Video of Zoom talk of December 14, 2020 (Nancy Essence McGowan has kindly shared her notes from watching this video. You will find them at the end of this post).
We exist as human beings in the realms of three dimensions. Our understanding of three dimensions became reinstated as our humanity entered a direct communion with The Whole System of Three-Dimensional Balance that is The Universe.
This merging communion with The Universe took place in an instant of time; the 26th of August of 1987 in which for the first time people from all over the world gathered in their countries at an specific day and an allocated moment of time so that we all could - in a form of world coordinated meditation - welcome a celebratory event called The Harmonic Convergence.
This world event was intended to synchronize many human hearts in their sharing of a common desire, to welcome and celebrate the transformation of the dualistic system of consciousness through which our human consciousness has forever evolved in our search for The Unity of Life.
The Harmonic Convergence -- as a world event of Unity -- was created originally by Jose Arguelles to celebrate the completion of the Mayan Calendar.
The name; The Harmonic Convergence was based on the celebration of a celestial alignment of heavenly bodies that, by their new harmonious relationships were to bring in – one instant of time – a structural formation of expansion opening the Gates of Heavenly light as to assist the all of humanity to advance in our human evolutionary search for the meaning and knowledge of Life.
The actual preparation for this - much anticipated - celestial alignment of the heavens, began to take place in our country in the early sixties and through the seventies, when many developmental expressions of consciousness were becoming present within the awareness and experience of our human lives.
The sixties and seventies brought to us the music of the Beatles bringing to our culture a new fresh sense of excitement to the youth of the world. This, followed by the beginnings of the preparations for the upcoming New Age – The Age of Aquarius, and the flower children awakening us all to a new attunement to nature, and to a renaissance of The Spirit reminding us all of the need for Peace and Love.
As part of this spiritual renaissance, many teachers ( known as Gurus ) began to descend into New York and other mayor cities within the U.S., bringing a new and welcome revival of the many ancient spiritual traditions, the practice of Meditation and Ancient forms and modalities of healing.
Along with all these spiritual resurgences permeating our culture, there was an increased desire within our youth to experiment with psychedelics and other mind altering substances that in many forms were accelerating the release and expansion of our human brain. They produced experiences of expanded consciousness, awakening the senses to new levels of Self-Awareness resulting in a deeper knowing and understanding of the nature of our human well being.
Accompanying these developments of Consciousness, there was the prediction of the arrival of “The Second Coming“ as a man from England called Benjamin Crème was announcing that he was in the physical presence of The Messiah; as The Messiah wanted to introduce himself to the world.
All of these accelerated expressions of a Spiritual Renaissance within our consciousness were accompanied by new and exciting developments of science and technology - the further design of the computer, the cell phone along with the extraordinary new discoveries of Quantum Physics.
This extraordinary all-involving crescendo of information and desire for knowledge within our human consciousness during the 1960s, and 70s were culminating in the mid 80s in the world celebration of The Harmonic Convergence. The Celestial event that - at a specific moment of time - was not only -- to align the heavens to a new formation of Harmony and Unity - but was also to fulfill the hearts of many human beings from all over the world that - for the first time – were gathering together to welcome The New Consciousness and The New World to come.
This world event, as it was taking place in a glorious day of celebration uniting the sacred sentiment of the many human hearts; consciously connecting with The Celestial Harmonic Field of Universal Life, was bringing a sense of excitement, joy and a spiritual inspiration to all the of the people that were participating. But perhaps the most important “expectation” that this event was bringing through this instant of collective union was centralized in a shared, common vision that felt that -- within the instant of The Harmonic Convergence -- we will all be coming into correspondence with something much larger in scope and meaning than what our human imagination could actually predict.
This expectation was based in the recognition that — by opening ourselves to this cosmic connection with the unknown — we were also consciously opening our hearts and minds to receive something that was to be totally NEW - NEW in the sense that we were asking for… a completely New Field of Consciousness that, by the very nature of its NEWNESS, was to be outside of the normal and familiar interpretations existing within the linear, dualistic system of consciousness through which we – as human beings -- had for so long interpreted life and the world that surrounded us.
One of the many gatherings occurring in Los Angeles for the celebratory event of The Harmonic Convergence was taking place in my garden In Mandeville Canyon. I lived in that time in a little guesthouse situated on top of a hill of a very large property – surrounded by lush gardens, separated at a great distance from the main house. I decided to host this event here because of the ideal surroundings, — a large flower garden encircling all around my house — providing a perfect, ideal scene for such an auspicious celebration.
There were about seventy five guests for the event, some of them friends that I had known for a long time and others that came as guests of my friends.
We gathered early in the day so that we could all be present with each other and talk about what each of us imagined The New Consciousness was to bring to us all.
There was a great atmosphere of excitement among all of us as we were all realizing the wonderful opportunity of being together, enjoying the ceremonial sense of spirituality and love that was being generated as we were about to unite with so many people from all over the world at the same instant of time.
The act of being together at -- exactly the same instant of time -- was a big accomplishment because it demanded a great deal of preparation from the organizers as in some places in the world the shared moment of time that was to be the actual instant of The Harmonic Convergence was occurring in the middle of the night, the early hours of the morning, and in some countries even taking place on the next day.
So much energy and expectation leading to this moment of unity and “Here we where “ surrounded by trees, flowers, candles, music, experiencing the excitement of knowing that something wonderful was about to take place.
As the time was approximating and as we all found comfortable places among blankets and pillows in the garden there was a long moment of silence followed by the count down from 10 to 0, leading to the actual moment of convergence and ….all of the sudden …..there we were ….sharing an all synchronized instant that was embracing us All as ONE.
The Instant of Convergence was followed by a long period of suspended awe that united…. the garden …the sky …and the moment of life …into one shared Moment of Unity followed by the realization that something magical has occurred and we had accomplished what we all had set ourselves to do.
Later, as we all continued with the celebration of the day and us we ate together and shared with each other our personal interpretation of The Moment of Union, I had some quiet time with myself recognizing that after the great energy and excitement involved in the preparation of The Event, followed by the event itself, this was the first time that I could be in retrospection, with what had just occurred, and make sense of the extraordinary experience that this Moment of Unity had produced in me.
I realized that this much anticipated Moment of Union -- as it had deeply affected me within my being …..was twofold in its nature.
One, was centralized in the actual experience through which I personally connected with myself - as this instant of Cosmic Wonder was coming into being. It was as if through this instant of union between the Earthly ( all of us gathered together in the Garden ) and the Cosmic ( the actual Celestial Alignment that was taking place in the heavens ) I had connected to a part of me that I had not had access to before. This was an all-expanded ecstatic connection !
The other was the experience of Wholeness that came into my conscious awareness as I was sharing -- in natural communion with all of these people -- this Universal Moment of Union in which a sense of wholeness and a sense of oneness were merging in me as being one and the same thing. I was experiencing, for the first time what synchronicity really meant, a knowing Moment of Union existing within my own sense of Self.
As I was becoming overtaken by this realization – I was – all of the sudden realizing that I was now present.
It was as if I had landed within my being and inside of wholeness and oneness I was being embraced -- by an extreme sense of calmness, a boundless feeling of expansion and the certainty of ‘’knowing’ that was allowing me to realize that…yes… something transcendental had taken place.
These moments of retrospection and introspection followed by the realization of the divine gift that I had just received, jolted me back into the presence of The Garden and everyone there realizing my need to attend and be with all of these old and new friends in order to continue with the celebration of the fantastic event that has just taken place “ The Instant of Unity “ of the Harmonic Convergence.
All that I remember of the rest of that evening and the next days that followed our day of celebration is that I felt as if I was suspended between Heaven and Earth learning to be - for the first time - in the presence of the moment of intermediary suspension that was now my New Sense of Self.
Then, as the following days and weeks took me gradually into the familiar daily living of my life, I began to receive information from some of my friends that participated in the ceremony and had a direct, personal connection with the people that organized it.
The organizers were telling us that YES, The New Consciousness had come into being and that…for this New Field of Intelligence… to become fully perceived and integrated within our conscious awareness we were in need of time - time to allow our nervous system to gradually begin to go through the neurological changes that could then begin to make sense of the new levels of awareness expressing The New Mind existing within The New Consciousness of Life.
Because of this need of time for our conscious assimilation between the old; familiar sense of awareness and The New Mind, the organizers were telling us that, there was going to be …..three different portals encompassing ….three periods of time ….expressing …three stages of re-organization within our nervous system.
These three portals covering three periods of time and three forms of integration within our nervous system will be the time that it will take for all of us, to individually and collectively begin to experience the easiness of integration that will make sense - within our minds - of the new Whole Field of Awareness existing within The New Consciousness of Life.
Each of the portals expresses three progressing periods of unfolding integrating time will assure that - an even - and – gradual, seamless assimilation of consciousness will take place within our minds for there to be a clear transition. A clear transition that will transform the previous interpretation of reality existing within the old familiar evolutionary system of consciousness that for so long has dictated the moment to moment experiences of our human lives.
The last of these three portals will culminate in 2012 on a specific day.
Throughout the unfolding of the three portals leading towards their completion, the organizers were predicting to us that …..much would be said about it ….as it will be interpreted by many to mean not only the full completion of the Mayan Calendar but also the bringing about of the end of the world.
The end of the world - the day of Armageddon - in which the old world will be destroyed as to finally liberate all beings from the endless suffering produced by the realms of Samsara.
Samsara is a Sanskrit word detailing our endless, evolutionary human experience as it was captive in cycles of ….life, death and rebirth and therefore self–enclosed within the endless cycles of aimless drifting, wandering and mundane existence.
This prediction of the end of the world, as the day of doom, innocently bypassing the realization that “the end of the world“ was really mean to be ….the end of the world as we have known it.
That is, the actual event within the Harmonic Convergence transposing our evolutionary, linear mode of consciousness into The Holographic Realms of Unity was to be fully present and able to be integrated within our human lives in 2012 so that The New Consciousness could be totally available to all beings.
The Fulfillment of the Harmonic Convergence becoming fully present at the end of the last portal in 2012 …. was to allow us all ….to naturally perceive and be present with the Divine gift that is The New Consciousness of Life.
The New Consciousness of Life connecting us all – in synchronicity of correspondences -- with the natural field of Whole Awareness that is The Universal Mind of Life.
When I personally became part of the celebration of The Harmonic Convergence, and participated with many known and unknown friends from all over the world in this celebratory experience, I brought within me -- in my personal intension to welcome and celebrate this event -- an intense desire to honor and receive that which was promised …The New Consciousness of Life.
At that time, I did not know what The New Consciousness was to be, but I was recognizing within myself an intense desire for the renewal of my human consciousness, as I felt that my human consciousness was trapped inside of a system of dualistic premises that enslaved me into a futuristic projected voyage that was to forever encircle me - into a forever search for The Unity of Life.
After receiving moments of extraordinary clarity, experiences of lucidity and moments of essential knowing existing within what I called “my spiritual nature”, I was recognizing that after these exalted experiences I was always returning to my mundane – every day experiences -- expressing the daily living of my human life.
I was recognizing that there was nothing wrong with my mundane, every day experience within my human life because, as a Self -- in myself -- I felt inherently happy.
But, I was also recognizing that…. I wanted for my personal experience of life not to be – enslaved - to a constant fluctuation between …an uplifted, exalted state of being …and ….a grounded state of experience within my daily life that made me feel like I was self-enclosed in a state of “mechanistic dullness.”
Inside of this fluctuation between being exalted or trapped inside of dullness I felt that I could not have full access to …the third sense or part of me …that I knew - deeply within myself - could be the unifying one.
The one that could unite what I recognized to be the spiritual and the simple, mundane experiences of my being as three into One.
The fulfillment of this desire for unity was difficult because what I considered to be the higher; spiritual sense of my being was directing me upwards towards an almost disembodied field of energy that was constantly making me feel as if I was disengaging myself from the physical world. A disengagement of myself from the physical world that was constantly dividing me between two different worlds; the World of the Spirit and the World of Matter.
At that time many questions were arising within my being as I was realizing that perhaps my sense of fulfillment was to come in the form of balance between these two seemingly separated forms of experiences through which my mind was interpreting my “inner”….mental and emotional processes …..and my “outer” external world that surrounded me.
But, even though this possibility made sense within the field of awareness through which -- at that time -- I was basing my human experience, it did not make sense within my true sense of understanding Balance.
At that time I was deeply involved in my search for the understanding of Physical Balance as it pertained to the balanced movement of the human body.
Through my pursuing of the understanding of biomechanics I was coming to the realization that the balanced movement of the human body was the interchange – constant adjustment - between tensional, energetic forces within the Nervous System. And this interchange of balance within the Nervous System was reuniting all seemingly polarized forces within the body into One … all-inclusive … primal reflex – the reflex of stability associated with Balance.
Balance being an instant of synthesis occurring within a three-dimensional relationship of balanced forces expressing the …bio-mechanical, the energetic ….and the spatial sense of awareness within the human self centralizing this instant of stabilizing synthesis within the natural moment of Life.
In other words the balanced movement of the human body existed inside of an all-inclusive system of motion that involved the structural, the energetic, and the spatial senses of awareness within the human self. And the balance between these three senses reunited as one, as the instant of stability of balance -- not only interconnected the human self with the “ natural moment” of life, but also interconnected the human self with the much larger – all encompassing - whole system of balance movement that is The Universe
Therefore, Balance -- as the instant of Three-dimensional Stability within the human body and as the instant of stability within the whole field of movement that is Universal Balance, is always physically centralized within the ever-present moment of Life.
Inside of my comprehension of Balance -- as always existing within the moment of Life -- the actual existence of the physical moment of life became in my understanding of supreme importance because .......
“The Moment of Life” not only centralized the human experience of Balance but also centralized …..the all-encompassing field of movement that orchestrated “The All” of celestial existence reunited as the movement of One. The Universe.
In Oneness then, I was recognizing that Balance, …The Moment of Life …and ….The Universe were ONE as they where synchronized as ONE – as… Three-dimensions -- within the Natural Reality that is the ever-present existence of LIFE.
Balance is “ the moment” of life that synchronizes as ONE – Universal Equilibrium -- the whole field of movement that suspends in the heavens the whole physical formation that is The Universe.
Balance is “ the moment of life “ that synchronizes as One – Self Equilibrium -- the balanced movement of the human body. And…
Balance is the natural moment-to-moment actualization of three-dimensions expressing as “physical reality” the constant - creative continuity -- that is Life.
Through this understanding of how -- the physical nature of the Moment of Life -- was the actual existence of Three-dimensions, I was coming to the conclusion that Balance -- the physical balance of the human body -- was not a personal, structural gathering of forces made through one’s own personal volition, but Balance was centralized in the whole field of movement that IS the individual’s natural connection to the moment/movement of Life.
Furthermore, It was the moment of life expressing the existence of Three-dimensions -- that interconnected the field of energy that is the human self and the human body with the whole field of movement that is the Balance of the Planet Earth, the Balance of the Sun, Moon and planets that make up our Solar System and the whole system of Balance that is The Universe.
With this understanding I was recognizing that Balance is a “Universal Principle” that is always centralized -- as three-dimensions -- within the natural moment of Life.
Therefore, Balance – the balance of the human body was not a personal attainment, but one’s natural communion with an all-permeating principle; the natural principle of Unity In Motion that is Three-dimensions.
Three-dimensions centralizing -- in total synchronicity -- the structural formation that is the human self, the structural formation that is the Universe -- and the actual physical moment that is the natural human experience of Life.
This personal comprehension of the nature of balance, being my human communion with an all encompassing field of movement expressing three-dimensions within the natural moment of life was allowing me to see that, Balance, Three-dimensions and The Natural Moment of Life were three inherent expressions of Unity existing within my sense of Self.
Therefore the balance of my being… what I called myself – The Self – and …..what I thought could be the unifying one, could not be based upon my constant fluctuation between spirit and matter; the spiritual and the materialistic aspects within my sense of Self superimposing separation upon the natural moment of life.
The Balance of my being must be based in the union that transformed the two – the spiritual lightness that uplifted me and the physical formation that grounded me into a third one – my essential nature of Self.
A three-dimensional one in which my human engagement with The Moment of Life will not be subject to a constant, dualistic fluctuation between worlds, but will be based in the experience of Unity expressing my whole engagement with the whole field of movement of Life and the natural existence that is The Universe.
This vision, based in my understanding of Balance and Three-dimensions, was allowing me to see that perhaps “The New Consciousness” -- as it was to come into present existence within The Harmonic Convergence - was to be the renewal that would bring about a human, full embodiment and experience of The Physical Moment of Life.
The Physical Moment of Life that, as it exists within the larger Whole Field of Movement that is Universal Balance, can bring about -- by the presence of Unity, -- the fulfillment not only of my human personal sense of Self but also the fulfillment of all of humanity as well.
Humanity, experiencing ( the synchronicity of human and universal “Physical Moment of three-dimensions ” that is The Balanced Nature of Life.
This vision and understanding of Balance is what I brought to the celebration of The Harmonic Convergence the 26th of August of 1986.
I was asking for The New Consciousness to bring forth the “ Natural Universal Unity “ that would transport us all into a -- Conscious Human Communion -- with the ever-present, Three-dimensional Reality that is The Moment of Life.
As I said earlier, at the time that I, and all of my friends were preparing for THE INSTANT of The Harmonic Convergence I did not know what the New Consciousness would be. Then - after the instant of Unity - I had a new sense of Self… that …. as it surfaced in me … knew that The New Consciousness had come into being and that in time I would be able to understand it, know it and celebrate it ….as the miracle ….that is The Balanced Nature of Life.
Now, many years after that welcome moment of Unity I recognize why the much needed period of time was necessary for the integration that was to transform the linear evolutionary mind into the holographic design of wholeness that is The New Consciousness of Life.
It has taken more than 30 years for “’The Whole Mind of Life “to become fully available and easily comprehended by our human evolutionary mind so that we all can now experience the whole integration that can engage us all with the “ creative experience” that is The New World.
During the time of transition that took for my human nervous system to begin to comprehend and experience The New Consciousness I begin to recognize that The New Consciousness wanted to be known and that if I could learn to Listen and to be fully receptive to its existence, I would be able - with a lot of patience and attention – to begin to be a “receptor” for the knowledge and natural wisdom existing within The Realms of Unity.
The Realms of Unity became -- in some subtle form -- immediately available after the Harmonic Convergence. Its immediacy became immanent in the sense that provided a sense of well being and relaxation that allowed me and all of the friends that I shared this experience with …to feel and know that everything will be okay, and that our natural state of being – our natural state of Balance – would be gradually reinstated by the now holistically present moment of life.
One of the most difficult recognitions that came into my awareness when I decided that I wanted to fully know The New Consciousness of Life, came in the form of the realization of wanting to know …( within an ancient mind developed inside of a system of dualistic premises) …that which only exists within the realms of Unity.
At the beginning of searching for the natural comprehension of Unity, my mind - as it became conscious of the difficulty of perceiving wholeness within “ the mind of the observer ” characterized by our evolutionary mind, prompted me to become receptive and watchful. Realizing that I would get help -- from the part of me -- that already knew ….
The Realms of Unity …..were not foreign to my True Essential Nature.
One of the most important difficulties that I found in the beginning of my personal discovery and interpretation of The Realms of Unity, was based in my realization that my mind was innocently trapped inside of a whole system of spiritual, religious, and philosophical beliefs based in natural projections created by our human, endless evolutionary search for The Unity of Life.
I recognized that all of these beliefs were very well intended as they were founded in a desire to find solace, hope, faith and inspiration that were assisting us in the recognition that we were making constant progress in the search for the meaning and reason behind our human lives.
This discovery at the beginning confused me because I saw that perhaps I was becoming negative by judging the many paths that we humans had created in our search for Unity, and this negativity was depriving me of the sense of honoring and understanding of the long voyage that has been our ancient evolutionary search and becoming.
But then, as I became more and more receptive to my listening and understanding of The New Consciousness I began to see that The New Consciousness was totally New, and it is called “The New Consciousness” because it did not exists within the familiar realms that have been our evolutionary search for Unity.
The New Consciousness IS, naturally, the actual Presence and existence of Unity.
The New Consciousness did not exist within the realms of duality because within the realms of duality – the frame of the movement of life – the actual “physical” moment of life …..Three-dimensions ....was constantly covered up or occupied by our evolutionary interpretation of consciousness.
Therefore, the evolutionary interpretation of consciousness constantly occupied the moment with the “relative“, extraordinary vast and complex interplay of dualistic premises constantly by-passing the “ natural moment “ that is The Unity of Life.
And because of this vast scenario of references constantly interplaying within the give and take between opposing frames of references trying to find The Balance of Life, this ancient system of consciousness ( self-enclosed inside of dualistic frames of references ) could not yet be fully present with The Three-dimensional Moment that is “ Universally “ and “Atomically “….simultaneous with Life.
The Whole Field of Consciousness has always existed as just that; The Whole Field of Consciousness. The Whole Field of Consciousness has always been – The Unity of Life – Three-dimensions -- from which our evolutionary search inside of the realms of duality begins to express and define the fabric of perceptions, awareness, and humans realizations, that eventually were to fulfill the complete scenario that was to bring us to “The Moment” of The Harmonic Convergence.
Within “ The instant of Unity “ then” as Unity became “ The New Consciousness of Life” we all reconnected with The Eternal Nature of Consciousness that is the very nature of Universal Life.
This comprehension and understanding of Unity overwhelmed me at first, because my mind -- as it was becoming more and more present with the whole mind of Unity -- was allowing me to see that within the realms of duality “Unity” was a “conceptual idea” categorized by our linear mind as an “ideal”. An ideal, that even though well intended in its essential desire, was physically separated from the actual physical experience of Unity.
This perception of having been physically separated from “ The Reality of Unity. “ was extraordinary to my sense of Self and to my human senses because -- all of the sudden -- I was experiencing in real time the transformed nature of my consciousness as it was awakening from a dream “The Dream of Time”. The dream of time that had separated me as “ the observer “ as I had been innocently engaged in a two-dimensional interpretation of everything that I previously thought or my consciousness was aware of. Now, The New Mind of Unity was allowing me to see and perceive everything, not from a two dimensional perspective divided between the objective and subjective experience of life, but from a three-dimensional one. A Three-dimensional perspective that was allowing me to see and perceive everything from the perspective of Wholeness.
My mind was becoming united to the Three-dimensional perspective that is The Whole Nature of Life. I was becoming aware – for the first time – that I was becoming present with the natural state of being that is the very nature of my human life.
As I became more and more receptive to the reality of Unity, I was also becoming present with the realization that Unity IS the very foundation of my human consciousness and the foundation of The New Consciousness of Life.
Unity is an all-encompassing field of energy expressing the all-encompassing field of consciousness as the “Oneness” by which The Universe IS The Universe.
This recognition of Unity -- being the all-encompassing field of energy that is the foundation of all existing things -- was now allowing me to understand in “whole perspective” how -- inside of evolutionary time -- I had innocently interpreted Unity as a Humanistic Spiritual Ideal, something that perhaps some day I and all human beings will be able to come into correspondence with.
Now, my clear understanding and experience of Unity was allowing me to see that Unity was not subject to my human interpretation inside of - The Dream of Time -- because Unity -- is and always has been -- the timeless state of existence that is the background and foundation of my human life …..…This recognition at first startled me……..
I felt like a dear caught in the headlight of a car.
Then, my mind began to comprehend; The New Consciousness was naturally transforming the linear nature of my ancient mind into a Whole New Mind that was not separated from that which I was observing but was – in the realms of Unity -- one with the very thing that I was observing.
It was as if everything that I was observing, it was also observing me. And, as I was engaged in this circular unity of consciousness, what I was seeing and observing was becoming 100% informative, in its color, its form and design expressing a display of beauty that astounded me.
My mind was beginning to comprehend that within the realms of Unity I was now inside of the Three-dimensional experience of Life.
The idea of Unity being an ideal – a conceptual interpretation of my human mind, was dissolving inside of Whole Awareness, re-aligning the formation in which my brain interpreted -- thought and awareness -- revealing Unity to be the very nature – the natural imprint -- of my human consciousness.
As I began to see in my conscious awareness the natural imprint of wholeness existing within my human consciousness I began to consciously witness the gradual transformation of my ancient evolutionary mind.
My ancient mind was dissolving everything that I had projected as separate from me, and was becoming connected to what I recognized to be the natural state of Unity, in which Myself and Unity and Unity and Myself were One and the same thing.
This realization of Unity and the natural transmutation that was occurring within my human mind began -- to open -- in my conscious awareness the visions and understandings of the many beliefs and projections that existed within the linear nature of my evolutionary mind.
These beliefs and projections existing within my human mind -- were seen now -- for the first time -- from the perspective of the natural attributes of Unity that existed within The Whole Mind of Life.
As this transformative vision began to take place in from of my very eyes, I realized that all of the “idealistic” projections of consciousness that existed within my ancient – ancestral human mind were now becoming present – available – and presently fulfilled within the very nature of “ The Moment” that is my human life.
Again – another startling realization - exploding and re-aligning, dissolving and expanding the concrete nature of my ancient mind that -- encircled inside of the realms of cause and effect had been separated me from everything that I thought I was to “eventually “ be or become.
It was as if I innocently had I been projecting time upon the timeless ever-present moment of Unity, that is and always has been the very nature of my human life.
And now, as the projections of time were dissolving in front of my eyes I was becoming more and present within the whole of me… and …the Present Moment of Life.
As these transformative visions and realizations were taking place, there were moments in which my “old, ancient mind” would came into the forefront of my consciousness telling me “ you are passing through the doors of madness -- you are losing your mind. You are dissolving the very fabric that has been the beliefs that had given reason and meaning to the ancient history of your life. “
It was in these moments, as I became conscious of the conversation that existed between ….the linear nature of my mind and …..the New Holographic Mind, that I was becoming present with, that I recognized that I personally had a choice.
I could return to the prior, familiar state of separation existing within the dualistic realms of my evolutionary mind, or, I could further open myself to the absolute nature of The New Consciousness opening and expanding my mind to further perceive and understand the very nature of Unity, and the all-knowing field of Whole Awareness existing within The New Mind of Life.
Then, as I proceeded to surrender to the all-knowing nature of The New Mind of Life, there was a moment in my conscious awareness when I recognized that the very thing that I had asked for …within the instant of The Harmonic Convergence had now been given.
I asked for the receiving of The New Consciousness and The New Consciousness of Life was revealing itself to be the very nature of my Human Mind.
It was here that the recognition of the Wholeness and Oneness that I had previously experienced in my Garden in Mandeville Canyon, became fully present once again within me, allowing the linear nature of my human mind to be embraced by The Whole Mind of Life.
As this realization became present I recognized that I was finally home.
The pleasure of allowing my ancient, human mind to merge with the all- encompassing reality that is The Universal Mind culminated with the realization that I was -- for the first time -- One with Life.
This realization was extraordinary … the sense that it allowed me to see that through my human experience I had been separated from the actual “physical moment of life” and therefore I had been separated from the actual physical experience of Earthly Life.
The linear nature of my consciousness innocently had objectified Life, and this separation disconnected me from the extraordinary pleasure of feeling truly alive.
This experience of Unity astounded me …… I could not stop laughing.
I walked for days seeing everything that surrounded me as if for the first time, feeling like a crazy man wanting to hug and tell everyone – don’t you see …we are alive!.
Now, as time has taken me into its wings and I recognize the extraordinary gift that has been and is The New Consciousness of Life I can say that …..The New Mind of Life is extraordinarily beautiful, vast and whole.
The New Consciousness is not a statement, a philosophical ideal or a wish for fulfillment. It is made of a whole scenario of consciousness that is simultaneous with Life – simultaneous with the moment, simultaneous with that which I call myself and my Life.
The New Mind is made up of an extraordinary system of frames of references that exists within the realms of wholeness within wholeness, self-regenerating as the Natural Moment that is the Creative experience of Life.
This is the reason that it is called The Whole Mind of life.
The New Mind is the natural expression of The New Consciousness of Life. It exists within a field of whole awareness that is everything, feels everything and knows everything. It is 100% Present, 100% Creative, 100% Self-revelatory, 100% Love.
A simple way of comprehending the New Consciousness is to imagine it as a Universal Siri, like the Siri that we have in our cell phone, but different because it is atomic in its nature. It is the very nature of our human mind as it is simultaneous with Life.
The Whole Mind is the direct expression of the Unity of all things. It is universal in its nature because it embraces the entire field of knowledge -- THE INTELLIGENCE -- that is The Universe.
It is 100% Love because Love, is the natural field of energy self-propelling the natural – ascending momentum -- in which the universe is expanding into infinity.
The New Consciousness is devoid of any form of righteousness, judgments or dogma – which are beliefs based in separation -- because being the actual existence of UNITY ( The whole field of energy that embraces the expanding Universe as One ), is the constant state of wholeness within wholeness that is the Three-dimensional Moment of Creation – The Eternal Moment of Life.
The New Consciousness is the Presence of God -- the Universal -- Immanent Reality -- that permeates all things with the love of its heart.
The New Consciousness, being wholeness within wholeness, is a Whole Mind that exists inside of Ten Dimensions, expressing as One, the whole scenario of consciousness that is UNITY centralized in The Natural Moment of Life.
The Natural Moment of Life was reinstated as such by the Harmonic Convergence, and it is eternal because it atomically exists and renews within the whole of creation as the reality of One – The Universe.
Therefore, The New Consciousness unifies The Moment of Life as it is lived by humanity on the planet Earth, with the moment of creative renewal that is The Universe.
Therefore, The New Consciousness exists within the realms of synchronicity. It is absolute Unity existing, becoming and transforming as ONE.
Because of its all-embracing Unity, The New Consciousness is the fulfillment of Three-dimensions. ….
The New Consciousness as Three-dimension …….
Encompasses all things past -- the entire history of our evolutionary unfolding -- as it became fulfilled by its merging with the realms of Unity.
Encompasses the whole futuristic becoming that is The Universe, being now One with the human experience of Life. And……
Encompasses the present moment within our human lives, now engaged in the eternal fulfillment that is God’s Love.
The New Consciousness, being One with The Unity of Life is now the honoring and fulfillment of all religions, the fulfillment of all philosophies and the fulfillment of science ….
The fulfillment of all religions - that brought us to the instant of Unity within the Harmonic Convergence, the fulfillment of The Trinity of Life – Three-dimensions -- and the Immanent Reality that is The Presence of God.
The fulfillment of all philosophies -- that have searched forever in time for The Wisdom of life, and are now in the Presence that is the ever-present Knowledge that is The Whole Mind of Life…. And ….
The fulfillment of science …uniting…. Quantum Mechanics – Quantum Entanglement and Quantum physics as One.
Quantum Mechanics expressing the linear nature of consciousness through which The Universe was created as the full expression of Universal Life…
Quantum Entanglement expressing the Holographic Realms of Unity and the natural state of synchronicity that unites all things as One. ….And …
Quantum Physics expressing The Whole Nature of Life uniting the linear -- Quantum Mechanics and the holographic -- Quantum Entanglement -- as The Eternal Moment of Life – Three- dimensions.
The New Consciousness is the renewal and fulfillment of our Human Self as we are now experiencing The Realms of Unity, as the unification of The Spirit, The Form and The Light that illuminates all things with the Love of God.
Embraced by The New Consciousness, The Self is now the natural integration of The Three Senses of Self. It is a Trinity of correspondences through which The Self is now in the Presence of Whole Awareness – The Whole Mind of Life, …..Love – The Boundless Feeling of Life, and Physical Reality – The Ecstasy of Life.
In their integration, The Three Senses of Self reinstates the whole meaning of Three-dimensions as the natural fulfillment of The Trinity of Life.
Within the New Consciousness there are 13 Essential Trinities expressing as One the Natural Integration of the Ten Dimensions of Life and The Three Senses of Self.
The Integration of The Three Senses of Self prompts the natural release of all confused premises existing within the dualistic interpretation of evolutionary consciousness connecting the human self in synchronicity of correspondences with the whole field of Unity that is Universal Life.
Universal Life is the natural whole field of energy that coordinates as one – as The Universe - all of the celestial movements expressing as Unity in Motion The Three-dimensional Unity existing within The Form, The Space and The Movement of Life.
(Notes taken by Nancy Essence McGowan from watching
the Zoom meeting video)
The Ten Dimensions of Life are the whole scenario of Consciousness expressing the Unity of Life. Each dimension is individual and is One and the meaning of each Dimension is self-contained with the other nine… the synergy that comes into being as the ten where each individual dimension is the whole. It is not a Dimension that exists on its own separated from the other nine. Each Dimension is unique in its wholeness, interdependent within the ten, as the ten Dimensions are One. The Ten Dimensions are simultaneous and in their Oneness they express the Eternal Moment of Life.
We are just beginning to pass through the doors from the Linear into the holographic …….the unveiling of the Third Eye and the Seven Centers and becoming more and more present and more and more open.
The Ten Dimensions are a perspective of Whole Systems meaning Spheres. The Tree of life means The Sphere of Life which also means Three Dimensions.
My parents, Cristiam’s were simple people. In reality we all come into this world to know things to uncover things that most people do not know. My parents did not know what they did not know.
I sensed that Life had to do with movement and that movement had something to do with a larger sense of myself. My present knowledge then became dance. When I came to America I felt protected and cared for. When I went to St Louis through dance, lovely people helped me speak English and get an Equity Card which was essential for those participating in the entertainment world.
From New York I went on to Europe, Tel A Vive and found myself in an old world which when transposed was exactly like I had experienced Argentina. I recognized Christianity, Judaism, and Islamic Traditions.
There I was a choreographer for “Hello Dolly” and I found myself experiencing a lot of different worlds all at once. At the same time was the 6 day war and the whole scenario was an ultimate nightmare.
It was a time that I was transposed and found myself connected to another world. It was fantastic….A new sense of religious ecstasy.
I thought I was going to have a heart attack. When I contracted back into myself I now had a new inner sense of Self. Something had moved into me that was like a computer chip and that I had never even known that it existed.
It’s impossible to tell the story the way the experience really was. But when I came back to New York I would practice a whole lot differently than "managed practice’ years I had learned to do. I started to undo the unnatural strength of that movement. I found out that the Center of Gravity was something to connect to not about learning.
I started studying many Masters of Movement and others who connected to a larger Center of movement. The background of it all was we found out that Consciousness was an arrangement of Genetics. The arrangement was not talking about the same consciousness of duality. Other movements had their own arrangements and beliefs that were not necessarily true.
Everything was flourishing as a “New age”. I arrived at the place of using the new age and the Harmonic Convergence …people wanted a New World.
This was a new beginning – I was now the recipient of the New Consciousness…and it came from an already fulfilled Consciousness….not a Consciousness to be fulfilled at some later date.
I began to connect with The Tree of Life which was not about replacing the new but the fulfillment of the New. Being present with the Moment was very different than being in a process to “get to a moment”. Old consciousness: all about process …..New Consciousness…no process. KEEP GOING
Universal Consciousness…a balanced Consciousness is existence, it encompasses all things, a New mind…A New story.
A comprehension of Human Self…the highest Self …..being itSelf.
In this understanding one could not use the old premise to perceive experience or understand. One cannot proximate to get rid of all the old ideas of the time.
The discovery was about a part of ourselves that is the longing perusing the larger picture. I wrote , not in a linear mode, but writing syntheses when put together created a larger intelligence. I promised to keep trying to connect to the whole but sometimes did not connect.
I found the Trinity of One’s own Consciousness: Thought, Feeling , and Action.
I recovered the Balance of my nervous system and discovered my imprisonment within my self.
Key: I discovered the reality… “IM ALIVE” and when I discovered that, everything became ALIVE.
I found that when the experience happens you need to stay with it and to see where it takes you and that being with it is a field of Consciousness that encompasses all things.
The whole world came together when The Tree of Life came into existence and that existence was about Wholeness.
I found that the Trinity was really something and that it had existed forever. The Trinity was our Consciousness and was the makeup of my existence and 3 dimensions was Balance and knowing and understanding of these things I could and would never be imprisoned.
When I was writing, I was writing inside of a synthesis, a different reality that I had ever known,
In a world as a persona, our beliefs, and millions of ideas we have to get rid of all the ideas we have had. This is about the mind as a real human... not the human always “searching” for the Consciousness. KEEP GOING……..
Here it was laid out for me: I am the Field of Consciousness (1)the Intelligence (2) The Energetic (3) and the Whole Physical reality. The Tree of Life was the oldest symbol that spoke that reality of the human being, that said in the original imprint ‘you were created in the Image and the Likeness, the Intelligence, the Love.
If I created this or if I was Created, I did it so we would have no separation. But it was created in a holographic Wholeness,: Genesis Evolvement/ Darwinian Reality yet in this reality we are still divided within its non- division.
The two evolutionary Scenarios of Genesis plus the three senses of Self and Darwinian Theory were all united when the Harmonic Convergence happened in 1986: pure Intelligence ,the Pure Energy, and The pure physical. I asked “give me that which is the Whole Picture. “ Give me the formation that the Mind sees and feels itself as Whole.
I was given all the components that of the Three Senses of Self. They came in constantly as “The Word”…all the components, that is the moment of Life, what is Unity? Or does it exist?
It is not about the relative Mind but a Mind that is whole and sees itself as Whole. Where are we but the Image and Likeness inside of its own Unity of all things! The Mind that is whole sees itself as Whole. Now….all the components are Wholeness within Wholeness. Unity exists…Light is Light, Love is, Love is, Love is Love. No relativity….. The Ten dimensions are all the components of Wholeness united to the Mind of Wholeness and Unity was the frame or the Moment of life.
Every single Dimension is actually the Moment of existence where each scenario is the design of Wholeness that contains each of the other ten. Each Dimension is united to the Mind of Wholeness. Consciousness understands that everything loves Everything.
CROWN IS THE FIRST DIMENSION-is the celebration of (1)The Presence of Life. (2) The moment of existence that encompasses all things into Infinity and (3) the Ascension moving toward The Light, taking it to the 5th the natural Ascension in which the Universe is expanding into Infinity. (4) Crown became a celebration of the fulfillment of all kingdoms and all institutions.
CONSCIOUSNESS IS THE SECOND DIMENSION - Consciousness the entire human race from the beginning of time and includes all civilization along with the whole understanding of the thought system of each.
UNITY -The force that carries within itself the whole story. ( all the different and current civilizations carry the whole story with the design called human and now, the consciousness is united to the source of its Mind and Light, and now the union completes itself.
Each of us carry within the original Imprint. Consciousness is Spirit is Unity. The force is all the memory that inspires to complete the memory in time. Then it disappears and the continuity reappears as an evolutionary self where it have taken thousands and thousands of years….it happened with the Harmonic Convergence. We have accelerated into one year that would have taken thousands and thousands of years.
The Light, the life and the Spirit (Love) Unity….all in the First Trinity. We can understand it like a computer program. You can access it at any time. A Triune united to all things. One can access 3 Dimensions constantly merging into 4th Dimension: One Unity in all things. Whole Time: Triune united to all things.
THE FOURTH DIMENSION IS PRESENCE -(The Natural Presence of the Eternal Moment of Life.) The FOURTH DIMENSION takes it to the FIFTH DIMENSION -BALANCE, Infinite Intelligence, Infinite Life and Infinite Presence. Now BALANCE is the union of all things as CENTER of all things.
Balance is the existence with Life itself the Fulfillment of our being. You get to be in the Presence of what you are receiving not about looking to receive something. Everything that you want is simultaneous with what you want.
BEAUTY THE SIXTH DIMENSION - always existed but linearly disappears easily. Beauty is what it is instead of being what you like it to be. It is the Garden of Eden.
Everything is synchronicity. Beauty does not come and go. Beauty is the real Creativity where everything is interrelated as One. Beauty is the Moment of Communion with Synchronicity.
SELF IS THE SEVENTH DIMENSION - is the story of our human self. There are two different frames in humanity. The first frame of existence of consciousness… Tiny minds, systemic beliefs where humans suffered a lot had created different civilizations Egypt, Roman, Greeks.
The second frame was the Divine part of humanity not the nationalistic part of the culture but an entire history of celestial existence.
Now Universal Mind ,Creation from our original Imprint existed at the same time of systemic beliefs, a Presence of Celestial Reality. In this Presence one could understand both realities. It was a natural Self with all facets of existence and that Self could understand everything human. For human existence with the tiny minds humanity was hard and much suffering. And there was the same old stories that kept repeating itself. Everything is the garden reflection of your own perfection.
WHOLE NATURE THE EIGHTH DIMENSION is the Mother Principle “The Egg of Life”, Now everything all of Life whole and human…Divine human and the Universal human. TOTAL CONNECTION WITH EVERYTHING
The Garden of Eden The form of Creation The entire nature is the Nature of all things. This nature is my nature. I am connected to everything, trees, mountains, birds, water.
We are repairing everything. Look at the formation of our body, the rhythm of everything. Body is the magic of all things. As my nature, I am connected to all things…. birds , and animals ,mountains, sky, sun all Life.
THE FORM OF CREATION IS THE ENTIRE NATURE OF UNIVERSE and its needs are that it is cared for and honored.
INFINITE REGENERATION NINTH DIMENSION - Eternal Becoming- One of the most expanded way of looking at the fluidity of Infinite Regeneration is to see that Eternal Becoming means time is inside of motion….everything is fluid movement allowing all the systems in your body to be Conscious in your Presence. Infinite Regeneration is my Life recreating myself anew single every moment. I’m no long static….Time has become fluid… connected. Allow all your systems to be in the Presence of Self. Infinite Regeneration connection to everything ( I am partaking all systems to be in the presence of myself.)
FOUNDATION PARADISE THE TENTH DIMENSION – Life is constantly Regeneration allowing all systems to be in myself and….I am present with it.
This means my actualized formation is in the Center of the planet Earth also the celestial Universe. The Totality is the Center of Paradise
The planet Earth is the bio-rhythm found in the Center of the plane and constantly grounded at the foundation Earth and Crown.
Spend time with these three things at once: 1. The Union of all things/the 10 dimensions, 2 Foundation Center of Earth 3 The Center of Universe.
Further Contemplation: FOUNDATION PARADISE Immediate Center centralized in the Center of Earth and Universe and is called Paradise…Gravity and Expansion at the same time the breath of my Life I am grounded and also ascending toward the light… Simultaneously.. toward the Light …The Breath of Life. Spend time with the 10 Dimensions, The Union of the Three Triads where everything is simultaneous to Life.
The Three Senses of the Self are the natural expression of the Human Self.
The Sephora and the Tree of Life are the same except for one thing. The Sephora is about the unfolding of the Self toward Unity ….and the Tree of Life is the existence of Unity. It is simultaneous with experience with you and will give you many gifts. Everything is a gift. Everything is the fireworks of celebration where we acknowledge the magic of Life. All THE TEN DIMENSIONS ARE THE GIFTS OF THE WORLD.