The Center of Life
The Center of the Tree of Life
The Fountain of Life
The First Three Triads each embody a triad of Dimensions relating directly to each of the Three Senses of Self. The Fourth and Fifth Triads are different in that they each embody three Connections expressed through one Dimension. These Triads are associated with the vertical Centers of the Throat and Solar Plexus.
As the first three Triads each express one of the Three Senses of Self, The Fourth Triad located at the Fourth Dimension of Presence then is the celebration of the unity of the Three Senses of Self. The Fifth Triad called Self, centralized in the solar plexus of the Seventh Dimension is represented by three Connections expressing then the celebration of The Fulfillment of Self.
Our Three Senses within our sense of Self were developed through the evolutionary unfolding of our human consciousness and the three became reunited as ONE within the Instant of The Harmonic Convergence.
Through this miraculous “instant of unity” the three senses became – PRESENT – within the field of PRESENCE for the first time experiencing their natural state of balance through their natural communion with The Eternal Moment of Life
Before this extraordinary event, the three senses developing within the linear realms of duality were at different times – within the history of our evolutionary unfolding – constantly approaching their merging but, because “The Moment “ was not yet fully reinstated to its natural state of unity, the possibility of the union of the three senses was always Illusive.
This unity was illusive because according to the circumstances dictated by time, location and levels of physical security and education within the many different cultures expressing the constantly changing unfolding of consciousness – out of necessity -- one of the three senses was always inter-changeably predominant upon the others within the immediate expression of our human lives.
Therefore, at times our mental interpretations of what we thought to be our human reality became predominant in relation to the emotional sentiments of our hearts expressing the feelings through which we experience Life. And, at other times, the immediate needs that we thought must be attended within the physical reality in which we lived our lives took a sense of priority upon our hearts and minds in order for us to feel secure, protected and many times even to survive.
Therefore, the long voyage that has been the evolutionary unfolding and development of our senses culminating in the union of our Thee Senses of Self became not only the integration of our human consciousness but also the extraordinary celebration that is the re-instatement of our Natural Sense of SELF.
Our sense of Self, awakening from the dream of time and becoming present within The Natural Moment of Life allows us to experience ourselves inside of a Whole New Mind.
Alex Gray, Artist
A New Mind and a new expression of Consciousness ….giving us an overwhelming new understanding, feeling and experience of the meaning of Love …and the divine realization that began to surface within our senses as we physically began to inhabit the original, holographic imprint of wholeness existing within the memory of The Garden and The Tree of Life.
This is the experience of our human fulfillment self-contained within the Fifth Triad as the Seventh Dimension – SELF –expressed as three Connections of Unity in Motion.
These Three Connections associated with the Fifth Triad are, in their natural unity, one. At the same time each separately expresses an attribute existing within the Fulfillment of Self.
These three Connections are three Diamonds centralized by The Sphere of Life at the center of The Solar Plexus.
The Center of Life
Self is the natural expression of Oneness existing within the fulfillment of our human lives.
The SELF is the individual expression of Life that as the direct expression of the unification of The Three Senses of Self is now the divine archetype of human consciousness re-instated to the natural freedom existing in its communion with The Eternal Moment of Life.
In its physical biomechanical expression of three-dimensions the Connection of Self expresses the centralized relationship between all the moving segments of the body united by the whole system of planes and directions within the Matrix of Balance and centralized by the Sphere of Life at the Center of the Solar Plexus.
The gesture within this Connection is an open diamond of the arms expressing the balance between the right and left sides of the body as this balance is also centralized in relation to front and back and above and below directions of space. These are the six directions of space that synchronized as One is The Center of Life – the center of Three-dimensions – and our natural communion with The Sphere of Life.
The natural emoting gesture of this Connection expresses the balance between the giving and receiving of the energy that is Life and depicts also the structural balance of the shoulder girdle and arms centralized at the center of the chest – the Heart
The balance of shoulder girdle and arms expresses the vertical guidance of centering within the Pelvic Girdle and Legs centralized through the all-embracing field of gravity at the center of the Earth.
This balance between shoulder girdle and arms and pelvic girdle and legs reflects the vertical direction of the four Centers above: The Heart; Throat, Head and Crown expressing the Dimension of PRESENCE and the whole unified centering of the whole body centralized at the Center of the Solar Plexus.
The Solar Plexus – centralizing the Connection of Self – Is called “The Center of Life” because it expreses the fulfillment of our Three Senses of Self as our Self’s communion with The Whole Field of Energy that is Life.
In our natural union with the energy that is Llfe, our sense of Self within each of us is also instantaneously Present with the natural moment of Life experiencing three dimensions as the centralization of the giving and receiving of Love.
This natural union of balance between the giving and the receiving of Love is expressing the whole field of energy within the body; uniting mind, feeling and action as the reality of One.
The Self as Cosmic Reality
The SELF is now the divine archetype of human consciousness re-instated to the natural freedom existing in its communion with The Eternal Moment of Life.
Within the natural unity of The Three Senses of Self, the natural attribute of Whole Mind (Whole Awareness) exists as such because of the mind’s unity with Love The Boundless Feeling of Life and the physiological, structural formation that is our Physical Reality.
Just as the natural attribute of Love –The Boundless Feeling of Life – exists as such because of love’s unity with Whole Awareness and Physical Reality....
Just as the physiological structure of the body (Physical Reality) experiences the balance of its physical weight through the balance of energy (Boundless Feeling) and the expanded nature of the mind (Whole Awareness) centralizing the Self in three dimensional space.
The Three Senses of Self – in their whole nature are inseparably One.
The Three Senses of Self are and always have been ONE as they exist as ONE within the holographic imprint of wholeness that is The Tree of Life. They exist within the three crosses within The Tree of Life that centralize in three dimensions the physical formation that is our human life.
This is the reason that, within the instant of completion of the evolutionary consciousness of life, the Self became re-instated to its natural sense of Self, existing within the original memory of The Tree of Life forever safeguarding throughout all time the imprint of wholeness that is The Natural Moment of Life.
The Natural Moment of Life is transformed now into The Eternal Moment dissolving through The New Consciousness of Life all misunderstandings and confused premises gathered through the evolutionary history of our human life.
The Self – in re-gaining the nature of its unbounded Love became the original imprint of human re-instated through “The Natural Moment” to the absolute creativity of Life.
Therefore, The energy of SELF, as it is called, and as it is actualized by this Connection of Self, expresses the brilliant expression of consciousness coming into being within our individual sense of Self and also within every single human being.
The energy of Self – the synchronized expression of mind, feeling and action is the divine archetype of human as it is now engaged in the celebration of The Three Senses of Self as the fulfillment of all human life.
As the three-dimensional centralization of giving and receiving of Love, the Self is the celebration of THE NEW HUMAN now physically engaged in the divine presence that is The Eternal Becoming of Life.
THE SELF — The Divine Human– being present with The Natural Moment of Life experiencing itself to be The Light of The World, The Image and the Likeness of God reunited to the source of its light.
The Center of The Tree of Life
The Connection of Central Heart assists us to perceive the whole relationship of centering that comes into being within our physical bodies as we experience the Center of Space.
This Connection also assists us to realize how our whole relationship of centering, as it is centralized in three-dimensional space, expresses our direct communion with The Tree of Life.
The Tree of Life – the original symbol of Unity – is not a symbol existing outside of us as an external representation of Unity but it is the natural formation of our human bodies engaged now in the celebration that is the integration of our Three Senses of Self.
As seen in the graphic below, this Connection, because of its specific structural centering at the Center of the Solar Plexus, uniquely expresses The Center of Space, The Center of Three-dimensions – The Center within The Sphere of Life - The Center of The Matrix of Balance, The Center of The Tree of Life and our natural communion with the whole field of Consciousness that is The New Consciousness of Life.
Central Heart describes a diamond within the arms that becomes united by the ten fingers of the hands forming the shape of a heart expressing the balance between the right and left, front and back and above and below directions of space.
Notice that the horizontal and vertical lines, depicting the spatial relationship of right and left and front and back, are centralized at the center top of the head - Crown. This center line then represents the center of the Sphere of Life. If we could peer down this center line we would see all the Seven Centers aligned one on top of one another, forming the converging line of gravity and the expansional vertical direction of Crown.
In this view of the same Connection, we see the same vertical and horizontal lines, and from this view, (impossible to depict within the two dimensional nature of the first graphic), the lines are seen clearly to intersect at the Solar Plexus. From this frontal view we can now we see the Sphere of Life and all the Seven Centers - the center line still describing the center of The Sphere of Life expanding the body in all directions of space.
The unity expressed by the description of the heart, uniting all fingers, describes the balance of the six directions of space as The Center of Space but also as the unity between two hearts.
This is the reason that this Connection is called Central Heart as the centralization of the whole body in space unites the human and cosmic heart as One.
The human heart being the centralization of the shoulders and arms at the Center of the Chest, the Heart, and the Cosmic Heart being the centralization of the Solar Plexus liberating the three-dimensional natural extension of all the vertebrae of the spinal column.
The Connection of Central Crown is of extraordinary importance because it embodies so clearly “"The Given" The Sphere of Life, centralizing the physical, energetic and spatial senses of the body, providing us with the centralized point of reference from which The Self in each of us can internally – from the center of space – expand in all directions of space.
Three Dimensions:
Notice that the natural extension of the spinal column is centralized where the vertical and horizontal lines meet at the central of the Solar Plexus expressing the balance between above and below and front and back.
Also notice that the vertical line, centralizing the body in three dimensions, even though it is seen as a flat line is actually the center of space depicting the balance between right and left ,uniting the six directions of space. Also notice that the six directions of space is the balance of the three senses of self (depicted in this graphic as three spheres) as one's natural relationship to the Sphere of Life.
It is this centralization of six directions of space and the unification of the three senses of self that is the three-dimensional extension of the spinal column.
The Sphere of Life
It is important to realize that the entire practice of Unity in Motion is based in this principle in which all Connections and The Path of Balance that unite all Connections into the seamless continuity of three-dimensional movement, utilize the ever-present Sphere of Life to centralize the formation of the body.
It is inside of this centralization provided by The Sphere of Life that the physical structural formation that is the human body experiences the centralization of all planes and directions of The Matrix of Balance spatially suspending the the spinal column and the whole of the body in three-dimensional space.
In this three-dimensional suspension of the whole of the body in three-dimensional space – the tensional integrity of balance within the nervous system allows The Self to experiences the natural spatial relationship of three-dimensions unifying form, energy and space as One.
In clarification, it is important to realize that The Matrix of Balance – the unity of planes and directions that suspends the physical formation of the body in three-dimensional space IS the unity of The Three Senses of Self and The Self’s natural communion with The Sphere of Life.
That is, The Matrix of Balance is “ the natural relationship of unity” within the Three Senses of Self. And The Sphere of Life is the physical phenomenon – the given – that in a perfect reflection of correspondences unites The Matrix of Balance, The Three Senses of Self and The Sphere of Life as The Moment of Life.
This is the reason that we acknowledge the Sphere of Life as “The Given” because The Sphere – uniting gravity, expansion and the moment of life as One – is the natural field of three-dimensions from which we all move within every instant of our human lives.
Therefore, in the study of Unity in Motion we utilize ‘’ The Given’’ the center of three dimensions that is The Sphere of Life, to unify the relationship of centering between all segments of the body into our natural experience of The Center of Space
Now it becomes clear why this extraordinary Connection can be referred to by any one of these names: The Center of Space, The Center of Three Dimensions – The Center within The Sphere of Life - The Center of The Matrix of Balance, The Center of The Tree of Life .
It is the uniting of the Human Heart with the Cosmic Heart.
The Human Heart: the unification of space, form and movement as the unity of The Three Senses of Self as Love and ….
The Cosmic Heart: the centralization of the nervous system by The Sphere of Life allowing us to experience our natural communion with “the all” of Universal Life.
To understand the nature of The Cosmic Heart we must return to the instant of Unity within the Harmonic Convergence in which the field of PRESENCE and THE ETERNAL MOMENT instantaneously united THE THREE SENSES OF SELF as ONE.
In this extraordinary event, two events synchronized with… a third one ….into ONE – expressing the natural actualization of three dimensions.
One of the events was the entire history of our evolutionary unfolding synergized as One.
The other was the all-involving celestial alignment of the heavens that was the Harmonic Convergence and the third one was the instantaneous – Moment of Unity – that reunited our human reality – the cosmic reality of the heavens and the Moment of Life as ONE.
This was the event that re-instated the field of three dimensions – The Sphere of Life - The Trinity of Life – and The Tree of Life.
In Truth, The field of three dimensions has always been present as – three-dimensions – is the very formation of the universe – our great cosmic cathedral -- in which we all humans live in and experience the field of consciousness that we call “our human mind.”
The Sphere of Life has always been present as it is "The Given” the three-dimensional unity existing between Gravity, Expansion and the Moment of Life from which all life in the planet Earth comes into being
The Trinity of Life has long been present as the three frames of references from which we humans can make sense of The Divine Nature of our human lives: the union between The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit
The Tree of Life has long been present as the original imprint of wholeness existing within the Garden expressing the design call human and preserved through out all of time by our ancestors o eventually fulfill us when the time was to arrive.
All of these long present expressions of Unity existed as the whole background field of unity from which our human evolutionary consciousness unfolded, experienced and completed the voyage of time becoming for our human consciousness instantaneously REAL and a BLESSING.
REAL, because The New Consciousness become instantaneously present and imminently available to our human consciousness through the instant of The Harmonic Convergence re-instating the Natural Moment of Life.
A BLESSING, because the conscious availability of these expressions of unity were to forever change our human knowledge and experience of the Unity of Life.
Through this, new infusion of consciousness re-instating our human evolutionary mind into its natural state of unity …
The field of three dimensions became a new interpretation of the centralization of our physical bodies from which all forms of discomfort can resolve into the Ecstasy of Life
The Sphere of Life became the source of freedom that is the unification of our three senses of self through which Whole Awareness, Boundless Feeling and Physical Reality is now the given nature of our human lives.
The Trinity of Life became the clarification of what in the past has been called A Holy Mystery bringing now the actualization of Unity among all human beings. And …
The Tree of Life became the re-instatement of “The Natural Moment of Life“ – The Eternal Moment – existing within the original imprint of unity within our human lives opening now our human senses to a whole new perspective and experience of the fantastic reality that is Universal Life.
This new perspective coming into being through our natural communion with Universal Life, emanating from our Cosmic Heart which is the center of our nervous system – our center of three dimensions, the Center of The Sphere of Life, and The Center within The Tree of Life.
The Cosmic Heart, our cosmic heart is not separated from our human heart as the unity between both actualized by the Connection of CENTRAL HEART is actually the honoring and fulfillment of the ancient voyage that has been our evolutionary life.
The union between these two hearts is also the natural actualization of a moment that is self- contained within the unity of SELF – the individual of Life. The SELF – expanded through out all space – as THE ONE – within – THE ALL – of Universal Life.
In Oneness then, our human experience can now live and share the same moment with the ever-expanding universe expressing the intelligence, the boundless feeling that is The Energy of Love and the Physical reality that is the Ecstasy of Life.
Our human senses no longer confined to our immediate life in the Planet Earth but as they are now spatially free to partake of the whole field of infinite knowledge that is The Universe.
This extraordinary opening of the boundaries of our human mind is expressed in this Connection Central Heart in which our human mind have access – for the first time – to a complete New Paradigm of Consciousness that – as The New Consciousness of Life --
Actualizes and renews “ the all of creation “ with the all permeating love that is the PRESENCE of God.
Within the instant of the Harmonic Convergence, as our human consciousness became transposed by The Eternal Moment of Life, we as human beings have access for the first time to the realms of synchronicity. Synchronicity meaning our instantaneous reunion with The Whole Mind of Life that is simultaneous with Creation and as such is ONE with the expanding universe expressing the eternal becoming of Life.
Inside of this eternal becoming; -- God is ever-present – existing within the natural moment of our human lives as the intelligence, the love, and the physical reality that open us up to the magical experience that unites all past and all future as the present moment of Life. –
Inside of this all-encompassing moment ….God …is the very breath that is the existence of our human life.
Inside of this experience of synchronicity – God – the original designer of our human life –is giving us a New World – A New Mind – and A New Vision in which we – all human beings reunited as ONE – by the very nature of the Unity of Life – can be fully creative/participants in the divine adventure that is the fulfillment of The Image and The Likeness of God.
The Image and The Likeness of God – in its natural sense of wholeness – being our human nature reunited to the source of its love.
Therefore, the Unity within the ten fingers centralized at the Seventh Dimension of Self and forming the Heart that unites the human and cosmic heart expresses the Unity of The Ten Dimensions of Life existing within The Tree of Life celebrating the whole scenario of Consciousness that is The Unity of Life.
This whole scenario of Consciousness expresses the natural unification of The Moment of Life engaged within the whole field of movement that is Universal Balance – forever ascending – within the eternal becoming – that is The Fountain of Life
The Center of The Fountain of Life
The Connection of Delicate Heart is a Diamond centralized by the Sphere of Life at the level of The Solar Plexus and it is a "moving" Connection.
A "moving" Connection is a frame within the continual movement of The Path of Balance.
Eighteen of the nineteen Connections of the First Section of Unity in Motion are natural definitions of three dimensions and as such they give us the possibility of temporarily spending time clarifying our relationship with thee-dimensional space, our whole sense/relationship of the Matrix of Balance and the absence of any pressure or locking within the segments if the skeleton at the joints.
The Delicate Heart is a frame of movement that interconnects what is below and what is above in our union between the center of gravity and the center of vertical expansion that reunites us as One -with The Sphere of Life.
This is a transitional instant that bio-mechanically expresses the ascending of the arms from the Connection of Foundation in which what is below – from the center of our Solar Plexus – becomes transformed into the upward direction that takes us to the Connection of Infinity through the Path of Infinity’s Gate.
This changing of directions occurs through the gentle rotation of the shoulders joints, a rotation that ensures that the center of our chest – the Heart – remains in a constant state of openness as we continue with the motion that takes us to Infinity.
This instant of changing rotation within the above and below directions of space centralized exactly at the place of this moving Connection - The Delicate Heart – can not be stopped like any of the other Connections because by doing so it will be almost impossible to provide the specific engagement of the 10th thoracic vertebrae within the spinal column. (video to be supplied)
This specific engagement is essential because it allows for the three-dimensional vertical release that can engage internally – through the centers of the vertebrae – all of the Thoracic and Cervical vertebrae taking us to the Center of the Head and Crown as we arrive to the Arc of Infinity.
The subtlety of the changing directions that occurs in The Delicate Heart teaches us to perceive how the biomechanical nature of the movement – the relationship between all segments of the body coming into being at this instant of transitional change – can assist us to experience how our three- dimensional suspension takes place as we become centralized by the Sphere of Life at the level of the Solar Plexus.
Within the three curves that make up the whole of the spinal column, the 10th Thoracic Vertebra is essential because it is the specific vertebra that can unite the gravitational relationship of the whole of the body and the whole spinal column as it is connected with the center of gravity towards the center of the Earth with the Vertical centralization of Expansion that then equalizes the all embracing field of gravity with the all expanding energy that is life as One.
It is important to realize that this central equalization between gravity and expansion is what transforms that which is above and what is below within the physical sensation of our bodies into the natural centralization of three-dimensions that is our natural communion with The Sphere of Life.
And this equalization between what is above and what is below is not just subject to our understanding of relationship within our structural physical sensation of our bodies, but it is totally interdependent to our utilization of the Physical Phenomenon that is The Sphere of Life.
That is, The Sphere of Life is the center of three-dimensions – from which what is above and what is below within the natural sensation of our bodies are unified as ONE specifically by the connection of The Delicate Heart.
The Delicate Heart is Essential then because it teaches us to utilize The Sphere of Life – through The Path of Balance – to learn to engage and consciously re-direct the three-dimensional relationship of the whole spinal column.
The Spinal Column cannot be released or re-directed through the will of our mind because we do not sense the Spinal Column -- we are the Spinal Column.
The reason that we make this statement is that when our minds want to re-direct or extend the spine it must hold it to do so and this holding immediately becomes predominant in relation to the field of gravity. And, if the holding becomes predominant in relation to the field of gravity – the grounding of this action – instantaneously cancels the vertical equanimity that exists within the central unity of three-dimensions.
The utilization of The Sphere of Life and the experience of the spatial planes and directions that is The Matrix of Balance helps us to understand how the Connections and the Path of Balance within the Study of Unity In Motion suspends the physical formation of the Body, as the body is supported and directed in its relationship to Three-dimensional space by The Sphere of Life.
Therefore, The Delicate Heart assists us to perceive how the planes and directions existing within The Matrix of Balance centralizing us in three-dimensional space is what gives direction and three-dimensional natural extension to each and all of the vertebrae of the Spinal Column.
This discovery within the awareness of is of extraordinary importance because the student can then understand how the release and extension of the Spinal Column comes as a direct consequence of the planes and directions in which the whole of the body moves in its three-dimensional relationship to The Sphere of Life.
This discovery is extraordinary and revelatory because one can comprehend that… it is our relationship to the Sphere of Life and our understanding of the spatial relationship of planes and directions within The Matrix of Balance that allows us to experience the biomechanical, the energetic and the spatial sense of three-dimensions within our sense of Self.
In other words, the unification of our Three Senses of Self exists and they are ever-present within the natural “physical phenomenon” that is The Sphere of Life constantly centralizing us in three dimensions.
Once our minds come into the presence of this mental vision and understanding, the learning and practice of the movements becomes the act of learning how to perceive our relationship to three-dimensional space so that The Sphere of Life can centralize us and give us the center/space from which we can feel the freedom inherent in our sense of balance.
As this realization comes our field of awareness, we understand that the Movements of Unity in Motion are not exercises to work out or to mold the body to conform it to a sense of fitness but they are movements of whole integration that gradually reunites the fabric of life – our body – as to give us the experience of being continuously supported and directed by the natural movement of Life.
As we become more and more connected within our integral sense of Self we can also further realize that all of the Connections of Unity in Motion are also frames of movements like – The Delicate Heart – that merges us with the holistic experience that allow us to feel as One with the frame of movement existing within the movement of Life.
Then, as the specific connections merges us with the natural continuity that is The Path of Balance, we can comprehend experientially how the natural definition of each Connection is a Three-dimensional relationship to The Sphere of Life and the continuity of unity existing within the Connections is The Fourth Dimension.
Three Dmensions and Four Dimensions are totally interdependent with one another.
As a matter of fact, the fulfillment of three dimensions is The Fourth Dimension.
Three-dimensions is the frame of movement of life and four dimensions is the eternal continuity of movement in which the frame of movement exists.
The Connection of Delicate Heart, uniting the frame of movement with the movement of Life helps us to physically understand how the unity between the frame and the movement becomes our experiential understanding of the moment of Life.
Through the movements, as we become more and more cognitive of how the frame and the movement are inseparable from each other we begin to experience how synchronicity is actually our communion with the moment/movement of life and how the moment/movement of life is an all permeating reality self containing The Eternal Moment
of Life.
In another words, The Moment in its unity is self-contained within the movement of life and as such it encompasses all things. The Moment as it is open field that encompasses The Universe as it is naturally expanding within the natural unfolding of its forever expanded love.
As we became Present with the natural experience that is The Moment being the Three-dimensional center that is The Sphere of Life, housing within itself – as a physical phenomenon the unity of our Thee Senses of Self “ The Moment “ becomes Divine in our understanding because “ The Moment “ is the Presence from which each of us is Present with our Natural Sense of SELF.
In synthesis, through the Connection of Moving Heart we learn to understand the difference between “the frame” – the definition of three dimensions that is our centralized communion with The Sphere of Life and “the Frame” of Movement that is our direct communion with the Movement of Life.
Then, we learn how The Path of Balance uniting all frames into a seamless movement assists us to inter-connect and refine the relationship of wholeness between all segments of our body.
Then, we learn that the shape and form that the Path of Balance describes in space is called The Coronal Plane.
And, the Coronal Plane is the union of all the anatomical planes of the human body describing the planes and directions of The Matrix of Balance and our natural communion with The Sphere of Life.
Then, there is moment within our sense of Self that we realize that – the frame of Movement within The Path of Balance expressing the shape and form of the Coronal Plane -- self contains within itself the whole Matrix of Balance and the union between what is within and what is without within our sense of Self centralized by the natural moment of Life.
This is a revelatory experience of the nature of Three-dimensions.
Then, as we become more and more connected through The Path of Balance with the natural constant centralization to The Sphere of Life expressing The Moment – that is The frame of movement of Life – there is an instant within our field of awareness that The Fountain of Life becomes present within our sense of SELF.
This is the most extraordinary experience within our sense of Self as The Fountain of Life is the actual formation of our human body - and the natural energy that – like a showering of light – is constantly blessing as with the eternal becoming of life.
The Fountain of Life is and has always existed as the union of Space, Form and Movement.
It is the self-regenerative existence of what we call The Universe, forever expanding – forever ascending towards The Light as The Celebration of The Glory of God.
The Fountain is Atomic in its Nature because IT IS the very nature of Life.
The Fountain is before awareness – and – as the Atomic foundation that is Life – is a self-regenerative system of Consciousness Giving and Receiving itself as Love.
The Fountain, became fully available to our cognitive awareness within the instant of The Harmonic Convergence – as The New Consciousness of Life came into being – expressing the Fulfillment of our human lives.
Forever engaged as a self-regenerative system of wholeness within wholeness, The Fountain is The Frame of Movement of Life. It is absolute synchronicity. Therefore, as the whole movement of ONE is the union of giving and receiving, descending/ascending and transforming /becoming –of the whole nature that is The Moment of Life.
As the oneness and wholeness that is The Moment of Life, the fountain is The Universe and also the moment within our human lives. The Fountain is fractal in its whole nature. That is, every single point forming the Fountain self contains within itself the formation of the whole fountain.
The Fountain is not self-enclosed inside of its Unity – as the whole expression of Unity in Motion – it is the Grand Universe transforming/ becoming the eternal nature of Life.
The Fountain, self-contains within itself The Tree of Life, The Ten Dimensions expressing The New Consciousness of Life and the fulfillment of The Three Senses of Self.
As a Divine celebration, The Fountain is the constant fulfillment of all things past, the natural re-instatement of heaven and Earth, heaven being now Present within the Natural Moment of Life – and the celebration of The Mother Principle – The Whole Nature of Life.
The Fountain of Life is the Divine Gift – forever promised – as the re-instatement of The Garden of Eden becoming fully present now within the Planet Earth – The Mother Land –as it is synchronized with Paradise.
There is nothing other than the Single Purpose of the
Present Moment.
A Man’s whole Life is a succession of moment after moment.
If we fully understand The Present Moment there will
be nothing else to do and nothing else to pursue.
(See comments below for author of these words)
With this post we have completed our narrative of the Five Triads and the 15 Connections associated with them as shown on the graphic below.
(We encourage you to leave your comments and/or questions regarding
anything related directly to this post by clicking the link below