Within the Three Releases, the word “release” does not mean “letting go of something” but instead implies The Principle of “Passing Through“ by which we understand and experience the Fifth Dimension within the Ten Dimensions – The Dimension of Balance – The Fulfillment of Life.
We discover this Principle of Passing Through as we learn the Connections of Unity in Motion and the Path of Balance that unites all Connections into one fluid, continual expression of three dimensions.
Release then meaning the experience of pleasure that we experience through the simultaneity of centering that unites us internally and externally within the natural moment of Life.
That is, within every Connection – as in the Connection of EXPANSION for example – the bio-mechanical nature of the movement that brings us to this definition connects us with three forms of release reunited as One.
It connects us internally, toward the center of our being - our heart.
It connects us externally through the natural extension of
Passing Through.
It connects with the natural release expressed by The Coronal Plane which is – the always changing frame and form of the movement – that The Path of Balance describes in space actualizing as three dimensions the natural moment of Life.
The Three Releases then are three whole movements within the practice of Unity In Motion through which we learn and experience the natural integration and unification of our Three Senses of Self.
The Three Release are …
1. The Release of Earth and Foundation -
The Connection of Suspended Balance
The Release of Earth and Foundation celebrates the Third Triad existing within the unified field of consciousness that is The Tree of Life. This Triad is composed of the Dimensions of Whole Nature, Infinite Regeneration and Foundation/Paradise – a trinity of correspondences – that in their Oneness expresses Physical Reality – The Ecstasy of Life.
2. The Release of Expansion
The Release of the Heart
The Connection of Touching Balance
The Release of Expansion celebrates the Second Triad composed of the Dimensions of Balance, Beauty and Self, in their oneness expressing – Love – The Boundless Feeling of Life. And…
3. The Release of Heaven
Uniting the Three Releases and The Three Senses of Self as One
The Connection of Inner/Outer Balance
The Release of Heaven celebrates the First Triad composed of the Dimensions of Crown, Consciousness and Unity - a Trinity of correspondences that in their Oneness expresses as Whole Awareness _ The Whole Mind of Life. The Heaven Release celebrates The Three Senses of Self that – as The Fulfillment of The SELF in each of us – is also the celebration of The New Consciousness of Life.
The following is a narration of the Three Releases. To facilitate comprehension, the Connections appear in Red, the Moving Connections in Blue, and the Paths in Green.
(Through the Whole Movement that is the Unity of the Three Releases we always define first the Connection that we are releasing and then, as we repeat the movement that takes us once again to this Connection, we release it.)
The first release – The Release of Earth and Foundation begins in the Connection of Crown.
Defining the Connection of Earth:
From the starting point of Crown, we enter the Infolwing Wave in four counts 1-2-3-4- expressing the even rhythm of The Path of Balance – that takes us through the Moving Connection of Suspended Wave at count 2 and continues with the movement arriving to the Diamond of Foundation at count 4.
From Foundation – The Path of Balance unfolds – in 4 counts – to the Connection of the sphere of Earth from which we gather in 4 counts the Inflowing Wave that touches Suspended Wave and returns us to the diamond of Foundation.
From Foundation we return in 4 counts to the sphere of Earth from which we initiate the first release.
These four movements, taking us in 4 counts from Crown to Foundation and from Foundation to Earth and from Earth to Foundation and once again to Earth takes us through a total of 16 counts.
Release of Earth and Foundation:
The Release of Earth and Foundation begins in the definition of the Earth, completing the preceding Movement and takes us, in 4 counts, through the Path of Inflowing Wave, which incorporates the Moving Connection of Suspended Wave to its arrival destination of Foundation.
From Foundation the paths of Ascending Through Centers and the Invisible Spirals take us in 5 counts through a forward release of the spine that settles us into the Connection of Suspended Balance at count 6 .
The Invisible Spiral is a spiral of the arms that circularly suspends the shoulder girdle at top of the rib cage allowing for the spinal column to constantly release through the formation of its vertebrae as it arrives to the Connection of Suspended Balance.
Suspended Balance is a diamond that allows for the relationship of whole of the body to be centralized by The Sphere of Life at the center of the pelvis and lower back.
Biomechanically, this is one of the reasons that this release is called the The Release of Earth and Foundation as it is in this whole relationship expressed through The Path of Balance and this Connection of Suspended Balance that the Descending Springs within the legs balances the forward release of the spine centralized by the Sphere of Life within the pelvis and lumbar vertebrae.
Until now, this Movement initiated in the Connection of the sphere of Earth has taken us in 4 counts to the Connection of Foundation and to the Connection of Suspended Balance in six Counts – a total of 10 Counts.
Within the fluidity of the Movement if we count it in sets of four – the Connection of Suspended Balance touches its completion at count 2. (That is, we have done two sets of 4 amounting to 8 plus 2 that complete the 10 counts.)
From here the Connection of Suspended Balance returns us through the Path of Entering Crown through counts 3 and 4 to the Moving Connection of Entering Foundation from which the path of Ascending Through Centers becomes the path of Offering Foundation culminating, in four counts to the Connection that is the arc of Crown.
This Whole Movement, expressing the Release of Earth and Foundation has taken a total of 16 counts. And, from the initiation of the movement in the Connection of Crown, the total that has brought us to the completion of this First Release is 32 counts.
The Release of the Heart.
Defining the Connection of Expansion:
The Release of Expansion comes into being as a continuity of the Release of Earth and Foundation.
Therefore, from the Connection of Crown expressing the completion of the previous Release, we have 1 count to define the Connection of Earth that continues with the Path of Inflowing Wave taking us to the Moving Connection of Suspended Wave at count 2 and to the Connection of Foundation at count 4.
From Foundation we open the movement once again to touch, through the Path of Unfolding Wave, the Connection of Earth at count 2 and continue with the Path of Riding the Wave unfolding for 2 more counts to the definition of Expansion – The Boundless Feeling of Life.
The Connection of Expansion is an arc expressing the full extension of the arms and torso centralized at the center of our heart. It is called “The Boundless Feeling of Life” because it expresses – as LOVE – the Oneness within the Second Triad of Dimensions, BALANCE, BEAUTY AND SELF and because it expresses the whole field of energy that unites the vertical and horizontal forces of expansion existing within The Tree of Life which is also our direct connection to The Sphere of Life.
From the definition of the Connection of Expansion we descend in 3 counts through the Paths of Navigation and Riding the Wave to the Moving Connection of Mandala Crown from which, at the sphere of Earth takes us – once again – through the Path of Inflowing Wave to the Moving Connection of Suspended Wave and the diamond of Foundation.
From Foundation then we open again the movement through the Path of Unfolding Wave to touch Earth thereby initiating the Path of Riding the Wave to Expansion from which the Release of Expansion begins to take its form. After five sets of 4 counts amounting to 20 counts
The Release of Expansion:
The Release of Expansion begins with a forward release in which the arms – always centralized at the center of our heart – encircle a spiral that takes us in 3 counts to the Moving Connection of Suspended Heart where the Releasing Wave continues through counts 4 and 1 arriving to the Connection of Touching Balance at count 2. This is a total of 6 counts.
The Connection of Touching Balance is also called “The Release of The Heart” because it allows for the centralization of The Sphere of Life to actualize the natural release expansion of the lower thoracic vertebrae within the spinal column. This natural centralization provided by the three-dimensional nature of The Sphere of Life allows us to experience how the circular form that the torso must take in order for our hands to touch the Earth can still allow for the natural elongation of all of the vertebrae of the spinal column.
From the Connection of Touching Balance counts 3 and 4 take us through the Path of Encircling Wave to the Moving Connection of Entering Foundation from which in 4 counts we open through the Path of Ascending through Centers, becoming the path of Unfolding Heart that culminates in the Connection of Expansion.
This whole Release, taking us from and returning us to Expansion has taken 12 counts.
Completing this Movement are the paths of Navigation and Riding The Wave taking us to the Moving Connection of Mandala Crown from which The Connection of Earth takes us through the Inflowing Wave to the Moving Connection of Suspended Wave and to the Connection of Foundation at count 4 and the beginning of the Movement that will lead us to the definition of the sphere of Heaven. A total of 8 counts
The Celebration of the Three Senses of Self
The Release of Heaven comes into being as a direct continuity of The Release of Expansion expressing the unification of the First Triad of Dimensions – CROWN, CONSCIOUSNESS AND UNITY that in their Oneness express, as Whole Awareness – The Whole Mind of Life. The Release of Heaven also expresses the celebration of The Three Senses of Self that – as The Fulfillment of The SELF in each of us – is also the celebration of The New Consciousness of Life.
Defining the Connection of Heaven:
From Foundation, we unfold the wave that touches the sphere of Earth from which the path of Riding The Wave takes us to the arc of Expansion in 4 counts. As the movement touches Expansion, the path of Encircling The Heart takes us to the definition of the sphere of Heaven. A total of 8 counts.
The sphere of Heaven is also called THE SPHERE OF GOD because it expresses the maximum opening of our heart through the natural – whole extension of the spinal column – expressing an outer arc.
An outer arc meaning ….the spiraled inner elongation within the three-dimensionality of all of the vertebrae as they are extending naturally through their three main curvatures – the lumbar, the thoracic and the cervical vertebra.
From the sphere of Heaven, the sphere opens through the path of Expanding Heart to the spatial angle of the arc of Infinity from which, as it continues descending, touching at count 2 the outer Moving Connection of the Delicate Heart . It is in this instant of connection with the Delicate Heart that the arms begin to evenly and gradually rotate ensuring the continual opening of the heart in order to encounter the path of Riding The Wave that takes us to the Connection of Expansion. All this is 4 counts.
From the touching of the arc of Expansion, the path of Navigation and Riding the Wave takes us to the Moving Connection of Mandala Crown from which the sphere of Earth takes us through the Inflowing Wave to the Moving Connection of Suspended Balance and the diamond of Foundation. A total of 8 counts.
From Foundation the Path of Balance opens once again to touch the sphere of Earth as it continues with the Riding The Wave to Expansion and the path of Encircling The Heart, touching the Connection that is the sphere of Heaven.
The sphere of Heaven is the sphere from which we are about to begin the third release – The Release of Heaven.
(From Foundation to the definition of Heaven and returning to Foundation and back to Heaven – A total of 28 counts).
This last Movement taking us from the completion of the release of EXPANSION to FOUNDATION and from FOUNDATION to EXPANSION and the definition of HEAVEN and from HEAVEN to EXPANSION and FOUNDATION once again and finally to EXPANSION and HEAVEN taking us through a total of 36 counts as to get us ready for …..
The Release of Heaven:
The Release of Heaven begins with a forward release that Encircles Heaven and takes us on a 10-Count path to the Moving Connection of Suspended Heart at count 3 from which the path of Releasing Wave at count 4 begins to release the entire formation of the spinal column as the arms and hands at count 10 touch the Connection of Inner/Outer Balance .
The Connection of Inner/Outer Balance is an outer arc of the spine that springs us back into the path of Swinging Spirals in 2 counts arriving to the Moving Connection of Suspended Boundaries at count 4 from which the Encircling Wave takes us to the Moving Connection of Entering Foundation from which the path of Ascending Through Centers takes us through the seven centers as Unfolding Heaven culminating in the sphere of Heaven. A total of 10 counts.
This specific definition - Heaven– coming into being through the unfolding of the seven centers is now A Moving Connection – Heaven - meaning that in this specific arrival the sphere is one frame of movement within the continuity of The Path of Balance.
From this instant/definition of Heaven then, the path opens as it descends into the Path of Expanding the Heart touching the outer Moving Connection of the Delicate Heart at count 2 from which the arms gently rotate and engage in the Riding The Wave that takes us to the arc of Expansion in 4 counts.
From Expansion, the Path of Navigation and Riding The Wave takes us to the Moving Connection of Mandala Crown connecting us with the sphere of Earth from which the Inflowing Wave brings us to Suspended Wave and Foundation in 8 counts. The Outflowing Wave brings us to Crown. A total of 12 counts.
This last Movement – The Release of Heaven - is made up of 36 counts bringing into completion the Three Releases uniting the Three Senses of Self as ONE.