F O U N D A T I O N / P A R A D I S E
As we are completing the last of the Three Dimensions: Whole Nature, Infinite Regeneration and Foundation/Paradise and as we are celebrating the Ten Dimensions as The Fountain of Life I would like to bring into Presence one more of the many ancient symbols of time.
This is the symbols that, through its existence in time, helped, informed and inspired our human consciousness to return to the Divine Source from which The New World is now illuminating our human lives.
This return to our communion with the Divine Source is the merging of consciousness with the natural, physical Moment of Life transforming our human experience into the fulfillment that was once promised.
Through this – our return to wholeness – we now honor and fulfill the ancient symbols that, through out all of time, were to awaken in us the experience of The Balanced Nature of Life.
I personally feel at times overwhelmed by the thank-fullness of my heart, and it is in this spirited inspiration that I want to celebrate one of my essential teachers, Hermes Trismagistus.
In the 1970's, after the transformational experience that I received in Israel and that I detailed to you in our 12th Zoom, I became determined to pursue the knowledge and understanding that would allow me to integrate this magical experience of Consciousness in the old city of Jerusalem into the natural, constant reality that would bring me to Unity within my sense of Self.
It was at this time in the mid seventies as I decided I was to dedicate my life, time, and attention to understand the nature of Unity that my life drastically changed.
I understood this change as I became increasingly aware of many extraordinary events that came into my field of awareness allowing me to see that I was being assisted, guided, and propelled, by forces that were much larger than what my simple human mind could comprehend.
This recognition of forces and circumstances aiding me was not just something that was occurring in relation to me alone, but was occurring with many people that surrounded me in this specific period of time in New York City.
This was the time in which New York was expanding into life force as the flower children of The New Age were beginning to prepare for the coming celebration of The Age of Aquarius. This was the time in which the preparation and excitement for the Harmonic Convergence was also beginning to take form.
This was the time in which many teachers and gurus where coming into the city informing us of the ancient teachings that had unfolded within our spiritual ancestry. This was the time in which art was flourishing and the ever-present spirit was surrounding us, inviting us to celebrate the completion of the Mayan Calendar and the appearance of the New Consciousness and The New World.
As all this energy became present within my field of awareness,
I realized that this – all surrounding excitement – was taking the form of a Presence that was there to show me a magical and mysterious world that was always ever-present if I opened myself to receive it.
One of this magical events occurred as I decided to spend time every morning in The Metropolitan Museum of Art to study and contemplate the Greek and Roman exhibition of artifacts and statues.
I became first fascinated with the Greek culture several years before when I visited this country and realized that the Greeks understood and expressed through architecture in their temples and in their artistic expression the natural energy of movement that was infusing their art with Life.
This is the reason that I went every morning for a couple of hours to be with the Greek exhibit of art. I wanted to contemplate these images and see if I could immerse myself in the knowledge that brought them into form.
It was in one of these day's sessions, that I was all of the sudden impelled to stand in front of a bust in one of the rooms of the museum.
It is difficult to explain how this urgency of placing myself in front of a statue come into being, but what I know is that once I did this I felt that for – the first time – I was inside of the experience of what I later called “being centralized in three-dimensional space.”
As this experience took place within my being, I lost all sense of time - as I found myself with my eyes directly focusing on the center of the forehead of the statue, as being a bust and displayed on top of a marble column, was perfectly aligned to my body’s height as I was standing six feet away from it.
As I was standing there, the center of the forehead of the statue projected a beam of light upon my forehead from which I felt permeated by light.
This experience of connecting so deeply to this image radiating light upon myself astounded me because I found myself experiencing it as if being embraced by a whole field of stillness and suspension uniting me as one with the figure, myself, and the whole room of the museum.
I cannot tell how long I was standing there, connecting to this figure transmitting the brilliancy of light upon my being. But what I remember is that, as I became aware of my surroundings and the people that where walking around the room my first intention became to immediately get closer to the statue and find out who this marble image was.
The name of the statue was called Hermes, and as I looked closely at the figure and read some information about the period in which this ancient image was created, I realized that it did not mention the name of the artist that brought it into form.
At that time I had no idea who Hermes was but, as I walked out of the museum I realized that I could not wait to get to the library and search for more information.
I found out that Hermes Trismegistus had many personifications through different cultures and civilizations. He was associated with the god Hermes and the Egyptian god Thoth and subsequently the two gods were worshiped as one.
Also, I found that this particular statue in the Museum that produced such a extraordinary experience to my senses – was depicting Hermes within the Roman civilization. And that through the history of antiquity Hermes was called Mercury, the messenger of the gods and the god of balance, carrying a winged caduceus – a symbol of balance associated with healing and medicine.
As I immersed myself in the act of searching and learning all of the information I could find about Hermes I realized that my experience of Unity with him was a perfect sign for me to accept Hermes as my teacher.
I decided that Hermes Trismegistus was going to be my guide, not only in my understanding of the bio-mechanical nature of balance of the human body, but also to help me comprehend and experience the meaning of wisdom as he was called “Three Times Great” because he concealed within himself “ The Knowledge of the Three Worlds.”
Hermes became my idealized and translucent teacher of essential principles and wisdom safeguarded forever in time. He has became since then a fountain of inspiration and a divine guide that always empowers me and impels me to open my mind, hearty, and soul, as to unveil and receive the – forever keep – meaning inherent in the symbols of time.
This is the reason that, as we complete now the last of the Three Dimensions…. Whole Nature, Infinite Regeneration, and Foundation/Paradise, I would like to acknowledge the ancient memory of Hermes as he is now honored and fulfilled within The New Consciousness of Life and The Knowledge of Eternal Time.
Hermes wrote the Emerald Tablet also known as the Smaragdina Table that got interpreted through antiquity as being "A Divine Alchemical Process that transmuted metal into gold" – and in time was interpreted as “The Philosopher’s Stone “ “the alchemical Magnum Opus” – the ancient, classical, element system, and the correspondence between macrocosm and microcosm.
The Emerald Tablet
This translation was found among Newton's alchemical papers which are currently housed in King’s College Library, Cambridge University.
Its true without Lying, certain & most true.
That which is below is like that which is above & that which is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of one only thing.
And as all things have been & arose from one by the mediation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation.
The Sun is its father, the moon its mother, the wind hath carried it in its belly, the earth is its nurse.
The Father of all perfection in the whole world is here.
Its force or power is entire if it be converted into earth.
Separate thou the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross
sweetly with great industry.
It ascends from the earth to the heaven & again it descends to the earth and receives the force of all things superior & inferior.
By this means ye shall have the glory of the whole world
& thereby all obscurity shall fly from you.
Its force is above all force. For it vanquishes every subtle thing
& penetrates every solid thing.
So was the world created.
From this are & do came admirable adaptations whereof the means ( or process ) is here in this.
Hence I am called Hermes Trismegist, having the three parts
of the philosophy of the whole world.
That which I have said of the operation of the Sun is accomplished & ended.
This alchemical transmutation within The Emerald Tablet became understood by me as being not necessarily the magical endeavor of changing and transforming the density of metal into the light of gold, but this process was the gradual refinement of our human physical energy in which the mind, the energy and the actual (material) physical form that is our body becomes synchronized with the natural core sensation that is the existence of our human souls.
Through time, I realized that the alchemical form of transmutation of energy was the foundation of the simple and gentle movements that is the practice of Unity In Motion.
I use the words “ through time” because it was much later – as the whole design of Movements of Unity in Motion became completed into one seamless expression of Three Dimensions – that I realized that the Movements do what the poem of The Emerald Tablet expresses.
They take us from below – the physical foundation of our body through the Seven Centers to above – the Crown – from which we connect naturally with the Light of Life.
And then, the Movements take us from the Crown to below through the Seven Centers that make up our equilibrated experience of life to the source and foundation that – as Physical Reality – is the last of the Three Dimensions within The Ten Dimensions of Life.
The process of alchemical transmutation expressed within the Emerald Tablet is not esoteric or mysterious, as the process of refinement of our human energy is nothing other than the integration of our Three Senses of Self into the Natural Unity that is the natural moment and movement of Life.
As we complete the expression of the Ten Dimensions of Life with the celebration of The Fountain of Life, it is important to understand that The Fountain of Life is the fulfillment of Hermes and the Emerald Tablet as this ancient process of transmutation that he has given us transforms our consciousness into the actual gold that is our becoming Present with the natural moment of Life.
What we mean by this is that the New Consciousness, as it embraces and nurtures us with the Presence of The Divine, and The New World is transforming the mental, the emotional, and the physical senses within our senses of Self, expressing the natural alchemy that is our human experience of the Ecstasy of Life.
In other words, the process of transmutation and the alchemical refinement expressed within The Emerald Tablet is now Present within our human lives as the Whole Field of Consciousness, housed now within the natural moment of life, and is constantly connecting us with The Golden Light of Life.
As this alchemical process is occurring now naturally within the moment of our human lives, it is the function of the Movements of Unity in Motion to bring us consciously, ( if this is our desire ) to personally understand and experience the natural Alchemical Process of Infinite Regeneration that is the Movement of Life.
The Practice of Unity In Motion brings us to this experience through four stages of integration that gradually and effortlessly interconnects us with the whole movement of Life.
In these stages, we first learn and discover how to become comfortable with the physical formation of our human bodies.
Through this discovery of comfortability, the natural relationship of the Matrix of Balance and its three-dimensional centralization – The Tree of Life – comes into Presence.
As this takes place, our mental sense of awareness and physical sensation of our bodies begins to merge with the essential whole field of awareness that we call Balance.
As this sense of Unity take place, the second stage of unification –
effortlessly – comes into being. Here, energy begins to flow freely, as our senses surface in communion with the natural Moment of Life revealing the release of stress, pain, and discomfort.
As this takes place, the practice of the movements becomes more and more three-dimensional. That is, as we become more centralized in space, our spatial, bio-mechanical relationship to three-dimensions begins to be experienced as the actual physical sensation of our being as our body becomes – essentially – present.
This takes us to the third stage, in which through the actual integration of the Movements, our mind begins to understand and experience the all-permeating beauty that naturally surrounds us.
Inside of this physical experience of Beauty, our being becomes present with many ideas that in the past may have been interpreted as philosophical ideals and religious beliefs and now becomes seen as being the natural Presence of Life Itself.
The Presence of Life is revealing within our Self that everything is known within our union with Three-Dimensions –The Sphere of Life.
This knowing is accompanied by our sense of Self - experiencing a larger and larger expression of feeling Love.
This natural, emotional uplifting within our sense of Self is accompanied by our physical sensation of life merging with The Whole Nature that is The Ecstasy of Life.
And, it is this, our natural state of exaltation that takes us to the fourth stage expressing Unity within our being – as our being realizes that the alchemical process of transmutation has merged naturally with the alchemical reality that is the Infinite Regeneration of our human life.
In this stage, we become extraordinarily surprised as The Fountain of Life becomes the natural, continual showering of light through which we experience the fulfillment of our human life.
In this fourth stage, we say that we become extraordinarily surprised because – as our three senses merge with The Unity of Life – each of us – all of a sudden – awakens into the presence of The New World in which everything has been given, as the arms of Creation embraces us with the magical reality that is the Unity In Motion of Life.