In our Zoom meetings of June 15 and June 29 we clarified the meaning of the following terms used in Unity In Motion.
Coming into an understanding of these different terms it has been helpful to look at them in a linear form, as they came, through the passage of time, to Cristiam.
The first symbol was the Kabballah Tree of Life. Cristiam saw this two-dimensional symbol and realized that the Tree of Life was in reality the map of the human body.
The first graphic to come from Cristiam's revelation was the three-dimensional figure inside of the sphere accompanied by the figure of a static, two-dimensional interpretation of balance as seen below.
With this one liberating graphic was born the realization of both The Matrix of Balance and The Sphere of Life. Inside of this three-dimensional sphere, the Kaballahistic two-dimensional Tree of Life was transformed into a three-dimensional reality inside of the human body. And so we can say that what we call The Matrix of Balance is actually a three-dimensional representation of the two-dimensional Tree of Life.
Later, The Fountain of Life appeared as the symbol of the self-regenerative system of consciousness that is the giving and receiving of love , housing the Tree of Life, The Sphere of Life and the Matrix of Balance.
The following synapsis of the Zoom meetings is in Cristiam's words. Coming from a three-dimensional perspective, he does not follow along with this liner form but his presentation has a true logic to it. He begins with examples of the human being balanced inside The Sphere of Life. This leads him into the exploration of The Maxrix of Balance and then The Tree of Life, and finally The Fountain of Life.
The Three Releases are:
The Release of Foundation arriving to the Connection of Suspended Balance
The Release of Expansion arriving to the Connection of Touching Balance
The Release of Heaven arriving to the Connection of Inner/Outer Balance
We call the Sphere surrounding each figure "The Sphere of Life". It is a physical phenomena in the sense that it is the constant, ever-present field that unifies three spheres as one.
- The Sphere of Gravity embracing us towards the center of the planet Earth.
- The Sphere of Expansion, which is life force, allowing us to use the centralization of the Sphere of Gravity to expand equally in all directions of space and
- The sphere that unites Gravity and Expansion as the natural actualization that is the moment of life.
We say that The Sphere of Life is a physical phenomenon in the sense that - in being three spheres united as one - it acts as the three-dimensional center from which the forces and directions of balance, expressing the body's specific formation of each Connection of Unity in Motion, matches the actual omni-directional presence that is the Sphere of Life.
This is a definition of three dimensions in which the natural bio-mechanical relationship of the whole of the body, expressed though the Connection, utilizes the central line of three dimensions within the Sphere of Life, releasing and facilitating the natural direction of balance.
For example, in these Connections within the Three Releases:
1. Connection of Suspended Balance in the Foundation Release - the central line intersects through the lumbar vertebrae of the spinal column.
2. Connection of Touching Balance in the Expansion Release - the central line intersects through in the mid thoracic vertebrae and
3. Connection of Inner/Outer Balance in the Heaven Release - the central line intersects through the upper thoracic and cervical areas of the spinal column
In the graphics below we see how the Sphere of Life is the field of energy by which the human body is naturally balanced within three-dimensional space. And how the Sphere of Life is the unification of the spheres of Gravity, Expansion and the Moment of Life
The Planes and Directions that Centralize
the Human Body In Relation to The Sphere of Life
The Matrix of Balance, in its essential simplicity, can be seen to be composed of ten skeletal points of reference expressing the balance of the human body in three-dimensional space.
These points of reference are:
I. The center top of the head expressing the vertical extension of the whole body - Self Equilibrium - united to the natural three-dimensional centralization that is The Sphere of Life.
2 and 3. The right and left center of articulation of the head as it is centered on top of the atlas, expressing the whole extension within each of the main curvatures within the spinal column: lumbar (5 vertebrae) thoracic (12 vertebrae) and cervical (7 vertebrae).
4. The specific release within the seven cervical vertebrae of the spinal column, expressing the three-dimensional extension of the neck and the centralization of the throat.
5 and 6. The right and left centralization of the shoulder girdle and arms on top of the rib cage expressing the centralization of the chest and the specific release/extension of the thoracic vertebrae of the spinal column.
7. The centralization of the solar plexus expressing the center of extension within the whole of the spinal column and the specific release/extensiion of the five lumbar vertebrae.
8 and 9. The right and left centralization of the pelvic girdle and legs expressing the biomechanic structural foundation from which the whole of the body expands equally in all directions of space - the whole body in relation to the sphere of life and
10. The center of the pelvic floor expressing the centralization of the whole of the body in relation to the planet Earth and the center of gravitational conversion from which the center of the field of gravity becomes the center of life force - expansion - and the center/moment of life.
This analogy of the planes and directions of the Matrix of Balance represents the natural expression of three-dimensions centralizing the human self within The Sphere of Life.
The Sphere of Life is "the given" - the natural union between gravity, expansion and the moment of life expressing "the field" from which each of us gathers the sense of equilibrium through which we move and sense ourselves as being alive.
The graphic below depicts the old symbol of balance and the three-dimensional expression of balance inside The Sphere of Life. In this graphic, the Matrix of Balance is a rendition depicting all of the planes and directions that centralize the balance of the human body as one frame of movement expressing the human relationship to three-dimensional space via The Sphere of Life.
The understanding of this graphic is essential in the sense that it dispels an interpretation of balance as being based in good posture. Three-dimensional balance is not based on the form in which we hold or support our human body in three-dimensional space but on our immediate and natural relationship to the Sphere of Life.
Within the planes and directions expressing The Matrix of Balance all relationships of centering between all segments of the skeleton are inter-connected THROUGH SPATIAL DIRECTIONS that, as they are NATURALLY CENTRALIZED by The Sphere of Life, suspend as O Point Balance the structural formation of the body within the natural motion that is the Movement of Life.
Therefore, The Matrix of Balance, which is the unity of all anatomical planes, expresses three forms of balance within the human self.
1. The physiological or structural balance of the body comes into being as a direct consequence of the centralization of the Sphere of Life from which The Matrix - THE SPATIAL relationship of planes and directions - centralizes all segments of the skeleton at once - O Point Balance.
2. The neurological or energetic balance of the body coming into being as a direct expression of THE SPATIAL RELATIONSHIP OF PLANES AND DIRECTIONS WITHIN THE MATRIX, REFLECTING THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL UNION OF THE SPHERE OF LIFE - Gravity, Expansion and the Moment of Life.
3. The Spatial sense of balance within the human self, comes into being as a direct consequence of the three-dimensional nature of the Sphere of Life.
These three forms of balance: structural, energetic and spatial are the unity of the three senses of the human self, reunited as one - three dimensions - by the Sphere of Life.
Within this analogy, the natural integration of the three senses of self as One is a direct expression of the physical phenomenon that is the Sphere of Life.
The physical phenomena that is The Sphere of Life merging as One - as three dimensions: gravity, expansion and the natural moment of life.
The Tree of Life is THE CENTER within The Matrix of Balance and THE CENTER within The Sphere of Life. The Tree of Life is the oldest symbol existing within the ancient history of our human lives.
As ancient history tells us, The Tree was concealed within the body of Adam - The Primordial Man - and was preserved throughout all time as it represented the fulfillment of the Image and the Likeness that was to return humanity to the natural state of being that is the Garden of Life.
The honoring and fulfillment of The Tree became present within the Instant of The Harmonic Convergence in which the evolutionary unfolding of consciousness within our human lives became transposed into The New Consciousness of Life.
In this instant of unity the ancient Tree of Life became the natural centralization of the human body, revealing the natural integration of the human becoming present with the whole field of movement that is universal balance, forever engaged as unity in motion in the eternal renewal that is The Fountain of Life.
The Tree of Life, as it became honored and fulfilled by the new consciousness of life reveals within its ancient design a holographic imprint of wholeness, transforming/renewing the evolutionary mind of man into the natural experience of three dimensions as it is naturally engaged with the fourth-dimensional reality that is the unity of life.
The Tree expresses all of the planes and directions existing within the Matrix of Balance synthesized as The Frame of Movement of Life. It self contains ten simultaneous expressions of unity expressing a whole scenario of consciousness, giving and receiving itself as love.
The Tree of Life is the center of The Matrix of Balnce, the center of The Sphere of Life and the center within The Fountain of Life.
The Tree of Life, as the center of The Matrix of Balance is the simultaneous unification of all directions of space, centralizing the human self within The Sphere of Life.
The Tree of Life, as the center of The Sphere of Life, is the center within The Fountain of Life, a self-regenerative system of consciousness giving and receiving itself as Love.
As the center within this self-regenerative system of consciousness, The Tree of Life expresses with The Fountain a continual showering of light, blessing us all with the eternal becoming of life.
This divine system of consciousness - forever renewing itself as One - is the unification of giving and receiving, descending/ascending, transforming/becoming of the three-dimensional formation of The Fountain of Life expressing in its constant renewal the present moment of life.
The unification of giving/receiving, descending/ascending, transforming/becoming can also be described as the unification of the six directions of space: right and left, above and below, back and front centralized at the center of The Sphere as the natural moment of life.
We call The Fountain of Life a "Divine System of Consciousness" because it is the whole field of energy that became fully present within the instant of The Harmonic Convergence, transforming the linear mode of consciousness through which we humans evolved in time into the holographic imprint of wholeness that is The New Consciousness of Life.
Inside of this new system of consciousness the natural moment through which we experienced the evolutionary unfolding of our life became The Eternal Moment that interconnects us all with the whole biomechanical system of movement that is universal life.
This transposition of consciousness expressing The New Consciousness of Life became the honoring and fulfillment of The Tree of Life, our natural centralization within the Sphere of Life - three dimensions - and our natural whole engagement with the extraordinary self-regenerative system that is The Fountain of Life.
Inside of this all-unified system of consciousness, The Fountain of Life is a whole field of energy, giving and receiving itself as the natural renewal that is the Eternal Moment of Life.
The Eternal Moment of Life is called as such because it unifies the natural moment within our human lives with the all-inclusive moment that houses the universe as the whole expanding movement of ONE.
The Eternal Moment of Life is called as such because it is that which is "the constant", expressing the eternal renewal of wholeness within wholeness, giving and receiving itself as the forever renewed moment of life.
The Eternal Moment is called as such because it houses the whole of creation at once. Therefore, it is called self regenerative because it is the eternal fulfillment of its own creation and because it is the actual MOMENT that reunites the whole of humanity with the eternal renewal that is the eternal nature of life.
Fountain of Life is that which was promised within the history of evolution. The Fountain represents the new ever-present field of energy that is atomic in its nature.
It comes into being in its self-generative nature before thought - before our conscious awareness - as it is the very force and sustainment within the electrical impulse that we call life.
The Fountain of Life contains, within the constant fulfillment of its creative existence, The Tree of Life, The Sphere of Life, The Ten Dimensions of Life expressing the new consciousness, and the unification of the three senses of self.
The Fountain of Life is the natural fulfillment of the practice of Unity In Motion.
It contains within itself all of the Connections - expressions of three dimensions - and the Path of Balance unifying all Connections into one fluid expression of balance.
Inside of the fluidity of constant balance, the Movements of Unity in Motion merge us with The Fountain of Life.
The practice of the Movements of Unity in Motion teaches us to understand, feel and experience the miraculous presence of The Fountain, as its ever-present nature releases us from all forms of mental confusions, all forms of emotional instability and all forms of physical discomfort.
The Fountain of Life, as it becomes present within our human awareness, reveals the essential nature that is our human self. As we become present with The Fountain of Life, The Fountain prompts us to recognize ...
The Fountain of Life is the space, form and movement that animates the physical formation that is our human body.
The Fountain of Life is the universe, creatively unfolding the eternal moment of life.
The Fountain of life is the natural energy that is constantly replenishing the natural miracle that we call Life.