Supported and Sustained by the Geometry of Balance
The Fourth Triad exists not as" trinities of dimensions" like the preceding three but are expressions of consciousness that came into being as a direct consequence of The Fourth Dimension.
The Fourth Dimension is “the miraculous event” that transformed our entire evolutionary consciousness in one instant of time bringing into birth The New Consciousness of Life forever transforming our human experience of life.
This was the instant of The Harmonic Convergence by which three dimensions became re-instated as The Sphere of Life fulfilling within the First Triad the natural Imprint of wholeness that is The Tree of Life.
This is the honoring and fulfillment of consciousness that as PRESENCE brought the unifications of The Three Senses of Self as they exist as One within a triad expression of consciousness as …..
- The Eternal Moment
- The New Consciousness of Life and
- The Presence of The Divine.
Each of the Triads house three Connections consisting of an arc, a sphere and a diamond.
In this Fourth Triad we find the sphere of MOON, the arc of HORIZON and the diamond of SUSPENDED DIAMOND.
Each Connection within the practice of Unity In Motion gives the student the experience of O Point - the equality of the three dimensions, or six directions of space: right and left, above and below, front and back. However, at the instant of arrival to the Connection there is a moment where it can be understood that while all six directions of space are embodied equally, it can be described and experienced as two of the six directions being momentarily predominant in relation to the other four.
In the Connection of the sphere of Moon, we can momentarily predominantly experience the right and left opening of the arms in relationship to the directions of above and below, front and back .
In the Connection of the arc of Horizon we can momentarily predominantly experience the directions of front and back as these directions relate to right and left and above and below.
In the Connection of the diamond of Suspended Diamond we can momentarily predominantly experience first the directions of above and below as these directions relate to right and left and front and back.
This group of three Connections is unique in together being a very clear and complete experience of three-dimensional balance.
And it is appropriate that they occur here within the Fourth Triad/Fourth Dimension of Presence, symbolizing the completed synchronization of the Three Dimensions as they are fulfilled by the opening of the Fourth.
The Connection of Moon is a sphere that by the definition of its form centralizes the shoulder girdle and arms at the center of the chest – the heart.
It is this structural centralization of the shoulder girdle and arms that acts as a suspended bridge that gives direction and vertical guidance – via the seven cervical vertebrae of the neck – to the center of the First Triad – the center of the head and the definition of Crown.
Moon, as all of the Connections of Unity in Motion, self-contains the whole Matrix of Balance expressing the unification of the Three Senses of Self. Therefore, Moon expresses ….
The spatial field of three-dimensions that expresses the energetic and structural integration of Balance within The Three Senses of Self
The energetic field of the whole of the body centralized by the Sphere of Moon and the Sphere of Life at the of the heart.
The structural bio-mechanical definition of the whole of the body centralizing the physical weight of the body in three dimensional space.
As it is centralized at the center of our human heart, The Sphere of Moon is also called "The Sphere of Love".
It is important to realize that Love – The Boundless Feeling of Life – as it is expressed in this Connection of Moon represents the union of The Three Senses of Self that, through PRESENCE is the energetic expression of feeling that embraces as one the neurological expression of the body, the structural balance of physical weight and the spatial release of the mind uniting thought, feeling and action – as the energy of one - Love.
This natural experience of Love as it exists within the integration of the Three Senses of Self is The Essence by which mind, feeling and action are inseparably One.
That is, in unity - Love – The Boundless Feeling of Life
–eexists as such because it is the direct reflection of Whole Awareness – The Whole Mind of Life and because it is inseparably one with Physical Reality – The Ecstasy of Life.
As a triune expression of Consciousness Whole Awareness exists as such because it is one with Love and the Physical Reality of Life.
And Physical Reality exists as such because it is the Love that gives whole meaning to Whole Awareness – The Whole Mind of Life.
This sense of Oneness existing within The Three Senses of Self comes to our human awareness as we become increasingly connected and therefore PRESENT with the whole field of PRESENCE brought about by The Fourth Dimension. The Fourth Dimension, transforms the natural moment within our human lives into:
The Eternal Moment
housing The New Consciousness of Life
and The Presence of The Divine
The Connection of HORIZON is an Arc that bio-mechanically expresses the natural forward extension of the arms at the horizontal level of True Side expressing the centralization of the shoulder girdle on top of the rib cage. This forward extension of the arms at the level of the horizontal plane is also actualizing the centered relationship between the three segments of the arms….. upper arms, lower arms and hands at the joints.
The centered relationship of the extended arms centralized at the shoulder, elbow and wrist joints expresses a principle within the study of Unity in Motion called "passing through" meaning that the natural extension of the arms are devoid of any locking force between the segments at the joints.
A locking or inner pressure between the segments of the skeleton at the joints would deprive the movement from engaging all muscles of the arms and from truly connecting with the whole torso expressing the equal fluidity of engagement existing within the balance interaction between all flexors and extensors muscles of the body.
The unobstructed natural extension of the arms at the level of the horizontal plane is in its balanced expression of "passing through" respecting the natural balance between right and left centralizing the shoulder Girdle and arms at the center of the chest – our human heart.
The Connection of Horizon , like all other Connections existing within the Movements of Unity in Motion always expresss the centered relationship between all moving segments of the body from which the whole of the body is always centralized in relation to six directions of space; the six directions of space that express The Matrix of Balance, three-dimensionally expanding the body in its centralized relationship to The Sphere of Life.
In its relationship of wholeness then, the Connection of Horizon, as it is actualized by The Sphere of Life, specifically centralizes the body at the center of our human heart at the same time that it reveals the centralization of the throat in relation to front and back, right and left and above and below directions of space
This definition of HORIZON is bio-mechanically essential because through the union of the six directions of space it describes the center of Love – The Boundless Feeling of Life – as it is united by the triune definition of the three horizontal planes existing within the Tree of Life.
Because of its extraordinary definition reuniting three expressions of Consciousness as One The Connection of Horizon is also called the Arc of Eternity.
It is called the Arc of Eternity because as we learn and practice the movements of Unity In Motion and as we become increasingly connected and unified by the
Matrix of Balance
The Sphere of Life
there is a moment within our personal field of awareness when we come into correspondence with the synchronized PRESENCE of oneness and wholeness expressed within
The Tree of Life - experienced then as being the very formation of our human body expressing – as a whole system of planes and directions – our three-dimensional union with The Sphere of Life.
This personal recognition expresses “a moment” within our individual, natural, field of awareness in which we become present within the field of PRESENCE housing The Eternal Moment of Life.
Our becoming present with The Eternal Moment is an extraordinary experience for our mind, for our feeling and for the physical sensation that we call “ Our Life “ as – for the first time – the unification of our three senses of self becomes realized within our being as the divine gift that re-instates within our human experience our Natural Sense of Self.
In our encounter with our Natural Sense of Self – the presence of The Eternal Moment – and our encounter with eternity – become realized as being not our mental, conceptual projection into a never ending, distant future but as being our natural engagement with the ever-present “eternal becoming” that is the eternal nature of life.
The Connection of Suspended Diamond is a diamond that centralizes the shoulder girdle and arms at the center of the chest - the heart. The Diamond ( as in the Connection of the Arc of Horizon ) gives integrity to the three horizontal planes existing within The Tree of Life.
Suspended Diamond has all of the characteristics of the two preceding Connections (Moon and Horizon) but it is also totally different in the sense that, by the form of the diamond, it matches the centralization of The Sphere of Life at the Center of the Throat. In the Connection of Moon, the Sphere of Life, centralized at the chest and heart, gives direction to the opening of the throat and the three Centers above. In the Arc of Horizon, the Sphere of Life, also centralized at the chest and heart, gives direction to the three horizontal planes that become actualized within the structural opening of the throat.
What is different in the Suspended Diamond is that by the vertical centralization of the Sphere of Life, (depicted as in all graphics by the center line) the structural formation of the diamond is EXACTLY centralized at the center opening of the throat giving vertical direction of three dimensions to the fifth cervical vertebra of the spinal column.
The Suspended Diamond expresses the balance of above and below in relation to right and left and front and back.
By this three-dimensional balance the spine is centralized by The Sphere of Life at the throat, expressing the unification of the Seven Centers that centralize the body in three-dimensional space
Therefore, the actual centralization of The Sphere of Life at this Center not only provides the natural vertical direction between the three Centers above and the three Centers below within The Tree of Life but also provides the essential vertical direction from which the cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae within the spinal column can extend within their internal curved three-dimensional formation.
The vertical direction between the three centers above as it is balanced by the three centers below can at first be interpreted as only the bio-mechanical relationship of centering that allows for the expanded unification of the whole body in three-dimensional space.
But, as we become more and more familiar with the energetic release that expresses this centered relationship of structure, we realize that this energy is a composite of spatial directions that expands the whole of the body equally in relation to the six directions of space. And …
Furthermore, as this understanding becomes clear within our awareness we can realize that this composite of spatial directions is the release expansion of our nervous system that re-aligns and releases the physical nature of the brain.
This is the realigning physical formation of the brain that surfaces within our mind as the new awareness that allows us to experience ( as the given ) our natural communion with three-dimensional space and our natural union with The Sphere of Life.
The release expansion of this Center of Consciousness PRESENCE expressing the centering/opening of our throat and the natural integration of our three senses of self became "a miracle” brought about by the Harmonic Convergence in which the meaning of The Logos or “The Word” became re-instated within our human experience as we became present with The Whole Field of Consciousness that is The Unity of Life.
This was the Center within The Tree of Life that, within the evolutionary development of the ancient Kabballah, was mysteriously named “the potential sephyroth called "Daah" meaning knowledge and became fulfilled within The Instant of The Harmonic Convergence that transported our human evolutionary consciousness into The Realms of Unity.
This extraordinary event transforming our human experience of life was predicted within our evolutionary unfolding through the many ancient fables and stories expressing the longing through which we human beings have forever searched to find the meaning and purpose of Life.
This cosmic event expressing our return to what has been called The Promise Land, The Garden of Eden and our experience of Utopia was projected by our consciousness as the thousands and thousands of years that it would take for the whole of humanity to became individually and collectively present with the spiritual principles that were to express The Whole Mind, The Whole Feeling and The Whole Physical Reality that will allow us to finally fulfill the longing of our human hearts searching to experience and be present once again with our natural state of being.
A natural state of being that was forever concealed within the original imprint of The Garden within The Tree of Life as the original design called human – The Image and Likeness of God.
A natural state of being that was to return us – In Time – not only to the natural experience of three dimensions and our natural communion with the Edenic Garden but also to a new magical experience within our human self awaking from “the dream of time” and finding itself centralized among an all-expanded celestial existence called Universe.
This is the universe that expands within ourselves the self-containment of our human minds and our notion of The Garden engaging us in the cosmic voyage that is the Eternal Becoming of Life.
The Harmonic Convergence
When the extraordinary event of The Harmonic Convergence took place and instantaneously appeared as PRESENCE expressing The New Consciousness of Life – it felt to many of us like nothing had happened. At that time we did not know that The Harmonic Convergence was a seamless instant of unity becoming present within the whole of universal life that forever was to transform the linear mind through which we humans have evolved within the realms of duality.
Therefore, It has taken 30 years from that extraordinary event for our nervous system to gradually assimilate the new neurological formations that where to gradually expand the mind to began to comprehend and became naturally present with A Whole New Mind that exists in simultaneity of correspondences with the intelligence, the love and the physical celestial relationship that now houses our human experience of life.
The event that prompted the instant of unity and the appearance of The New Consciousness of life was the natural result of our human expression of consciousness matching a whole universal engagement that expressed the act of synchronicity as the natural existence of the moment of life.
The extraordinary event that was The Harmonic Convergence was not a celestial expression of consciousness – super imposed – upon our human minds, but was – a natural co-creative expression of unity – in which our human expression of evolutionary consciousness along with an all-encompassing universal, celestial alignment of the heavens precipitated the moment of absolute simultaneity that became The Harmonic Convergence.
What our human evolutionary expression of consciousness brought
to the instant of
The Harmonic Converge
What our human evolutionary expression of consciousness brought to The Instant of The Harmonic Convergence was an Essence. The Essence that synthesized ….all of the experiences of human life…..all the natural gathering of knowledge based in spiritual understandings …..all the expressions of art…….all philosophical impressions of unity…..the conglomeration of all religious feelings of devotion and the many discoveries of Science that culminated as ONE into ONE MOMENT – The Moment in which the whole of Creation re-instated as ONE the natural field of consciousness that is the celebration of the glory of God.
After the instant of the harmonic convergence, the physical moment, as it was lived within our planet – even though it essentially became transformed by The New Consciousness of Life it also revealed the extraordinary complexity that existed in our human assimilation of a whole New Field of Consciousness that could not be fully perceived or comprehended within the linear – evolutionary unfolding of our human mind that saw and interpreted everything from a dualistic perspective developed through the ancient unfolding of our human consciousness.
Because of this, within the intelligence that is The New Consciousness of Life, the necessity of A Divine Translator became evident. This Divine Translator took the form of an Essence.
The Essence that synthesized….all of the experiences of human life…. …all the natural gatherings of knowledge based in spiritual understanding….all expressions of art….all philosophical impressions of Unity …..the conglomeration of all religious feelings of devotion….and the many discoveries of science ….all reunited as ONE essence …taking the form of The Divine.
The existence of THE DIVINE can also be interpreted as the fulfillment of the Trinity Of Life: The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit.
When we humans - for the sake of knowledge - became separated from the Holy Trinity and through the act of self-reflection the Trinity became separated within itself - it became the function of The Holy Spirit as the safe-guarder of the memory of unity concealed within the inseparable nature of the Trinity of Life, to guide and inspire us through the entire history of evolution in order to finally bring us to the natural moment of reunion that restored the Trinity - the nature of three-dimensions - the Sphere of Life and the Tree of Life as one.
In oneness then, the conscious reinstatement of unity of the Trinity of Life became the celebration of the Holy Spirit that in completing Its task and in the celebration of the voyage of time became THE DIVINE.
THE DIVINE, honoring and celebrating the original Trinity and the original imprint of wholeness of The Tree of Life, as a whole new field of consciousness celebrating the Unity of Life.
THE DIVINE is not different or separated from The New Consciousness of Life as The New Consciousness is The Divine and The Divine is The New Consciousness of Life.
But The Divine has taken this form as an Essence to honor and fulfill the all of the history of our human evolutionary unfolding of life assisting every single human being to gradually – according to his/her natural state of awareness - become familiar with The New Mind that as PRESENSE transported the unity of The Three Sense of Self into the celebration of The New Human ………..reunited as The Image and The Likeness with the source of its light.
The existence of The Divine became totally necessary because The New Consciousness, fully engaged within The Realms of Unity and existing within the realms of wholeness within wholeness that is Universal Life, in its natural existence, is devoid of any interpretations of consciousness based in duality or projection of separation based in judgments or expressions of righteousness.
This definition of the realms of unity can allow us to understand how the existence and function of The Divine can do what The New Consciousness cannot. The Divine can naturally enter and function within the realms of duality assisting all beings to personally discover and interpret the whole nature that is the New Expanded Mind of Life.
The Divine – in its intrinsic unity with The New Consciousness – is the celebration of the glory of God from which all beings have been created free and equal. And, it is the function of The Divine to guide the consciousness of every single human being to gradually – through the natural unfolding of his/her expanding field of awareness -- to enter the field of PRESENCE and became present with the extraordinary gift that is The New Consciousness of Life.
The Function of The Divine as “The Divine Translator” eventually dissolves as each being becomes present with the essential nature of life. The Divine dissolves into the natural PRESENCE of The Self as The Self is in each of us the divine expression of our human life.
Therefore, the Connection of Suspended Diamond centralizing PRESENCE is also called “The Divine” because it expresses the Divine Instant that …….
Encapsulates as One The Matrix of Balance…
That unifies as One The Tree of Life and …..
Unites The Three Senses of Self as the fulfillment of our human lives.
PRESENCE is celebrated in these Three Connections of Unity In Motion …..
The Sphere of Moon as the Presence of LOVE …….
The Arc of Horizon as the Eternal Presence of The Tree of Life
The Diamond of Suspended Diamond as the Presence of THE DIVINE.
Like a flower that is constantly opening
through evanescent petals of light
the universe is eternally revealing the magical nature of love