"The Eternal Becoming of Life"
The Ninth Dimension, Infinite Regeneration, is the fulfillment of our human lives self-contained within The Eternal Moment of Life.
Within the Celebration of The Ten Dimension we say, through the Movements expressing the Ten Dimensions at different planes and directions within three-dimensional space, that the First Dimension - (the Connection of CENTRAL CROWN) celebrates the natural ascension that is the whole movement of Life.
Within this celebratory acknowledgment we are recognizing that within the Realms of Unity – as we celebrate The Unity of Life --
it is of extraordinary importance for all of us to see, as we become more and more present with The New Consciousness of Life, that the very essence that is our being -- our Essential Sense of Self -- is presently ascending with the Universe as it expands into infinity.
This statement is corroborated by quantum physics and quantum entanglement that tells us that even though we are existing as human beings within the realms of linear and sequential experience of our human lives we are also – through the reality of quantum entanglement – fully engaged in the extraordinary reality of Unity in Motion through which the Universe is forever unfolding and renewing as the Immanent Reality of Life.
This understanding and experience is essential for our human mental, emotional and physical experience of health because, as we understand our “natural ascension” we can be more and more present with the Infinite Regeneration occurring within the Ninth Dimension.
The Eight, Ninth and Tenth Dimensions, in their Triune Unity, are inseparably One.
Through Whole Nature – as the celebration of the Four Mothers,….. our Human Mother, our Mother Planet, our Universal Mother and the Mother of all Form,……we discover that what we call "physical form” is actually an expression of geometrics, and that the space, the form, and the movement that we call life, exists within a field of Unity that celebrates that which we consider to be form (as made of matter ) and that which we consider to be formless, and made of invisible energy, to be intrinsic parts of the Realms of Unity.
Infinite Regeneration, as the Ninth Dimension, is the celebration of the constant renewal of all physical form that - as the whole nature of life – is constantly transforming into the more of Life.
The more of Life is the creativity of Life – which is the natural continual ascension of the Universe transforming as One. As it is it synchronized as One, as the whole movement of Life.
The whole movement of Life actualized by the continuosly transforming moment of life is what reunites all things as One.
It is this whole movement that – as Whole Nature – embraces the whole interaction of all celestial bodies and the global collective experience of our human lives, into – One Body of life – forming the Universe forever expanding, forever ascending toward the fulfillment of Life.
This whole movement of Life actualized within the moment as Universal Balance is also the natural actualization of
Three Dimensions.
Three Dimensions being the constant reunion of three moments reunited as One bringing into actual manifestation the whole of physical reality at once.
This is the moment in which the physical formation of that which we call our human bodies becomes actualized as the existential, actual affirmation that is our physical existence.
This is the moment in which the physical actualization of physical existence not only becomes fully physical, but also becomes fully renewed by the natural creative reality that is Life itself.
This is the moment in which the physical manifestation of all things – including the form of our bodies – and the creative renewal of all things becomes a third expression that unites the physical and the transparently creative renewal of all things with the whole traveling of Life itself, forever engaged in its eternal becoming.
These three interpretations of the moment merged as one ….. physical manifestation, …... creative renewal and ….. engagement with the whole movement of Life is the reality of Three Dimensions and the celebration of The Ninth Dimension engaging us all with the Infinite Regeneration of life.
The Ninth Dimension, as we have seen in our previous analogy of the two Stars of David existing within Metatron’s cube, the Matrix of Balance and The Tree of Life is expressed in the second Star of David as the Unity of Whole Nature and Infinite Regeneration, as they become three into One in the dimension of Presence – the actualization of The Eternal Moment of Life.
The Eternal Moment of Life is the Unity of the three interpretations of the moment existing within Three Dimensions.
Through this all-encompassing field of Unity, existing within the nature of the moment, the actual instant that houses the nature of our human lives encompasses not only our human individual existence, but also the Whole Nature that is our beautiful planet earth, surrounded by the extraordinary celestial formation that we call The Universe.
This is the reason that The Eternal Moment is not only the celebration of the physical form of all life but also the celebration that is the Infinite Regeneration of all physical form, as it comes into being by its natural engagement with the Eternal Becoming of Life.
This understanding, involved in the eternal becoming that is the whole movement of life, can be attributed to Leonardo Pissano as he was – in his time – fascinated with the art of mathematics and his search for comprehending the natural unfolding form through which all things grow in nature.
The understanding of the fractal nature of The Flower of Life and the unity of geometrics inspired Leonardo into his famous discovery.... The Fibonacci numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence.
In mathematics, The Fibonacci numbers form a sequence called the Fibonacci Sequence, such that each number is the sum of the two preceding ones
The sequence starts …
The Fibonacci numbers appear in biological settings, such as the branching of trees, the arrangement of leaves in a stem, the fruit of sprouts of a pineapple, the flower of an artichoke, an uncurling fern, the arrangement of a pine cone and .......
It was Leonardo’s desire, that impelled him to decipher his numerical/sequential expression now called the Fibonacci numbers and the description of the Fibonacci spiral interpreting the golden mean and the divine proportions associated with the natural growth of all things.
The Nautilus sea shell is an example of this
divine proportion being revealed in nature.
It was the physical formation of The Flower of Life as the physical formation of form self-containing all the geometrical formations of the five platonic solids that inspired Leonardo to discover the gradual unfolding of all form and geometry as it is forever expanding with the Universe into infinite space.
The marriage between form and geometrical formation brought about by Leonardo Pissano began to take extraordinary importance within my mind’s imagination as I was searching to fully understand the geometry existing within the Movements of Unity In Motion.
This search for understanding became actualized one early morning as I was ruminating in a dream of The Flower of Life and as I was awakening one morning in the house of one of my students in San Francisco by the gentle sound that a Dream Catcher was creating as its form brushed upon the glass of an open window.
As half asleep, and half awake I saw the Dream Catcher, thoughts came to me regarding the possibility that the Dream Catcher was perhaps inspired in the actual catching of the moment.
I do not know why this idea of “the catching of the moment “ came into mind but it was perhaps because I remembered that among many Native American languages there is no separation between past and future as they did not exist as separated projections within their sense of time.
The sense of reality and the connection to nature within these cultures was always centralized within the moment of life.
As I became fascinated in the observance of this simple and graceful design, it came into my mind that the actual Fibonacci spiral could follow the natural formation of The Dream Catcher and take the form of a Mandala.
As I became overtaken by this vision, I decided to used the Fibonacci spiral to draw and create the form of the Mandala.
As I drew I recognized that there were nineteen points of unity within the spiral.
To my amazement these specific points of unity within the Mandala matched the 19 interlacing flowers . They where a perfect fit!
As this unification between Space, Form (The Flower of Life) and Movement (The Fibonacci Spiral) became part of my understanding I realized that through the Dream Catcher I had caught the dream -- the moment – and that this new symbol unfolding now in front of my eyes represented the foundation of the entire practice of the Movements of Unity In Motion.
At first, I named this symbol uniting space, form, and movement, as the representation of the Moment of Life The Geometry of Balance because it was representing – in a two dimensional form – the three-dimensional whole engagement of the practice of the Movements utilizing the dynamic unity of the geometry to suspend and move the physical form of the body in three-dimensional space.
With time, the name of the Geometry of Balance became recognized as being also The Geometry of Light as the whole geometry that was expressing the union of space, form, and movement, was also expressing the direct reflection of light upon the form and movement of Life.
My growing understanding of the Geometry of Light became increasingly clear within my mind as I further understood it through the nature of physics.
According to our understanding of physics we human beings do not directly see light, but we see the reflection of light upon the movement of Life.
The movement captures the reflection of light and our brain deciphers this information and informs us of what we see.
This recognition brought at first a startling and surprising new understanding of the nature of light but also a new sense of clarity within my understanding and experience of The New Consciousness of life.
Within the New Consciousness, Light as it was informing me and awakening its interpretation upon my human brain was also now revealing in me a completely new form of awareness.
This new form of awareness was no longer centralized in the form of me, as being an observer ….…… as me seeing something from a two dimensional point of view…….. but it was informing me from a whole new perspective of awareness centralized in Unity.
Inside of this new form of seeing, my mind – naturally – by The New Consciousness of Life – was allowing access to a new mind centralized in a new consciousness that utilized the five senses within my being to provide me with a completely new form of perception and discernment.
Now, my senses were experiencing that everything that I saw, touched, felt and experienced was intrinsically united within me.
Within this new sense of awareness I was realizing that I was no longer an observer – a perceiver – but I was the united experience of three things into One.
1. I was the observer 2. I was that which I was observing and 3. I was consciousness itself centralized within the moment of three dimensions, revealing a completely whole new meaning, understanding, and experience, existing within the natural moment of Life.
With this new form of awareness –- my communion with The New Consciousness -- I was not separated from that that which I was perceiving and everything that I was perceiving was me.
I realized that this was a new form of seeing – in the sense that – by my new field of awareness – I was becoming embraced by a new reality through which I was no longer separated from anything and that everything that was part of my awareness was a gift directed to me.
And it was the realization of this gift that was allowing me to recognize that I was now engaged with the Ninth Dimension – Infinite Re-generation – and through it I was essentially reunited with The Eternal Becoming of Life.