T h e F i r s t T h r e e T r i a d s
The Nineteen Connections can be practiced very gently and informally as they allow one’s mind to remember and learn them easily.
We use the word “informally “ because the Connections can only be defined in their true, bio-mechanical expression of Three Dimensions through the fluid continuity of movement that is the Path of Balance.
Each of the Connections is a bio-mechanical expression of Three- Dimensions that becomes reunited by the seamless continuity that is The Path of Balance giving to the student the experience of moving in a constant state of centralization within The Sphere of Life.
The Sphere of Life is the utilization of Three-dimensions reuniting three spheres as One.
- The Sphere of Gravity that embraces us toward our center of being and the center of the Planet Earth.
- The Sphere of Expansion -- which is life force -- expanding us equally towards all directions of space. And
- The Sphere that is the natural moment of life uniting Gravity and Expansion - the Three – as One - The Sphere of Life.
The entire study of Unity in Motion is centralized in the student learning how to utilize the constant presence of this sphere in order to centralize the physical, energetic and spatial formation of the body thereby becoming unified, supported and directed by the natural movement of Life.
Each Connection within the study utilizes the centralization of The Sphere of Life to provide the student with a central spatial line of reference from which the natural expansion of the whole body can come into being.
This natural expansion is experienced as the Matrix of Balance (pictured above) – a system of planes and directions – that unifies within the student three senses of balance as One.
These three senses of balance are……
- The biomechanical structural relationship of wholeness within the body experienced by the student as the balance of physical weight.
- The balance of energy ( or tensional forces ) through which the student experiences the centralized bio-mechanical relationship of physical weight. And…..
- The student's spatial relationship to three-dimensional space, which is the relationship to The Sphere of Life from which the balance of energy and the balance of physical weight come into being as three senses of balance reunited as One.
In the graphic below the 1. biomechanical structure is the "Physical Reality", 2. the balance of energy is the "Boundless Feeling" and 3. the spatial relationship to three-dimensional space is "Whole Awareness"
Through the study of Unity in Motion, the student, becoming familiar with these Three Senses of Balance, recognizes that their increasing unification reveals the mental, emotional and physical integration within one’s essential sense of Self.
The Purpose of the Practice of the Movements.
The Movements of Unity in Motion revealing the natural integration of the Three Senses of Self as the bio-mechanical awareness, the energetic sensation and the spatial relationship of the body – moving in three-dimensional space – becomes the student’s natural experience of Balance.
The unification of these three senses is the natural centralization of the Matrix of Balance expressing Three Diimensions as the center of The Sphere of Life and the fulfillment of the ancient symbol called The Tree of Life. (See post of Zoom meeting for July 13)
The Tree of Life has been said to be the original imprint of wholeness existing within the body of Adam – the primordial man – and preserved throughout all time in order to become present once again within our human lives and bring us to the natural transposition of consciousness that is our communion with the Eternal Nature of Life.
The Tree – as it is now Present within our human experience of Life – is “A Design of Wholeness" expressing a New Field of Consciousness bringing the fulfillment of our human life and our natural connection with an all permeating Universal Principle of Balance that engages us with the intelligence, the energy and the physical reality that is Universal Life.
The Five Triads
In the Zoom meeting of July 29, we expressed the linear understanding of the design of wholeness existing within The Tree of Life and how this beautiful design can be easily comprehended as it is seen to be made of Five Triads.
These Five Triads, depicting the oneness and wholeness that is THE TREE OF LIFE – express….
- The Matrix of Balance expressing the planes and directions that balance the human body in three-dimensional space.
- The Natural Moment of Life encompassing as Unity in Motion the unification of all things at once.
- The Ten Dimensions of Consciousness expressing the whole scenario of consciousness that is THE NEW CONSCIOUSNESS OF LIFE. And
- The unification of THE THREE SENSES within our sense of SELF as they become our natural communion with THE SPHERE OF LIFE and our natural engagement with the FOUNTAIN OF LIFE.
Each of the Five Triads involves three Connections of Three Dimensions existing within the movements of Unity in Motion and are an intrinsic part of The New Consciousness of Life representing the natural integration of the Three Senses of self as …
- WHOLE AWARENESS – The Whole Mind of Life,……
- LOVE ….. The Boundless feeling of Life….. and
- PHYSICAL REALITY— The Ecstasy of Life.
The First Triad —CROWN – CONSCIOUSNESS and UNITY expressing in their oneness WHOLE AWARENESS – The whole Mind of Life, involves three Connections of Unity in Motion: CENTRAL CROWN, HEAVEN and INFINITY.
These three Connections represent the highest centers within the whole of the body and the natural vertical extension that spatially, energetically and structurally centralizes the human body in three-dimensional space.
In their oneness these three Connections clarify the three-dimensional centering that is our natural communion with The Sphere of Life.
During our Zoom meeting it became important to clarify that even though we use the words “highest centers" this does not mean that they have more importance as – highest and lowest – than any of the other Triads and Connections.
Within the study of the Movements of Unity in Motion each of the Five Triads and each of the Nineteen Connections – as a whole design of Three Dimensions – have the specific function to realign the relationship of centering within the whole of the body thereby providing us with the clear experience of the field of energy that is our immediate communion with The Sphere of Life.
The unity within all these Triads and Connections unifies our human bodies as The Fabric of Life that – as it becomes more and more unified within its sense of wholeness – reveals a physiological, an energetic and a spatial integration expressing the natural experience of Balance within our human lives.
The Connection of Central Crown
The Connection of Central Crown is a Diamond that – as a bio-mechanical expression of unity – expresses the right and left centralization of the head on top of the spinal column and the vertical direction of extension of the whole body as Self Equilibrium.
It is called Central Crown because it expresses the centralization of the head on top of the spinal column and also via the small sphere described within the hands and the diamond of the arms a trinity of forces that culminates in the true vertical extension of the whole body in space.
This Connection also expresses ( via the diamond of the arms ) the release of right and left of the shoulder girdle as it is centralized on top of the rib cage giving opening and dimension to the center of the chest – the heart, and the centralization of the Pelvic Girdle and Legs acting as THE FOUNDATION from which the Second and First Triad express the unity of the Three Senses of Self.
It is important to realize that the unity of these three triads (involving consciousness, feeling and physical bio-mechanical interaction ) are always present within the three-dimensional definition of every one of the Nineteen Connections.
Central Crown is in its triune definition the fulfillment of a trinity that encompasses as consciousness not only the clarification of biomechanical balance but also our expanded embrace of Three Dimensions as the natural freedom of the mind, the feeling and the action that is our natural communion with Universal balance.
This triune expression of unity existing within the Connection of Central Crown is actualized as the natural release and expansion of “ The Third Eye “ meaning our human experience of the field of Whole Awareness that is The Whole Mind of Life.
It was at this moment within our analogy of the Five Triads and their corresponding Connections in our Zoom meeting that a student asked "how could I facilitate the expansion and release of the third eye so that I can become more and more connected to the experience that is "The Whole Mind of Life" ? .
The answer came in the form of an explanation …."the opening of the Third Eye and the release expansion of the mind is the natural outcome of the integration that comes into being as The Three Senses of Self become more and more synchronized revealing how Whole Mind is, in unity, one with Love – the Boundless Feeling of Life and one with Physical Reality – the Ecstasy of Life.”
“It is this physiological, neurological and spatial integration that is The Whole Mind of Life and one’s natural recognition of the reality of Balance. “
“But if we would like to purposely speed up the release/expansion of The Mind we can ask ‘”The Field of Whole Awareness “ – the now ever-present New Consciousness of Life -- to bring about the fulfillment of this desire.”
“The fulfillment of this desire can come directly by asking for it – through the whole field of consciousness – or by practicing the accuracy of placement of Central Crown, Heaven and Infinity as they exist and become unified through the Path of Balance.”
“The function of Central Crown, Heaven and Infinity is to naturally release the whole of the spinal column, and allow the nervous system, the brain and the mind to bring into our present reality the revelatory nature of consciousness. "
The Connection of Heaven
The Sphere of Heaven expresses, in its structural biomechanical definition, the full expansion of the spinal column as it is centralized by The Sphere of Life at the level of the 10th thoracic vertebrae.
The definition of this Sphere within the arms centralized at the center of The Chest expresses an outer arc of the whole torso and head expressing the release/expansion of the heart.
The Sphere of Heaven is also called The Sphere of God because as the structure, the energy and the spatial relationship of Three Dimensions comes in to being within our personal experience, there is an emotional release that reveals the actual feeling of heaven – coming to being through the opening of our heart that brings us to perceive that heaven is our natural communion with the all permeating Presence that is God.
This biomechanical, energetic and spatial experience of the opening of our heart is a “divine sensation” in the sense that it allows us to understand, feel and experience our present communion with Life and the natural, physical existence of the reality of God.
This is a very personal experience that will arise within the consciousness of the student of Unity in Motion as The Matrix of Balance centralized as The Tree of Life reveals its Presence as The New Consciousness of Life.
As this experience comes into being within our present awareness, there is a recognition of the beauty existing within our awaken sense of Self, prompting the realization that there never has been any distance between oneself and God.
There are many things that can be said about this Connection of Heaven because it is the fulfillment of the study and experience of Unity in Motion as it is through this Divine Awareness that we realize that heaven is not “somewhere” – in a far distant place – but presently existing within the Natural Moment of our human lives.
The Connection of Infinity
As each if these three Connections this is an Outer Arc of the spine. It is expressed through the natural extension of the arms and the whole bio-mechanical definition of the the body centralized by the Sphere of Life at the center of the Solar Plexus.
This definition, like all definitions existing within the Nineteen Connections of Unity in Motion is actualized and expansively centralized by the Matrix of Balance expressing the planes and directions that is Three Dimensions – The Tree of Life.
This Connection is called “Infinity" because the relationship of centering – as it is actualized by The Sphere of Life – gives to our sense of Self the experience and the natural understanding of all planes and directions existing within the Matrix and (in particular) the relationship of the diagonals uniting symmetry and asymmetry within the relationship of wholeness that is the form of our human body – The Fabric of Life.
The name of this Connection, “Infinity", becomes for our sense of Self a personal experience of centering within the whole of the body by which the sensation and definition of the body becomes free from any physical, mental and emotional boundaries.
This essential feeling of freedom arising within our sense of Self allows us to see that what we consider to be within and what we think to be without, what we consider to be internal and what we think to be external, all merge and dissolve within our natural experience of Three Dimensions.
Therefore, This Connection. “Infinity”. is also called the Arc of Freedom because it awakens within our sense of Self the mental, emotional and physical experience of being one with Life.
The Second Triad — BALANCE, BEAUTY AND SELF – in their oneness express LOVE –The Boundless Feeling of Life and involve three Connections of Unity In Motion: SUN, EXPANSION and MOVING HEART.
The Connection of Sun
The Connection of Sun is the largest sphere that the arms can define. It is centralized at the center of our human heart and in its expansive form -- as it is devoid of any form of compression upon the vertebrae of the spinal column --expresses the full opening of the Seven Centers existing within our central communion with The Sphere of Life.
In the central definition of this sphere there are three centers above; Throat, Head and Crown and three centers below; Solar Plexus, Pelvis and Legs and Foundation expressing the central line of Three Dimensions existing within the whole of The Tree of Life uniting our connection to the center of the Earth and our whole expansion of Crown.
This sphere of Sun exists within the Spherical Mandala – In the sequence of Movements of the First Section, when we move from the Sphere of Heaven – as the sphere becomes larger and larger until it touches its maximum centered expansion as Sun from which it then becomes increasingly smaller until it touches the Sphere of Earth.
The term maximum expansion means that the spherical form of the SUN as it is suspended within The Matrix of Balance is free from the creation of any compression within the vertebrae of the spine. a downward force of compression that will impair the vertical centralization of The Sphere of Life.
The Sphere of Sun is also called The Sphere of Self because even though it is centralized at the center of our chest – our human heart – it expresses by the boundless definition of this sphere the whole released expansion of our Solar Plexus.
Our Solar Plexus is the central definition of the three-dimensional extension of the whole of our spinal column and therefore the release of our nervous system from which we experience the balance of physical weight and our spatial relationship to infinite space that is our natural communion with The Sphere of Life.
This Connection is called Sun because it celebrates in its form the existence of the Sun within our solar system.
The Sun, the center of our solar system is simultaneous with the center of our planet Earth and simultaneous with the center of our being – the Solar Plexus.
Simultaneous with the light that illuminates all suns within our near galaxy. Simultaneous with the light that illuminates the all of celestial existence that is The Universe.
Simultaneous with the light that …as The Light of The World ….is the intelligence within our sense of Self engaged now in “the lightness of being" that is our natural experience of three-dimensions.
The Connection of Expansion
The Connection of Expansion expresses the fullest vertical and horizontal extension within our body. This natural extension centralizes us with the Sphere of Life at the center of our heart – the center between the Dimensions of BALANCE and BEAUTY – within the design of wholeness that is The Tree of Life.
This Connection has an extraordinary power that – as it becomes more and more connected to the whole simultaneous design that is Matrix of Balance – unifies the expansive freedom within all segments of the skeleton, the fascia the interaction of all ligaments, muscles and organs that make up the whole of the body engaged as One in the suspended experience of three-dimensions.
This arc of Expansion is also called The Boundless Feeling of Life because it expresses the whole energy of love becoming One with the sphere of life and One with our natural engagement with The Fountain of Life.
This Connection, in its infinite expansion, reminds us of the natural momentum in which the universe is expanding into infinity and the sense of freedom from which we experience the eternal becoming that is the movement of Life.
Physiologically speaking, this Connection becomes more present within our awareness through the unity of all planes and directions existing within the Matrix of Balance.
The Connection of Moving Heart
The Connection of Moving Heart is a diamond centralized within the center of our breast bone. It is – in its form – a slight inner arc within ¾ of an inch deep within the rib cage expressing our connection to the center of our human heart as the seat of our soul.
It is called Moving Heart because it honors and fulfills our ancient evolutionary voyage through which we humans have incarnated forever in time, in our search to find our essential connection to the Eternal Nature of Life.
The center of this Connection is the most vulnerable place within our physical sensation of Life. It carries within itself the original imprint of wholeness existing within the Divine Design called human – expressing The Image and the Likeness of God. This is the center within the Second Triad of The Tree of Life that became re-instated and fulfilled within our human experience through The New Consciousness of Life.
The physiological nature of this Center assists us to commune with the natural rhythm that is the balance of The Planet Earth and the balance of our Solar System.
Through this Center we celebrate Love – The Biorhythm of Life – through which our human heart palpitates in synchronicity of correspondences with the whole biorhythm that is the heart of the universe.
This biorhythm of the universe expresses the natural electrical impulse through which our heart experiences the existence of life as the balance or our human nervous system living the energy that animates our bodies and gives spatial freedom to the exuberant nature of our human lives.
The Third Triad — WHOLE NATURE, INFINITE RE-GENERATION and FOUNDATION/PARADISE in their oneness express PHISICAL REALITY – the Ecstasy of Life and involve three Connections of Unity In Motion – EARTH, CROWN and FOUNDATION.
The Connection of Earth
The Connection of Earth is a sphere centralizing the Sphere of Life in this Third Triad expressing Physical Reality – The Ecstasy of Life.
It takes the form of an inner arc expressing the celebration and fulfillment of our Planet Earth The Motherland.
In its physiological nature this sphere celebrates the reinstatement of The Three Senses of Self from which our physical nature, our emotional fulfillment and the brilliant nature of our human mind has become reinstated as the living expression of the New Human.
In its natural existence this sphere represents all forms of revitalization within our human bodies and the ancient nature that has been our planet, the Mother Planet safeguarding the memory of the ancient Garden of Eden and Paradise.
Therefore the name of this Connection, Earth, is also called the Sphere of Nature.
The experience of this Sphere as it comes into being through The Path of Balance and our communion with The Sphere of Life is celebratory in its nature because The New Consciousness of Life brings us to the Presence that is The Design of The New World transforming all things through the eyes of Love.
Through this design, the ancient symbol of The Tree of Life becomes fully alive reconnecting us all with the original imprint of wholeness that we have forever carried within our ancient souls as – in the presence of wholeness – our Planet Earth and the Connection within Unity in Motion that we call Earth are now the celebration of the form of God.
This celebration not only renewing all aspects of our human experience of life but also the Mother Principle of Life becoming honored and fulfilled by the re-instatement of unity that is The New Consciousness of Life.
The Connection of Crown
The Connection of Crown is our natural Connection via the center of The Tree of Life with the natural tree-dimensional experience that unites us with the Eternal Moment of Life.
This Connection is called Crown becomes it celebrates the unity of Heaven and Earth. The three-dimensional expression of its bio-mechanical definition expresses the existence of the Moment of Life as it is grounded within the natural, embracive conversion of The Field of Gravity and as it is naturally expanded by the energy that is Life.
Crown comes into being through the Path of Balance that connects us from the inner arc of Foundation to the natural extension of Crown.
Through this Connection of Crown, we learn to ascend from the lowest center Foundation/Paradise through the seven centers existing within The Tree of Life to the highest center – The Dimension of Crown – and to descend again through the seven centers to the lowest center Foundation/Paradise.
This descending and ascending through the seven centers of life is the foundation of the entire practice of Unity in Motion through which all of its movements unify The Fabric of Life as it naturally becomes refined, bringing about the unity of all planes and directions that synchronizes as One our three-dimensional experience of life.
Therefore, there are -- in Unity in Motion -- two interpretations of CROWN.
One is the Dimension of Crown – the highest definition of Crown celebrating the renewed moment of unity within our human lives. And the other is the Connection of Crown honoring and fulfilling the essential memory of our human lives uniting Heaven and Earth through the center of our human heart.
The Connection of Foundation
The Connection of Foundation is a diamond centralizing through the small sphere within the hands the center of the pelvic girdle and legs and the Center/Foundation of life.
This unification of two Centers as one is the mirror reflection of the Connection of Central Crown. In Central Crown the centralization of right and left of the head on top of the atlas within the spinal column is unified through the diamond of the arms and the small sphere of the hands with the center top of the head expressing this highest vertical center and our union with The Sphere of Life.
In the Connection of Foundation/Paradise, the center of balance of right and left within the pelvis and legs converge within the center of the pelvic floor as the Diamond of Foundation.
This is a mirror reflection of the Trinity of Dimensions existing within the first Triad – CROWN, CONSCIOUSNESS AND UNITY engaged in a natural synchronicity of correspondences with the last Triad WHOLE NATURE, INFINITE REGENERATION AND FOUNDATION/PARADISE.
The Connection of Foundation/Paradise is the celebration of our human fulfillment – existing within the very foundation of our human self – as the center within our being is simultaneously interconnected with THE FOUNDATION that is the center of The Universe Paradise.
This Connection, Foundation/Paradise unites the lowest and highest center within our being as the unity of three as One – Three-dimensions – through which our human experience is simultaneously, gravitationally, inter-connected with the center of the Universe – Paradise – as we are also naturally ascending within the “expansive renewal “ that is the creative reality of the whole of Universal Life.
In their union, the First Triad within The Tree of Life, Whole Awareness – The Whole mind of Life is One with the Third Triad Physical Reality – The Ecstasy of Life. And It is this union between the highest and the lowest expressions of unity within the Tree of Life that brought about the fulfillment of the evolutionary nature of our human life.
This is the fulfillment that reunited our human experience within our earthly life with the universal reality naturally existing within the Eternal Moment of Life.
This is the fulfillment of The Tree of Life naturally transporting us all into the natural engagement of Unity in Motion that is The Fountain of Life.
In our next blog entry we will continue with the 19 Connections of the First Section of Unity In Motion as they appear in the Fourth and Fifth Triads, The Fulfillment of the Three Senses of Self and the definition of 0 Point Balance.......stay tuned...💞