Continuation of
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Transcription of Cristiam's Talk
Further clarification of the function and meaning of
Moving Connection of Suspended Heart
as this Connection appears in each of the Three Releases.
Suspended Heart comes into being through The Invisible Spiral. This Spiral initiates in Foundation through the Path of Ascending Through Centers at count 1 – and touches the Moving Connection of Delicate Heart at the “and” between counts 1 and 2 as the whole torso moves slightly forward. The Invisible Spiral, continues arriving at the "and" between counts 3 and 4 to the Moving Connection of Suspended Heart.
This Moving Connection gives us an instant of suspension within the Shoulder Girdle and Arms to facilitate the continuation of the movement through a second spiral (counts 4 and 1) as the whole torso and arms unfold toward their arrival destination to the Connection of Suspended Balance at count 2.
The Function of Suspended Heart in the Earth/Foundation Release:
The moment of suspension that is the Moving Connection of Suspended Heart allows us to prepare for the second spiral and also to be present with the specific angles of the diamond that the arms are expressing, as our lower arms arrive and rest momentarily upon our upper legs in the Connection of Suspended Balance.
Here the word “rest” means that the actual placement of the arms describing the Suspended Balance expresses the release of the whole spine as it is naturally extended through all of the vertebrae and its three main curvatures.
The arrival of the arms to this Connection is actually describing a version of the Suspended Diamond (*see below) and is a blessing in the sense that it expresses in one moment of time (as the Connection of Suspended Balance ) the natural balance of the right and the left of the upper torso and the natural balance of the legs expressing the Descending Springs. Therefore, this arrival/destination expresses three senses of balance instantaneously reunited as ONE.
- The balance of right and left within the whole torso. 2. The balance of front and back provided by the specific angle and placement of the Suspended Diamond in Suspended Balance. And 3. The balance of descending provided by the Descending Springs as it is balanced by the natural extension and release of the whole upper body arriving to Suspended Balance at count 2.
It is the equalization ( balance ) of the six directions of space expressing the Release of Foundation then, that allows The Sphere of Life to centralize us and also allows us to continue – with the movement of Entering Crown at count at the "and" between counts 2 and 3 that – as it passes through the Delicate Heart at count 3 – brings us through the path of Descending/Ascending (on the "and" between counts 3 and 4.) through what at this moment has become Entering Foundation at count 4.
From this Entering Foundation, the arms open through the radius of the circle through counts 1,2,3 arriving to the Connection of Crown at count 4. This completes The Release of Foundation.
( * SUSPENDED DIAMOND: In our narrative of the Release of Foundation we say that our arms’ “arrival” to the Connection of Suspended Balance is a “version” of the Suspended Diamond.
It is important to remember that The Path of Balance that reunites all Connections of Unity in Motion into one seamless, continual expression of Balance is made up of Diamonds, Spheres and Arcs. And also to realize that all of the Diamonds within the study of Unity In Motion are different “versions” of The Suspended Diamond.
The Connection of Suspended Diamond is defined first as the horizontal centering of the Shoulder Girdle and Arms that provide the expansional balance of right and left, front and back that then allows the Neck – formed by seven Cervical Vertebrae within the Spine – to naturally extend towards the center of the Head and Crown.
Therefore, the horizontal centering of The Suspended Diamond provides the centralized foundation from which the three centers above; Throat, Head and Crown balance the three centers below – Solar Plexus, Pelvic Girdle and Pelvic Floor.
The Connection of Suspended Diamond IS the three-dimensional centralization of the Shoulder Girdle, Arms and Rib Cage at the center of The Heart – and this three-dimensional connection exists in all the other Diamonds whose planes and directions change in order to always facilitate the three-dimensional centralization of the heart and the three-dimensional balance of the whole body.
This adaptive change of planes and directions is reflected in: The diamond that is Central Heart, the diamond that is Central Crown, the diamond that is Moving Heart, the diamond that is the Connection of Self, the diamond that is The Delicate Heart, the diamond that is Suspended Heart, the diamond that is Foundation and the diamond that is Suspended Balance.
The Suspended Diamond, as it takes the form of Suspended Heart in each of the Three Releases expresses within the arms the angles and planes that facilitate the three-dimensional release of the whole upper torso, as it is balanced by the pelvis and Descending Springs of the legs.)
The Moving Connection of Suspended Heart – in the Release of Expansion – also occurs at the "and" between counts 3 and 4, again providing an instant of suspension within the Rib Cage, Shoulder girdle and Arms preparing us for the second spiral initiated at count 4 that allows us to be present with the natural wave of the whole torso and spine arriving to the Connection of Touching Balance at count 2.
Touching Balance – also called The Release of the Heart – allows us again to perceive the right and left, front and back balance of the whole torso and arms as it is also ONE with the Descending Springs of the legs balancing “the ascending” natural extension that is the three-dimensional release of the whole upper torso.
The Function of Suspended Heart in the Release of Expansion:
The touching of Suspended Heart – being the point of initiation of the gentle second spiral that brings us to Touching Balance – is of extraordinary importance because it allows us to be conscious of not closing the middle thoracic vertebrae as we are unfolding the spine arriving to Touching Balance.
From this instant of three-dimensional suspension (which is our centralization within the sphere of life ) counts 3 and 4 bring us back – asymmetrically – to the Moving Connection of Entering Foundation, from which the radius of the circle – the Path of Offering Heart – unfolds through counts 1, 2, 3 to the Connection of Expansion at count 4, completing the Release of Expansion.
In the third Release – the Release of Heaven – the Moving Connection of SUSPENDED HEART also occurs at the "and" between counts 3 and 4, allowing us again to gather our attention and awareness to the whole wave that takes place through the whole extension of the spinal column from the Pelvic Girdle and arms unfolding the torso to the Connection of Inner/Outer Balance.
The Release of Heaven, balanced by the Descending Springs, arrives to the Connection of Inner/Outer Balance - the expression of the whole release of the spinal column. This Connection mirrors the Outer Arc of Infinity.
The Connection of Inner/Outer Balance – in this specific relationship of the whole body to three-dimensional space – becomes the Instant of balance that – as it is centralized by the Sphere of Life – allows us to experience the natural extension of within and without:
Within being the seven centers expressing the the three-dimensional release of the heart as well as the whole extension of The Spinal Column as it is balanced by the Descending Springs. And the Without being the outer form of the body “passing through” in this elastic natural extension of Inner/Outer Balance which is the Release of Heaven.
The Function of Suspended Heart in the Heaven Release:
In this Third Release, initiated in the Connection of Heaven (which is the largest whole extension of the spinal column) – an outer arc – the suspended moment of Suspended Heart occurs, as in each of other two Releases, at the "and" between counts 3 and 4.
This instant of suspension within the Heart - which is the center between The Connections of Heaven and Earth – provides the instant of STASIS that at count 4 initiates the wave extension that is the release of the whole spinal column unfolding the wave through counts 1,2,3 and arriving to the Connection of Inner/Outer Balance at count 4.
From this instant of suspended extension that is The Connection of Inner/Outer Balance, the path of Swinging Spirals takes us through counts "and" 1 "and" to the Moving Connection of Suspended Boundaries at count 2. The path continues through the Inflowing Wave through counts "and" 3 "and" arriving to Entering Foundation at count 4 .
Through Entering Foundation we unfold through the Centers, touching The Delicate Heart as the Path unfolds to the "Moving Connection” of Heaven at count 4.
THE MOVING CONNECTION OF HEAVEN is unique to this Movement and is very important and essential to the nature of this whole united movement in the sense that we do not “define” Heaven as we do when we unfold from Expansion through the Path of Encircling the Heart to arrive to Heaven.
As we continue to refine our practice of the Heaven Release, we realize that, as we return from Inner Outer Balance, if we where to stop in the definition of Heaven we would close the relationship of the Shoulder Joints of the arms within the scapula of the Shoulder Girdle. This closing of the Shoulder Girdle would disconnect us from our continual relationship of expansion within the center of our heart - The center of right and left within the chest.
By transforming Heaven into a Moving Connection in this instant we are able to keep Expanding Heaven (the "and" between counts 4 and 1) passing through the Angle of Infinity at the “and” between counts 1 and 2. The path continues Rotating Toward Expansion (counts 2,3) where the whole line of Connection within the arms centralized in our heart rotates towards the Connection of Expansion.
Expansion becomes Navigation, arriving to Mandala Crown, where we touch The Sphere of Earth initiating the Inflowing Wave that take us to Foundation where the Out-Flowing Wave take us to the completion of The Three Releases in Crown at count 4.
Following are pages from our Workbook updated to reflect recent changes in the Three Releases. We are in the process of completing several graphics for these Movements which will be added as they are completed. We are currently working on revising the entire Workbook and as we continue work on this we invite your questions and comments. (By clicking on each page you can enlarge it and print it. You may have to adjust the size to fit the page in the printing menu)