Divine – that is assisting us now to realize the ecological, natural transformation of the planet that unveils the happiness of The Mother itself.
Our human Mother, Our celestial mother that is our Mother Earth, and the Universal Mother, all working together to actually manifest The New World bringing about the constant new opening within our human minds existing within a whole field of awareness that allows us to live in the totality of expanded experience that is The Universe.
So we are – as humanity – in the present moment - in a world that is so intelligent, and whose function is to bring to us– as perceptive awareness – everything that we need in order to be healthy, to be knowledgeable, to experience happiness, to be ecstatic, to be in the celebration of The Garden.
Yes, this is a Divine thing – The Universal Mother – depicted in its essential form by Carolina expressing the celestial feeling of the Feminine Principle as it embraces universal existence as the form of God.
It is good to spend time in the contemplation and analogy of the Universal Mother, The Mother Planet and our Divine human Mother because in their Essence they are ONE –The Mother – the Essence of Love – transforming and celebrating the Universe as the divine creation that is The Kingdom of Love.
And now we can be with our fourth celebratory expression of Mother --
The Flower of Life – The Mother of all Form.
The Flower of Life is an ancient symbol and self-contains within itself the entire formation of all physical form………from its smallest particle to its largest system of consciousness that is the Universe.
The Flower of Life is one of the most ancient symbols preserved throughout all time. It has been with us as a guide to the understanding and knowing of the geometrical nature of our physical universe.
The Flower is a beautiful design of wholeness involving nineteen interlacing circles united as One.
The Flower of Life is the pattern of Creation that informs us how everything in the universe is geometrics: plants, trees, flowers, planets, solar systems, stars and above all the physical formation of our human bodies – our Body of Life.
The Flower of Life was known around the world in ancient times. It was found in the temple of Osiris in Abydos, Egypt and it was known in Turkey, Ireland, China, Greece, Germany, India and Iceland.
Many things have been written about the origin and meaning of the Flower. The most simple is the analogy of creation as it occurred in the biblical book of Genesis. This interpretation of The Flower of Life tells us how ……
The Spirit of God existing within the great void - the Sphere of Life - occupying the six directions of space - initiating...
....the first motion out of the centralized great void moving towards the surface expressing the...
....first day of Genesis and the creation of two spheres and the vesica piscis.
The second day of Genesis......
The third day of Genesis....
The fourth day of Genesis.....
The fifth day of Genesis....
The sixth day of Genesis centralizing the seventh day as the day of rest.
The first Flower of Life, expressing The Seed of Life bringing into full view the seven interlacing flowers within thirteen circles embracing The Seed of Life.
….. The Seed of Life, the beautiful design self-containing within itself the Tree of Life – the human original imprint of image and likeness existing within the Garden of Life.
As we contemplate this design, it is important to remember that the Tree of Life is the center of the Matrix of Balance expressing the fulfillment of The Ten Dimensions – bringing to our human experience the exalted knowing and understanding of The Unity of Life.
The thirteen interlacing flowers within The Seed of Life,
unfolding the Flower of Life as seven spheres centralized as One.
The complete formation of The Flower of Life
The 19 flowers interlaced as One expressing the Balanced Nature of Life
Leonardo Pisano
Leonardo Pisano, also called Leonardo of Pisa whose original name was Leonardo Fibonacci was born in 1170. He was a medieval Italian mathematician considered to be the most talented Western mathematician of the Middle Ages.
He wrote Liber abaci ( 1202 “ Book of the Abacus”), the first European work on Indian and Arabian mathematics, which introduced Hindu-Arabic numerals to Europe.
His name is known because of the Fibonacci sequence and his Fibonacci spiral depicting his interpretation of the Golden Mean, also called the Golden Section, The Golden Rule and The Divine Proportions.
Little is known of his personal life, other that Leonardo was a lover of nature that became fascinated in his search for understanding of how all living things progressively grow as they unfold in their natural expressions of Life.
Leonardo’s knowledge of Mathematics and love for the patters that govern nature became actualized in his appreciation and love for the Flower of Life.
As he studied it in search for the depth and meaning behind this ancient symbol involving …
....19 encircling spheres, six larger spheres and the center merged as one, he decided to liberate the flower from its two enclosing surrounded circles…
freeing the Flower of Life in its continuity of unfolding flowers, he discovered that by connecting thirteen circles through their center…
a new geometrical formation came into being revealing a cube within a cube
formed by two Stars of David, one inside the other.
He called this design Metraton’s Cube in his desire to honor The Archangel Metatron who was written in Islamic, Judeo and Christian Medieval mythologies. He was considered to be the scribe of God and this made him the equivalent of the ancient Egyptian scribe of the god known as Thoth – Hermes.
According to legend, a scribe of God will understand a group of principles of creation which are always associated with Sacred Geometry.
The Archangel Metatron was many time pictured holding a Cube, symbolizing the nature of form, as he was named the guarding The Tree of Life.
These were the reasons for Leonardo Pissano naming his discovery of the geometrical design uniting the center of thirteen circles expressing The Fruit of Life.
As Leonardo became fascinated with the beautiful geometrical design that united all thirteen circles within the Flower of Life he also realized that ……not only Metatron – expressed a cube with a cube….
But he also realized that The Flower of Life was essentially a fractal formation of Unity as the flower, as it becomes continually forming in its increased formation, will always depict a Cube within a Cube forming forever into infinity. A cube within a cube within a cube expressing the fractal nature of The Flower of Life as The Mother of All Forms
….As He became fascinated with the fractal nature of the Mother of all Forms he discovered that the flower and Metatron’s Cube depicted a two dimensional illusion of the three-dimensional formation of all of the five Platonic Solids believed to be the five essential building blocks of the universe as they create the quality that is The Universe.
Leonardo realized the Metatron's Cube was an infinite pattern of Geometrical Unity. He discovered that...
connecting the edges of four equilateral triangles creates the Tetrahedron and...
Connecting the edges of six squares creates the Hexahedron (the Cube)
Connecting the edges of eight equilateral triangles creates the Octohedron.
Connecting the edges of twelve pentagrams creates the Dodecahedron
Connecting the edges of twenty equilateral triangles create the Icosahedron.
All of the five platonic solids -- the five shapes by which all matter comes into being -- are the building blocs of the Universe and they create the quality that is The Universe.
The six graphics depicting the five platonic solids the Star Tetrahedron, The Cube, the Octahedron, the Icosahedron and the Dodecahedron crowned by Metatron’s Cube housing all platonic solids at once. These six circles centralized by the Sphere of Life Three-dimensions.
The Sphere was declared to be by Plato the most perfect shape because of the equidistance from the center to the surface.
It is important to notice that even thou all edges within the five platonic solids touch the surface of the Sphere – the Sphere is not acknowledged as being the actual form from which all Platonic Solids came into being.
Within our analogy of Metatron’s Cube it is important to notice that all the analogy of the five Platonic Solids come from the original spherical formation of The Mother of All Forms – The Flower of Life.
This is the reason that the center of the six circles expressing the seventh circle within the Flower of Life is centralized as the Sphere from which the center of the fractal nature of the flower and three-dimensions comes into being.
The Archangel Metatron's Cube
And The Matrix of Balance
Within Metatron’s Cube, whose foundation comes into being through the fractal nature of The Flower of Life, there are two Stars of David, one inside the other, as each of these stars exist within the form of the cube.
The Star of David, usually depicted as two inter-connected triangles centralized as One, is an ancient symbol expressing Unity.
The Star, known in Hebrew as Magen David – Shield of David – dates back to the 17thcentury and is associated with the shape of a Hexagram.
As will be explored in the following graphics, the two Stars of David, expressing the geometrical formation of Metatron’s cube, exist also within The Matrix of Balance depicting the planes and directions that centralize the human body in three-dimensional space.
Within The Matrix of Balance the right and left expressions of balance depicting The Tree of Life are the center of three dimensions and the centralization of The Sphere of Life.
It is important to remember that the balance of right and left within the human body is essentially equal in its relation to front and back.
This is a delicate detail because we usually relate to our sense of right and left as being more sensorially important than our sense of what is front and what is back in our relationship to three-dimensional space.
Within the Matrix of Balance centralizing the human body in three-dimensional space, the sense of what is right and left, front and back and above and below are equal in the sense that expresses our balanced relationship to all directions of space and our direct communion with The Sphere of Life.
It is this expanded equality within the Matrix of Balance and our direct communion with The Sphere of Life that centralize the physical formation of our human body, expressing the unity of the seven centers that is our relationship to three dimensions and our sense of self-equilibrium.
It is important to notice that within the Matrix of Balance expressing The Ten Dimensions of Life the balance of right and left, expressed by the center of the Matrix and The Tree of Life, incorporate not only these two directions but all directions at once.
This is the reason that The Tree of Life is acknowledged as The Center of Life, the Center of Three Dimensions and the Center of The Sphere of Life.
This all-encompassing relationship of The Tree of Life and The Matrix of Balance – in its relationship to the Ten Dimensions of Life - self contains within its whole design the two Stars of David existing within Metatron’s Cube.
The first half of the first Star of David incorporates the Dimensions of Balance and Beauty as they merge as – three in One – in Crown
The second half of The Star of David encompasses the Dimensions of Consciousness and Unity as they are centralized in the Dimension of Self.
The Completion of the first Star of David embraces the Dimensions of Balance, Beauty and Crown and Consciousness, Unity and Self and it is centralized in the dimension of Presence expressing our communion with the Eternal Moment and our experience of The New Consciousness of Life.
Within The Matrix of Balance, The Star of David is translated as two intertwining three-dimensional formations expressing as – Balance – the sense of equanimity that exists within The Sphere of Life.
The Star, in its simple depiction of a Hexagram (two triangles reunited as one) is honored and fulfilled within The New Consciousness of Life and it is interpreted as …..the Unity of …
1. Gravity, Expansion and the Moment of Life.
2. The Unity of Heaven and Earth centralized within the natural moment of our human Lives. …….And
3. The existence of Three-dimensions celebrated as the frame of movement of Life.
The first half of the second Star of David has the same foundation that it did in the First Star. But, here in the second star, Balance and Beauty are centralized in the dimension of Foundation/Paradise.
The second half of the second Star of David embraces the Dimensions of Whole Nature and Infinite Re-generation as they become fully present within the Fourth Dimension – Presence.
The completion of the second Star of David encompasses Whole Nature, Infinite Re-generation as they are actualized into the Fourth Dimension – Presence, and the Dimensions of Balance and Beauty as they are centralized in the Dimensions of Foundation/Paradise.
This second Star of David is centralized in the Dimension of Self .
The completion of the two Stars of David – one inside the other – share the Dimensions of Balance and Beauty as these two Dimensions express the natural momentum existing within the dynamic, ever-present, fulfillment that is The Tree of Life.
The two Stars, existing within the Matrix of Balance centralized by The Tree of Life are the spatial, energetic connection that balances the human body in three-dimensional space.
It is important to remember that The Tree of Life – as the centralization of the physical formation of the human body, as the centralization of The Matrix of Balance and as the centralization of The Sphere of Life expresses – in its symbolic design – the actual frame of movement existing within the whole movement of life.
This frame of movement reunites as Unity in Motion all movements as One – Universal Balance.
The actual frame of movement of Life existing within the whole movement of Life composed of The Ten Dimension united as One, depicts – as the natural synchronicity that is its whole bio-mechanical relationship – the three-dimensional balance of our human body.
In its first Star of David, the Dimensions of Balance and Beauty united as Crown express the bio-mechanical centralization of the Shoulder Girdle and arms at the center of the chest - the heart – as they are naturally suspended by the whole three-dimensional extension of Crown.
And, the Dimensions of Consciousness and Unity, as they are centralized at the Dimension of Self, express the centralization of the head on top of the Atlas and the natural three-dimensional release/extension of the whole spinal column.
Through this bio-mechanical relationship of centering of the upper torso of the human body, the centralization of this first Star of David at the Dimension of Presence is the actual release/extension of the cervical area of the spinal column that in being centralized at the throat reveals also the natural distance between the centering of the head and the centering of shoulder girdle and arms.
Within the second Star of David the Dimensions of Balance and Beauty (again) expressing the centralization of shoulder girdle and arms at the center of the chest – the heart – centralized in the Dimension of Foundation/Paradise express the natural centralization and release/expansion of the lumbar area of the spinal column.
This release/extension of the lumbar vertebrae expresses also the three-dimensional release of the rib cage revealing both…. the natural vertical direction of centralized expanded three-dimensions …and the natural gravitational conversion of the whole of the body towards the center/foundation of the whole body ( the pelvic floor ) as it relates to the center of the Earth.
Through the natural release/expansion of the rib cage, in the actual vertical extension, and in its natural grounding centralization in relation to the ground, this second Star of David expresses also the natural centralization of the pelvic girdle and legs that act as the physical foundation from which the whole of the body – synchronized as one – is the living expression of The Tree of Life.
This synchronized relationship of centering within the whole of the body is our natural expression of movement, our primal reflex to Life and therefore, our human physical sensation of life.
The two Stars of David existing within The Matrix of Balance and the three-dimensional centralization of life that is The Tree of Life express as one symbol of Unity the Natural Moment of Life.