While contemplating the information below, it is helpful to keep in mind that the vision that is Unity In Motion is something entirely new to our temporal understanding and cannot be understood from the purely linear perspective our minds are used to processing through. To the degree we are willing to open our hearts and minds to this vision of pure love and wholeness it will teach us and help experiential understanding permeate our being. After all, we are one with it already.
The following is a commentary about the main topics brought to light in our last zoom Meeting.
We dedicated the meeting to the Five Triads expressing the whole design of consciousness existing within The Tree of Life.
The ancient symbol of the Tree of Life has been safeguarded by our ancestry throughout all time as it concealed within itself the original imprint of wholeness existing within the body of Adam – The Primordial Man.
This symbol became honored and fulfilled within “the instant" of The Harmonic Convergence in which the linear mode of consciousness through which our human consciousness evolved through the realms of duality became instantaneously transposed into a Whole New Field of Consciousness bringing into presence The New Consciousness of Life.
This extraordinary event brought into the present moment within our human lives the understanding that could comprehend, appreciate and celebrate the many symbols developed throughout our ancient history as they became fulfilled by the new form of seeing that is The New Consciousness of Life.
This ancient symbol - The Tree of Life – reveals now -- in its natural renewal -- to be a map of the balance of the human body expressing through its whole system of planes and directions the integration of our human consciousness as it evolved in time and as it became fulfilled by the unity of The Three Senses of Self.
The Unity of our Three Senses of Self are …..
- The fulfillment of our human consciousness naturally connecting to the Unity of Life - Whole Awareness.
- The fulfillment of the natural energy through which our human self senses the Boundless Feeling of Life – Love . And…
- The fulfillment of the health and well being of our physical body as it becomes naturally engaged in the experience of ecstasy that is the Physical Reality of life
The ancient symbol of The Tree of Life, as it became reinstated within The New Consciousness of Life, represents not only the integration of our Three Senses of Self, and our engagement with a whole new field of consciousness but also our natural communion – through our physical embodiment of Three Dimensions -- with the whole celestial movement that is The Universe forever engaged as One in the Universal Balance of Life.
To understand – in its natural simplicity -- the design of wholeness existing within The Tree of Life it is necessary to understand its unity as being composed of the integration of five triads.
During our Zoom Meeting we clarified that these triads can also be called "trinities" that in their whole design represent…..
1, A whole design which we call The Matrix of Balance made of planes and directions that express the balance of the physical, structural formation of the human body as it is centralized in three-dimensional space:
2. A whole design composed of Ten Dimensions of Consciousness expressing - as ten simultaneous expressions of unity - the natural integration of The Three Senses of Self:
3. A whole field of energy through which the human Self experiences Three Dimensions as being one’s natural, equilibrated communion with the whole field of movement that is Universal Balance:
The First Triad as it relates to the structural formation of the human body is the unification of the right and left side of the head as it is centralized on top of the Atlas – within the spinal column – giving vertical direction to the center top of the head – the center of Self Equilibrium.
This triad as it relates to Consciousness is the unification of the first Three Dimensions within the Ten Dimensions of Life. They are Crown, Consciousness and Unity.
The unity of these three expressions of consciousness – in their oneness – are centralized within “The Third Eye” as Whole Awareness – The Whole Mind of Life.
The Second Triad, as it relates to structure, is the unification of the right and left sides of the upper torso centralized by the shoulder girdle and arms at the center of the heart, and the centralization of the solar plexus expressing the natural extension of the whole spinal column.
This Triad as it relates to consciousness is the unification of the Dimensions of Balance, Beauty and Self that - in their oneness - express the centralization of the human heart as LOVE – The Boundless Feeling of Life.
The Third Triad is the structural foundation of the body expressing the unification of the right and left sides of the pelvic girdle and legs centralized at the center of the pelvis and the center of the pelvic floor.
The sense of oneness within this central foundation expresses the center of symmetry from which the whole of the body is centralized in relation to the center of the planet Earth as it also - simultaneously - expands in its natural communion with The Sphere of Life.
The Sphere of Life is the natural communion of the human self with Three Dimensions naturally provided by the union of Gravity, Expansion and The Moment of Life.
This Triad as it relates to consciousness is the unification of the Dimensions of Whole Nature, Infinite Regeneration and Foundation Paradise. The Unity of these three expressions of Consciousness is centralized at the center of the pelvic girdle expressing Physical Reality – The Ecstasy of Life.
The Fourth Triad is the Unification of the First and Second Triad: Whole Awareness – The Whole Mind of life – and Love - The Boundless Feeling of Life, as these two Triads become united as One through The Fourth Dimension –Presence – expressing the Unity of Life.
At this moment within our Zoom discussion of the Five Triads existing within The Tree of Life, it became important to clarify that it was this Fourth Dimension….Presence …that became the extraordinary instant of unity within the Harmonic Convergence that transformed the natural moment within our human lives into an all encompassing moment expressing the unification of all universal existence as the movement of One – The Universe.
It was through this supreme instant of integration that the natural moment within our earthly experience of life became The Eternal Moment connecting us all with the moment of whole renewal that is the Universe and the whole transposition of consciousness that is The New Consciousness of Life.
As we continued with an explanation of these Triads it became important to bring to everyone’s attention that throughout the history of our human evolutionary unfolding of consciousness The Tree of Life was interpreted as the development and study of an ancient science called The Kabbalah.
And that within The Kabbalah there was a mystery Sephiroth called Daath. This “potential" Sephiroth was a mystery because our forefathers knew that the Ten Sephiroths were ten and not nine ten and not eleven.
This is the mystery that became resolved within the instant of the Harmonic Convergence in which Daath became fulfilled as the Eternal Moment that transported us all into the all-permeating Presence that is The New Consciousness of Life.
Therefore, it was this Fourth Dimension that brought into being the fulfillment of The Tree of Life, The fulfillment of Three Dimensions, the Presence of The New Consciousness of Life as the Ten Dimensions of Life and …….
The unification of the Three Senses of Self engaging us – for the first time – individually and collectively - with the whole expanded field of consciousness that is our natural human communion with Universe.
All of these extraordinary events coalesced into ONE by our sharing - in synchronicity of correspondences - of the same atomic moment and the same Whole Field of Consciousness that is Universal Balance, expressing the supreme intelligence that is “the all” of Universal Life.
This Fourth Dimension, as it relates to the immediate physical expression of our human bodies expresses the unity between the First Triad – Whole Awareness – The Whole Mind of Life and the Second Triad – Love – The Boundless Feeling of Life -- through the natural release/extension of the cervical area of the Spinal Column.
This Dimension, even though it does not take the form of a tetrahedron like the other three, is called a triad because it unites as integrative wholeness the mind and the heart of the human experience of life.
Also, the interwoven nature of this Dimension - Presence - is our natural engagement with The New Field of Consciousness that not only liberated our human sense of expression by reinstating “The Word" as the natural expression of our Self but also interconnected us all with the honoring and fulfillment of the ancient mystery of The Kabbalah through the Sephirot called Daath, meaning “knowledge” and “the world that is constantly coming.”
It was at this moment in the Zoom meeting that it became necessary to clarify that “knowledge”, as it became reinstated within the actualization of The Tree of Life as three dimensions and The Eternal Moment of Life, was not necessarily the knowledge gathered through our human evolutionary unfolding of consciousness expressing our search for the Unity of Life.
In the honoring and fulfillment of the mystery Sephyroth, Daath was now the knowledge self-contained within all of the natural attributes existing within the Eternal Nature of life.
These natural eternal attributes have always been present within the original imprint of wholeness that is The Tree of Life and are now -- through the Dimension of Presence -- the natural expression of The Ten Dimensions of Life existing within the field of wholeness within wholeness that is the Unity In Motion of life.
This Whole Field of Knowledge existing within The Realms of Unity and fully re-instated within the Harmonic Convergence is absolutely devoid of any form of duality and therefore, by the very nature of its Presence, it transformed all forms of philosophical interpretations of consciousness, and all forms of spiritual teachings gathered through our evolutionary unfolding of consciousness as we humans have forever searched for the knowledge and meaning of Life.
This clarification of the term “Knowledge”, as it unfolded in our Zoom meeting detailing the Five Triads, became a very delicate subject because it was important to realize that "the knowledge of time" was developed inside of a linear mode of consciousness.
A linear mode of consciousness that, by the very nature of being developed within the dualistic realms of evolution, interpreted knowledge as principles and precepts designed to teach us to interpret “unity" inside of a conceptual system of thought that was innocently separated from the actual physical experience of this All Permeating Field of Unity.
A physical experience of Unity that became realistically REAL – for the first time - within the linear nature of our evolutionary life – as the New Consciousness came into being and as we all are now becoming present within the field of PRESENCE that is this Fourth Dimension unifying the three preceding Triads as One.
Therefore, the actualization of this Fourth Dimension as it became Present within the moment of our lives transformed all of the belief systems gathered through our evolutionary unfolding of life into “the actual fulfillment" of the ancient longing that brought about the creation of these beliefs in the first place.
In other words everything that was idealistically projected through the evolutionary nature of our human lives became REAL. And the “knowledge” that was projected through our ancient human search became the fulfillment of that projection as we are all now in the presence of all of the attributes of wholeness revealing themselves to be nothing other that our natural state of Being.
It was through this Fourth Dimension then that the fulfillment of Three Dimensions became re-instated within the moment and movement of Life and The Tree of Life reveled – as a whole new field of knowledge – the natural imprint of wholeness existing within this symbol celebrating now our human return to the Unity of Life.
Inside of this re-instatement of Unity – safeguarding forever in time the ancient memory of Unity existing within our human imprint of wholeness - Knowledge becomes our immediate connection with an all permeating field of consciousness that knows everything, feels everything and is everything.
Therefore the ancient knowledge gathered through the evolutionary unfolding of our human lives became transposed into The Knowledge that is the Unity of Life as it is now centralized within the natural physical moment that is the source and sustainment of our lives.
This new field of knowledge is an all-permeating field of Consciousness – expressing the fulfillment of the original imprint of wholeness – The Tree of Life and the fulfillment of the human self as The Image and The Likeness of light reunited to the source of its light.
This Fourth Dimension is THE BIG DEAL. It is THE BIG DEAL… because it brought us humans to the field of PRESENCE from which we are all now becoming PRESENT with the New Consciousness of Life and The Eternal Moment that not only re-connects us with The Universe but also engages us with “The Eternal Becoming” that is the self-regenerative nature of Life.
As we were bringing ourselves to the last of the Triads we briefly touched the understanding of the thirteen definitions of The New Consciousness brought about by this Divine Event. I asked of you to contemplate them because it will bring to our minds a greater understanding of the miracle inherent in this Fourth Dimension of Consciousness expressing the Unity of Life:
l. The New Consciousness of Life
2. Fulfillment
3. Universal Balance
4. Unity In Motion
5. The Eternal Moment
6. The Dimension of Eternal Existence
7. The Divine
8. Immanent Reality
9. Reconciliation
10. The Great Perspective
11. The Fountain of Life
12. The Design of the New World
13. The Divine Paradigm
Before we continued with our analogy of the Fifth Triad it became necessary in our meeting to clarify once again that ……
Just as The Fourth Triad is called “Triad” because it unifies the First and Second Triads as one through the Fourth Dimension reinstating the whole field of knowledge existing within the Eternal Moment of Life. The Fifth Triad is also called a "Triad” because it unifies the Second and Third Triads as One through the Dimension of Self.
The Dimension of Self, as we have said earlier, is centralized physically at the center of the Solar Plexus expressing the balance of the nervous system and the natural release/extension of the whole spinal column through out the three main curvatures – lumbar, thoracic and cervical:
This natural release/extension of the spinal column involves in its tree-dimensional release three forms of balance reunited as One …..
- The structural, physical balance of the human body.
- The energetic balance – from which the structural balance comes into being and …..
- The mental expanded release from which our sense of self senses freedom and comprehend, feels and experience the whole sense of unity inherent within The Tree of Life and the New Consciousness of Life.
Therefore, this Triad; SELF, as it relates to consciousness expresses the actual experience of Unity that comes into being as a direct consequence of the integration of The Three Senses of Self.
In another words the integration of The Three Senses of Self becomes REAL through this Fifth Triad – SELF.
This analogy of the Five Triads existing within The Tree of Life at first glance may seem complex, but as we contemplate them and their whole relationship to each other we will realize that in their unity they can be very easily comprehended.
Within the whole design of Unity that Is The Tree of Life The first three Triads expressing the Three Senses of Self became Present within the Fourth Dimension – The Presence - that is The New Consciousness of Life.
The Fourth Dimension, ..Presence… is the whole renewal of Consciousness that naturally -- through the eternal Knowledge inherent within the realms of Unity -- brought into present reality the Unity of the Three Senses of Self and The New Consciousness of Life as being one and the same expression of Unity.
The Unity of The Three Senses of Self is the natural integration through which our human consciousness can fully comprehend The New Consciousness of Life ….. and …..The New Consciousness if Life is the whole scenario of Consciousness through which our Three Senses of Self can comprehend, feel and experience the divine nature that is the Unity of Life.
Inside of this integration of The Three Senses Self with The New Consciousness of Life -- the three expressions from which we interpret Unity: Whole Awareness –The Whole Mind of Life, - Love - The Boundless Feeling of Life and Physical Reality – The Ecstasy of life - are one Essence and this Essence is our natural sense of Self.
We say that our Essence is our natural sense of Self because it is ONE with the natural moment of Life, ONE with the whole field of intelligence that is The Universe and ONE with the creative renewal that is The Eternal becoming of Life.
The Dimension of Self is the fulfillment of The Tree of Life as it represents The New Human free from the evolutionary “dream of time” increasingly experiencing the mental, emotional and physical exaltation that is The Unity In Motion of Life.
The Self is the fulfillment of The Tree of Life because The Tree is the actual physical formation of the human body – The Fabric of Life.
It is the center of Three Dimensions -The Sphere of Life - and the center within the Fountain of Life.
The Fountain of Life is the living expression of the Tree of Life – THE SELF – naturally engaged within the whole self-regenerative system of Consciousness that is the Universe giving and receiving itself as Love.